Warehouse Infiltration 1.3

1349 Words
“If you chop on humans with the strength you used on the wolf they’ll die.” The guy who had come over had delicate features with bright red hair that trailed in a plait around the side of his head to hang over his shoulder. His eyes were a clear sky blue and with Sorrel’s nature sight he had three sets of large wings splayed out behind him. Sorrel was slightly surprised to see an Angelskin, there really weren’t that many that had chosen to stay in this realm, thus seeing a young one particularly a Seraphim was strange.  Though he only paused for a minute before he focused on what had been said. “Really?” Sorrel asked as he shifted to rest against the wall of the lean-to instead. “Absolutely yes, the strength in a hit necessary to knock out an enraged Beastskin would definitely be a hundred percent lethal to humans. On a scale of one to ten how much strength did you use on the wolf?” The Seraphim asked as he flicked the plait over his head and put his hands on his hips. “Hmm, about enough to knock a young branch of Grandpa Oak’s tree so probably a three?” Sorrel responded somewhat puzzled by the question. He knew that humans used numbers to keep count of things, but he didn’t realise it could be used on strength as well. The Seraphim opened his mouth and paused for a moment before finally saying, “ah, well then on a human you only want to use about a point two of your strength then.”  “Wow, humans are really that delicate? Huh, the trainers were not nearly that soft…Though hmm they came from Nonna Yew before teaching so my they took one of her potions first.” Sorrel shrugged as he appreciated the help from the Seraphim. “I’m Sorrel, and you are?”  The Seraphim blinked in surprise at the abrupt question before laughing softly. “Right your new, I’m Jasper from Riven Time.” Sorrel nodded as he figured that Riven Time was probably one of the clubs that operated in the Bellare district. He wondered briefly if it had a bigger club connection but then dismissed the interest as the man in the centre of the warehouse who had been passing back and forth suddenly staggered.  “Oops, forgot Aunt Lata’s seed would be unhealthy for a human to hand onto. Grr, they could have said there was a time limit.” Sorrel turned back to the wall and then reached out and leapt to grab the ledge of the lean-to roof. He hoisted himself up before he looked back at Jasper. “Sorry just realised that I’m on a time limit to get this done or Grandpa will tell me I failed because someone died.” “Do you mind if I watch?” Jasper followed Sorrel onto the roof with a jump. Sorrel had a moment of envy for his ability to drift up like that. He was really put out that he wasn’t a dandelion spirit would have been much more fun than what he was. “No, just stay in the rafters though.” While he had been talking to Jasper, he had examined the beams and trestles of the warehouse a bit closer. It took a while since his cousins needed a lot of energy to expand to look around since they couldn’t otherwise move. He was incredibly grateful that he wasn’t mould that would have been way worse. With the improved perspective he had realised that the beams were actually suspended cross beams and so instead of having to hang off them like he had originally thought he would be able to move across the top of them and have access to most the warehouse. In particular, four of the people inside were standing in the corners directly under some of the beams. Why they were standing at the edges when there weren’t any doors there to keep guard at Sorrel wasn’t actually sure but the one under the beam closest to the window, he entered through was crouched down.  Sorrel walked to the edge of the beam directly over the first guy. He straightened up and then let himself fall backwards over the beam, his hair flipping up and twisting around the beam as he rotated so it was like he was standing on the underside of the beam. Since the warehouse wasn’t all that tall to begin with and the eight of the suspended beams meant that they hung part way down the wall, if the man stood all the way up I would be able to reach his neck with about half extension of my arms. From his closer perspective Sorrel could not see that the guy was using a stick to draw in the dust on the cement. The guy had short dark brown hair and wore glasses that didn’t really suit the black leather pants and the grey singlet he was wearing. What he was drawing was not exactly clear, but it looked like it was nearly finished. As expected, a few seconds later the guy straightened up to look at his work at which point Sorrel promptly reached out and lightly, very lightly chopped on the back of his neck. The guy dropped to the ground but didn’t fall on what he had drawn. Sorrel would have felt bad if that had been ruined since the guy had seemed so happy with it. With a twist of his body Sorrel flipped back up onto the top of the beam, his hair releasing in the process only to find Jasper standing next to him staring at his hair. Sorrel raised a brow but shook his head he would sort that out later, had to hurry or the guy with Aunt Lata’s seed would probably die. The guy with the seed was now seated in the centre of the room with two others leaning over him seemingly trying to figure out what was wrong two more stood worriedly nearby while the last guy stood looking out the front door as if honestly on the lookout. Sorrel decided to move a little bit fast as he hurried on silent feet across the beam to the next person in the corner. This one was forging amongst a bunch of shelves covered with packs and metal bits. Just like the first time Sorrel went over the beam to hang down, this time he struck a little be lighter since it still seemed like the last one was hit too hard; he was alive, and nothing had broken but there had been a distinct give that Sorrel was sure there shouldn’t have been. The Second guy had dirty blonde coloured hair and a dark smudge of soot on the side of his face which fit with the ripped jeans and vest he wore that had similar smudges. It was not clear if the closes were that way as a fashion choice or a side effect of local. As Sorrel moved on to the third person the fourth guy walked over from the other corner to talk to him. The two had black hair and similar facial features both wearing black jeans and dark blue shirts they talked in hushed voices with the third guy occasionally waving his arms in emphasis. Being more careful this time so that they wouldn’t catch him in their peripherals Sorrel moved down then raised both hands to chop simultaneously at the necks as they crumpled though the person guarding the door turned around and spotted Sorrel. “What the hell, guys there's an attack!” The guard at the door was a red head, human natural as opposed to Jasper’s crimson locks. 
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