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Marvelouse and not extravagant, yet filled with professionalism and elegance, such architecture and design could win a few awards decades back. Despite this degrading fact, Austin didn't look down on the designer who had meticulousely designed the house. Everything about the house was just as his sister had said, four master bedrooms with a wide balcony, two guest rooms, two study rooms and a large modern European kitchen. Followed by a gim room, a garage, laundry and other miscellanouse rooms including a swimming pool at the back of the house. With his quick observation as soon as he had been brought into the house for a change of clothes he could tell that every space had been meticulousely designed and decorated. His room had already been ready and clean as if it had been cleaned every week, not even a single speck of dust had been found in it. The design of the room was sophisticated, painted in black and white, yet it wasn't cold as his previous designs, it seemed to have a touch of warmth to it. Austin buttoned the last button of his white shirt as his dark gaze stared at the large door that led to the terrace from his bed room. He had always been picky when it came to designing his room and making arrangements, so not many designer's blue print had been able to easily satisfy him. However, looking at his bed room in the current moment, he couldn't help but think of the scene that happened in the yard. His memory was still vivid and he could still feel her soft body underneath his, the delicate fragrance of apple milk permeating his senses and her clear blue eyes that had scrutinized him with nothing but curiosity and an affirming gaze that seemed to affirming a guess. This was the first time such a gaze had given him a strong urge of accepting a challenge and as for what challenge, only he could tell. Only her gaze at that moment had the answer, but after that incident they hadn't shared much before she walked him in and showed him to his room. After taking a shower and changing into warm and clean clothes, he felt much more comfortable, reminding him how discheveled he had been a while ago. As some one who had been obsessed with cleanliness and orderliness, he didn't feel good thinking about himself in that discheveled state, but the other party wasn't better either. "Sir..." The knock at the door immediately reminded him that he might have overdone his stay in the room. It would have been fine if he was home alone, but he couldn't forget that Miss Grey was still waiting down stairs. Austin looked at the wrist watch on his right hand and realised that half an hour had already elapsed since he came up. It had taken him less than ten minutes to clean up and change, while the rest of the time he had used it to analyse his current situation. He wanted to give Miss Grey enough time to change as well. Women took longer time to clean themselves, he didn't know why they needed at most two or three hours to get themselves ready, but he had been married long enough to witness Beatrice spend much time working on her face and smearing all kinds of cream in order to maintain her exquisite features. Anyway, he had the patience to wait, so he wasn't bothered how long it would take to pamper themselves. His mother had taught him that girls were delicate and deserved all the pampering and as a gentleman he had to cultivate patience and understanding towards them. "Come in.", He replied calmly after confirming that only half an hour had passed. He didn't know why his personal assistant would come up suddenly but he believed there was a reason. As soon as he finished speaking his Lambert's head popped through the door, but his gaze never shifted from the view that he could perceive through the glass door. He quite like the scenery and quiet environement where this villa had been built. His sister was indeed right, this place was a home to behold and staying here could calm one's nerves and keep them away from the busy world. "Sir, do you need to rest?", Lambert asked tentatively, he wasn't very sure if his boss wanted to rest after being busy for so long, he had barely rested. Initially he didn't want to come up, because he knew Austin's personality very well. After working for him for so many years he knew that Austin would never leave till tomorrow what he could settle that same day, but Miss Grey had convinced him to bring his boss down. In normal circumstances he wouldn't go, After all his boss knew what to do and no body needed to say anything. However, when the girl spoke gently to him, her voice was pleasant and comfortable to hear. It was delicate and firm without any weakness to it, and for some reasons he just couldn't say no to her logical request. "What's up?" Austin didn't give him a reply but gave another question in response, which stunned Lambert, but he quickly replied. "Miss Grey had made some ginger soup for you, she said it's best to have it before resting, then you guys can settle the important matter." Lambert hurriedly explained, as if he was afraid of being blamed for being nosy. But he realised that it was wrong for him to be so cautiouse, it was just that his boss' aura was mysterious and too terrifying. Decades would probably never be enough to make him face this emperor with a puff up chest. He was really helpless with this boss, but he didn't hate working for him, because he had never been at disadvantage with Austin Kingston. He didn't know about others, but it didn't matter to him because he had been heavily indebted to Austin Kingston, even a whole life time of work might not be enough to repay his kindness towards he and his family. So when the other few subordinates had abandoned them for more profit, it didn't even cross his mind. The profits he had been offered were even more lucrative than the others, huge enough to finance a new business oriented mind like his. However, the gratitude he had towards Austin Kingston couldn't compare, even if it meant that Austin wouldn't blame him, he still felt comfortable staying by his side. "Alright, I'll go down." Austin Kingston finally said, taking out his hand from the pocket of his black pant, he walked out of the room and strode towards the living room, but there was no sign of a living person. Without waiting for Austin Kingston to speak, Lambert immediately strode forward and pointed at the other room. "Miss Grey is waiting for you in the other hall, let me take you there." He was already a little familiar