Unlucky Day

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(Kendra) I woke up with a sudden feeling like I was falling from a tall building and below me was nothing but darkness. Yeah, I know that sucks, but I am so used to those kinds of nightmares that it does not scare me anymore. I got up as I looked at each side. Right, I am still in my house and the clock ticks at four in the morning. I grabbed my phone and opened the lamp beside me. I know that I will not be able to sleep anymore. Yeah, this life sucks. I started scrolling through my phone. Well, nothing is different, just people talking negatively about others, it was just like some broken record that keeps on rolling without anyone noticing its repetition. Yeah, this life sucks. Just how much in the hell did I ever mention that my life sucks? Will that be enough to describe my feelings right now? No, and that sucks. I put down my phone as I stood up, walked towards the direction of the bathroom and decided to take a quick shower. I will just go to work early, as I have always been. After some minutes, I finished as I wrapped my white bathrobe around my body. I brew some coffee as soon as I reach the kitchen and pour some into my glass. I wanted it to be black, for me not be able to recover from any darkness that this life is giving me. I looked on the clock and it was still early for me to work at seven in the morning. I opened the television. There were too many traffic incidents that happened this morning. I guess today will not be any better. I closed it again and started to get dressed. I just chose simple black and white corporate attire as I grabbed my coffee and put it in my flask. I put on a pair of heels and went out of my apartment. I was walking towards the elevator when I saw a yellow warning sign in front of it. Oh great, it just has to be in maintenance right now. I let out a deep sigh and made a right turn in the hallway as I opened the door for the emergency stairs. I was plainly going down, there was no any pressure but I suddenly heard pairs of feet running down the stairs. I looked downwards but I think that is not where the sound was coming from. I looked upwards, as I saw people running downstairs. There was a man simply walking down but beside him, there was a woman and another man running in a hurry. I moved to the side and let them go first. The man and woman quickly made a pass by me, but the man casually walked down and looked in my direction. That was a bit weird. Is his gaze just passing through me? It was like he could see my soul or whatever, but I stopped for a second and he was gone. Okay, this is such an unlucky day. I did not get any decent sleep and now I think I am seeing things. I continued walking downstairs until I reached the lobby. That is the time I saw that men were removing the signs of the elevators being repaired. It freaking means that the elevators are now okay to use. I went out of the building and hailed a cab. I got in as I am now on my way to work at five in the morning, "Ma'am, I think you will be having a great day today." my eyebrows flinched as I looked in the rear mirror. It was the cab driver that talked to me. "What?" I asked him in weirdness. "I read fortunes. I see in your eyes that you will be having a great day today." he excitedly said to me as I scoffed in great disbelief. "Really? I do not believe astrology or anything, though." I answered him and he chuckled. "Sometimes, lady, you can just believe in those things even if it is unbelievable," he said to me as I smiled and nodded. "Well, I will start believing in it when I am on my death bed." I answered to him, confidently, and his smile faded. "Be careful about what you say, words are powerful." he seriously said to me as I was about to say back to him, when the cab suddenly stopped. "Thanks for riding, Ma'am. We are now here." his emotions changed as I looked out of the window, we are really now in front of our building. "Here, thank you." I gave him the fare as I got off. The cab left without any hesitation as I was astounded and staring at the back of it. I wonder if the cab company is doing any medical checks on their drivers. That man is obviously not in his right mind. I shook my head as I wanted to forget that weird thing as I got inside the building. I was casually walking through the lobby as the employees were one at a time recognizing me. They were all greeting me with huge smiles and I did not have any other choice but to respond in the way they were greeting me. I reached the elevator at the moment its doors opened. I stood firm when I saw that the button on my floor was already lit up. I looked at my side through the reflection on the door, as I was only with a man I did not know about. In a few seconds, the elevator tinged as I went out first. I am now walking in the hallway, calmly, when I suddenly feel like something on my chest beats. I am not dumb, I know that the heart beats and I cannot control it, but there is something different about the way it beats. It was so fast that my chest started to hurt a lot. I leaned on the wall with one hand and the other was on my chest, I am catching breath, I kept on breathing deeply as hard as I could but it does not lessen the pain I am feeling right now. "Do not fight it, lady." I was surprised hearing a voice beside me and when I looked at my side, I saw a man standing firm but facing straight ahead. "W-what?" I asked in the midst of my situation. "You are dying, and you cannot fight it." he answered as I looked upwards. I finally saw his face and he is the man I saw on the staircase a while ago. His eyes were deep and dark, he was wearing a black tuxedo and, I cannot deny, he had got a pretty face there. "Who are you?" I asked as I held onto his clothes. I really cannot breathe well anymore. I felt like my world was crashing on me. I might really be dying right now. "I am your grim reaper, and I will be taking your soul." he answered and the world became dark all of a sudden. I am blinking. I am sure of that. But where am I? Am I really dead? I am not yet prepared. I have still got some goodbyes to say and things to do. No, I will not die like this. Because if I do, today is really my unlucky day. "Kendra, are you alright?" I heard a voice from nowhere but I cannot see that person. I cannot speak, I was trying to move my lips and utter some words but there was no voice coming out of me. "Do not push yourself too much, you have to rest more." the voice said, and I am now starting to recognize it. "James? Is that you?" I asked, with my faded voice. "Yes, can you see me?" he asked to me as I slowly moved my head towards the direction of the voice. I saw him, it might now be that clear, but I know that he is James. "What happened?" I asked to him. "That is what I should be asking you. What happened? I just heard that you had been brought to the hospital." he answered and that is the cue of me looking around the whole place. I am currently inside a hospital room, probably a VIP one as it is a huge place and we are the ones alone in here. "I also do not know what happened." I said as I held my head and my chest. I was a little bit dizzy but the ache in my chest was already gone. "You just had a cardiac arrest. It was a huge relief that someone saw you in the hallway." he said as my hazed memory started to come back to me. "Wait, am I alone?" I asked and he nodded at me. "That is not possible. I am with a man, I am sure he said something to me." I mumbled to him. "Your head might still be hurting, just get rest." he said to me as he tucked me under the blanket. "He said he is my grimreaper." I mumbled to myself, trying to think if I was remembering it well. Still, that cab driver is lying. Today is another unlucky day. ---
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