with the house, so he was able to bring Austin Kingston to another hall, it seemed to be another living room, but in fact it was a join kitchen to the dinning hall, a kitchen on the left, seperating from the dinning table by three to four meters and at the other side of the hall, there was a modern bay window, soft and comfortably made with cushions for one's morning admiration of the setting sun. By the side there was also a white painted mahogany Book shelf with books, he just he just didn't know which kind of books were placed there. Two couches were also placed a meter away from the bay window The design of the white painted mahogany book shelf was placed on both side of the bay window, designed to fit above as well both sides and contained numerous books. His sister wasn't fan of reading, it wasn't a joke to say she actually had no patience, so he was curiouse as to what types of books could actually contained. Austin silently scanned the book shelf, then finally making up his mind to single out a book from it. It wasn't a thick book, but the cover and title told him that it was an interesting book, not the type that everyone fancied. He raised his brows, fancinated by the new discovery, though it didn't have much of change on his expression,as if he had already expected it. While he was flipping through the book with interest, he noticed Lucy's busy figure in the kitchen. Though both halls were connected, he hadn't noticed her presence a while back, but he noticed the kitchen had another door beside it, so she must have been there. She didn't seem to have noticed his presence either, so she was fully focused on cleaning two porcelain bowls. Her slender fingers skillfully and meticulousely cleaned the bowl. She had already changed into a baggy t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, while her sparkling golden locks had been rushly yet neatly braided and hung on the left side of her neck, falling right down to her voluptuouse chest like a single wave. Her face was clean without any make up, yet she still appeared dazzling under the light that crossed through the window. Her long eye lashes flapped like the wings of a butterfly, while her pink lips were pursed into a straight line, they were thin but sexy. Her cassual dressing made her appear like a carefree teenager, but he knew that she was already in her early twenties, a capable woman in her early twenties. While Austin was still scrutinizing her, Lucy had already poured out the ginger soup into three bowls when Lambert walked in. "Mr James , you're here?" Lambert nodded politely as he walked towards her, though he wasn't familiar with Lucy, he felt that she was amiable and gave off a comfortable feeling. Though she seemed to be a little cold as cold as his boss, her coldness was rather gentle and warm, but he also felt that she wasn't someone to be trifled with. He had worked with Austin for quite long enough to be able to discern people's character, though he wasn't as proficient as Austin, his knowlegde could be considered desirable. Lucy acknowledged his nod and didn't add more, she wasn't familiar with him either. She simply brought the three bowls to the dinning table and gestured for him to take a sit. "Where's Mr Kingston ?" She hadn't seen him yet, so she didn't know if he agreed to her request, but she had a guess that he wouldn't reject it. Initially she thought she might have just let him rest today and discuss it tomorrow, but later decided against. Though she had never met Austin Kingston, she had spent a lot of time with Jane and listened to her tales about her eldest brother. She knew enough to face this wall of mystery of a man. Why put till tomorrow what can be done today. Her father's words had always been in her mind as a reminder. Besides, considering the situation at which they met, she had to consider his health, so while she was at it, she could have a talk with him. "Miss Grey wants to speak to me?" Austin said calmly, attracting both their attention to him. Lambert didn't need to say a word when Austin calmly walked over with a hand in his pocket and a book in his other hand. Standing by the window bay under the dazzling sun that penetrated through the window, the man's tall figure was just like a painting, braod shoulders, thin but a lean body. Even through his clothes, it was clear what a good figure he had, despite his hair being slightly discheveled, it didn't affect his beauty. Jane Kingston was right about her brother, he indeed had a heaven defying face that could win countless women's heart. Such a person didn't need to look for a wife, but just stand there and women would be willing to do anything for him. She would be lying if she said she didn't like this beauty, at least I matched her aesthetic.His beauty was captivating and she wasn't surprises to hear that he was married twice and devorced once. She didn't know much about his first marriage, perharps because it was shortlived. However, Jane had said it was an arraged marriage, despite that, both parties were willing so they went through the troublesome procedure of tying the knot, only to be divorces three years later. She just didn't understand why everything had ended with a divorce, but it had anything to do with her. He was gorgeouse, as if carved personally by God, however she wouldn't get obsessed to his beauty, it only ended with her normal likeness towards beauties, so it didn't matter to her what he was and she wasn't one of those women who chased after idols like psychopath. He was beautiful and that was it for her, anyway he didn't belong to her and she didn't covet him either. "Please have a sit, Mr Kingston, the incident a while ago was my fault. I hope you can accept my most sincere appology and accept this ginger soup, it would prevent you from catching a cold." Austin glanced at the bowl of ginger soup but didn't say anything more, he took his sit but didn't reach for the bowl that was pushed to his side, while Lucy slowly savoured hers. It was hot ,so she drank it carefully with a frown between her beautiful brows, but Austin didn't touch his. He didn't despise ginger soup, he just didn't like the spiciness, but he had already been used to drinking one. How long had he been drenched, he really couldn't remember. In order to avoid the spicy ginger soup or letting any inconvenience distract him, he had always taken care of his health. Today he had been careless, so he had to discipline himself with the spicy ginger soup. He picked up the bowl with hesitation, however, recalling how two slender fingers had meticulousely washed the bowl, he didn't hesitate and quickly downed the spicy soup. It went down his thraot and immediately warmed his body. While Lucy was still struggling to finish hers, she realised that Austin had already finished his. She pursed her lips but didn't utter a word, she looked down at her bowl of pipping hot ginger soup and wondered if Austin's bowl had been made a little mild compared to theirs. 'Is his mouth made up of a fridge.' She had really had the urge to reveal her thoughts, yet she supressed that impulse and calmly finished her bowl of ginger soup. After nearly ten minutes, she placed back the bowl, but before she could stand up, Lambert had gathered the bowls. "Miss Grey, you should go ahead and chat, I'll take care of this." "Alright, thanks." She didn't stand on ceremony with him, she believed that Lambert was definitely a gentleman, she saved him the effort of making another trip to the kitchen. Her period had come and she was feeling very uncomfortable, this ginger soup wasn't just to prevent her from catching a cold, but it could help with her menstrual cramps. "Miss Grey doesn't seem to be in good health, how about another day?" Lucy was stunned, coupled with her slightly pale face, she looked pitiful, yet not weak. She had always been good at disguising herself, yet Austin still discovered that something was wrong with her. "I'm fine, let's just deal with what can be dealt with at current." She didn't have the habit of procastinating, so she decided to deal with everything. She wasn't well, but she wasn't weak either, so she ignored the pain and pushed a file towards Austin. Austin simply glanced at it, but didn't reach out his hand to take it, he wasn't in a rush to read the contents of the folder. His reaction was obviouse, of which Lucy obviously understood through Jane. She had never met Austin Kingston, but she learned a lot about him from Jane, despite meeting him for the first time. "Jane entrusted me with this folder, she needed me to hand it to you, as for the contents of the documents, I have no idea what it contains." Lucy didn't add any further, she didn't care if Austin Kingston believed her or not, besides she had never loved giving explanations to people who weren't close to her. Though for certain reasons she deemed it important to give Austin Kingston more explanations, she decided against it. Austin Kingston, according to Jane's description was good at making judgment through his study of human reaction, considering this she decided against trying to convince him of her honesty. "I need to make a trip back home, let's meet another day." Not wasting any moment, Lucy took her fling bag by the side and prepared to leave. However, the moment she took a step, Austin Kingston who hadn't said much finally spoke. "How's Jesse?" There was nothing with what he said, but Lucy who was aware of the current situation suddenly felt nervouse with a hint of panic that she tried to suppress. After calming her nervouseness, she replied with calm and naturally expression. "I've raised him for four years, Jane didn't let him recognize her as a mother, so he only knows that I'm his biological mother." Austin nodded in response, he knew about that fact, so he wasn't surprised. He knew why Jane hadn't agreed to let her biological son acknowledge her, till the last moment of her life. Because of her terminal cancer she didn't wish for her son to acknowledge her and lose her, she didn't wish to leave him with a painful memory of losing a mother. Or perharps she had some regrets in her life that made her feel ashamed of herself. Her emotions weren't clear enough, but he understood her intentions clearly. He understood why she had choosen Lucy Grey, it wasn't a coincidence, he never believed in coincidences anyway. "Thank you, you've worked hard." He appreciated her help all these years, because as a brother he couldn't stay by his sister's side, to make her live her last moments with a peaceful heart. She didn't need this brother either, she didn't need any of his friends who would have been ready to stand by her side. He never understood her decision, but slowly and the more he investigated, the more he read did he finally understand everything. As well as the reasons why she chose to stay in this province, with Lucy Grey, trusting her little treasure with her. He believed in her judgment as well as his own judgment. "It's not hard at all, I'm willing, very willing." She was willing to raise a child all by herself, even though it hadn't been easy, she never once regretted her decision back then. She was willing to be a mother for little treasure, for the rest of her life, if she was given the opportunity. However with the appearance of the biological uncle, she wasn't sure anymore. She was even a little scared, scared that her happy moments would end soon. After taking a deep breath, Lucy exhaled deeply. "Mr Kingston should take care, I shall take my leave then." After Lucy walked out of the house, Austin lowered his head and tore off the seal from the folder, he could easily tell that it hadn't been opened before. He had always been very observant so he could already tell from Lucy's expression that she wasn't lying to him. Putting aside the other matters, he carefully and seriously examined the contents of the documents with an indifferent expression. There wasn't any single document that was out of his expectation. After perusing through the documents, Austin spoke without lifting up his head. "Lambert, what do you think of Lucy, do you think she's suitable ?" Lambert who had just walked in paused for a moment and thought for a while before answering seriously. "She's honest, sir should believe in his judgment." Austin didn't comment on Lambert's tactful reply but continued to peruse the documents with an indifferent expression. He believed in his judgment, but when human changes came with time he didn't know how to deal with such situations. "She's indeed suitable, just a little too young, I wonder if she can handle the situation." His words were vague, but Lambert clearly understood him, he hadn't wasted his years by Austin's side, so he understood his boss better than anyone else. "Sir..." "Let's observe for a few more days.", Austin cut off Lambert by making the final decision, he wasn't decisive, but Lambert understood that he had already made his choice. "Alright sir." .....
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