*THREE Strikes*

2007 Words
                                                                            The path of vindication led me towards the sociopath. My vengeance was so violent, so diabolical…so purely evil that it rivals Satans worst nightmares. I was never a saint, not even close. There was always a darkness pestering inside of me. It turned into a weapon that got stronger with time. A toxic tool that my malicious wolf feeds upon. Maverick and I let it free to avenge my fathers death in a horrific blood battle.  I should have seen that his Beta was a traitor. I’ll always be haunted by my massive failure. Reading people is simple for an Alpha, but not when someone is mute. Triven never spoke a word and now that feels like a calculated decision that he made. All along he was planning on slaying my father and I. That is where he slipped, thinking he could take both of us on. The moment that I smelled the wolfs bane in our food was when he made his move. He slit my fathers throat at our dinner table in front of my mom and sister. I retaliated with full force using my secret dark weapon. I began with cutting off his murderous arm then his weak one came off next. I tied his treacherous body to a chair with barbed wire and nailed his feet into the wooden floor. Once there was no way for him to escape, I continued my rampage.  First I killed the security guards that were posted at our home. Then I went to the homes of the other guards and slaughtered them. It’s not a job that you get fired from. If you f**k up, you’re done with life.  The only thing I regret is what I did next. I brought his husky teen-aged son back to my house with a sinister plan. The Beta cried immediately upon seeing him. The tears only assaulted more as I forced his only son to torture him until he was almost dead. Triven watched me put a bullet in his sons skull right before he saw one coming for his head. I took my revenge and they took my sanity.  Now I’m the heir to the throne, but I’m not considered fully legitimate until I’ve found my Luna or until I’ve chosen one. The political restrictions hardly concern me. In the end, I’m the Alpha King and what I say goes. Period. The annual mating gala is my best shot at finding my mate. Year after year she alludes me. It’s a sweet yet sour feeling to swallow. I feel pity for my mate. No one should have to be saddled with me. On the other hand, I’m dreadfully curious to meet my counter part.  I’ve strolled across the ballroom for hours without finding her. I can’t stand being here and the only reason that I am isn’t here. She could be dead for all I know. Then I’ll be forced to mate someone who isn’t worthy of taking my mates place. One of these women who reek of desperation and lust. They know I’m not their mate and it doesn’t hinder them from trying to shake me down. Their attempts will always be futile. A King doesn’t settle for anything or anyone.  I walk over to Ryver my Beta who seems frustrated while he’s waving a tablet at the head of my security. Ossiah is also my best friend/brother-in-law and one of the select few that I can trust. “What’s going on?” I raise my brow with intrigue at the only thing that’s peaked my interest this entire evening.  “We found a bug in the guest list. It deleted three names. They never arrived.” I take the information that my Beta gives in and begin to consider how I will deal with these criminals.  “Names?” I bark the question like a direct order to both of them. Not sure who knows the answer.  “Austin and Savannah Weylin and Cyrus Zalinsky.” Ryver tells me plainly, trying to not add to my interest on the matter. It’s already too damn late. I’m already in hunting mode and my best friend is right there along side me.  “Let’s go. I want to deal with this personally.” I’m sure they won’t be hard to find. They have to be local unless they were planning on ditching all of the festivities.  “Your majesty that wouldn’t be proper or safe. This is what your security brigade is for.” Ugh, my Beta sounds like such a weasel right now.  “It would be proper if I had a Beta who didn’t question my authority. Makes me think I don’t even need one.” Well, that shut him the f**k up. I’ll have to keep that threat in my pocket since it seems to be so effective. Even if I respected his inferior opinion, he still would have been pleading to ears that don’t negotiate.  “Verity, Nevan, pull the car around. Cedar stay here and survey the property. Keep your eyes and ears open.” Ossiah orders his team before he joins Ryver and I to walk outside. We are waiting for the car when I detect a whiff of rancid flowers and hear the pitter-patter of heels coming in my direction. “Alpha, please don’t tell me you’re leaving. At least, not without me. We could have such-a-good-time. Just picture this body all over yours.” I don’t even turn around to acknowledge her. This woman’s odor has already taken up enough of my time. I give Ossiah a nod and he goes to get rid of the offending floral ignoramus for me.  It doesn’t take us long to get to the Weylin household. We meet Divinity Weylin first and she assures us that her children aren’t home. She offers to make us dinner while she tries to get a hold of them. I wait for her to call a few times and lose interest. I’m just going to go see if they really aren’t here. It’s all too possible that she is just trying to protect them. It’s understandable, but it’s still treason to lie to a King.  I get halfway up the stairs and a delectable aroma starts to make me woozy. It doesn’t take long to figure out that my mate lives here. Between the rich amber, dark berries with a warm bergamot combination and my wolfs excitement, I’m certain. I have to growl at Maverick to keep him at bay. He’s raising hell and spinning wildly with one singular thought reiterating. Mine, mine, mine…I couldn’t get a word in if my life depended on it.  All I can do is run to the source of the fragrant slice of mercy to appease the both of us. As soon as I walk into the tiny room, it’s already obvious that she isn’t here. There is just an empty bed with a black and white tie-dye comforter. An over-sized black dream catcher hangs above it on the only wall that is white. The rest are painted black and the dresser appears to have been painted to match. I walk towards it as I notice two framed photos on top of it.  My mate is an earth-shattering temptress with eyes that kill. The almond-shaped daisy pushers glow like fierce embers. I can tell she’s a malevolent nymphet with her long raven hair that is pin straight in both photos. Only one shows her sinful body and it’s a sweet divine that keeps me from being able to focus on the other people in the pictures. All I see is my mate and that tight little body of hers that was made to make grown shifters cry.  Now, I’ve gone berserk with my wolf. I head downstairs in a mad dash. The stairs shake as if a stampede ran down it. I’m chomping at the bit as I wait outside. I start to viciously kick rocks turning them into pebbles while growling furiously.  My beast goes full on mentally deranged as a car starts to pull in the driveway. I barely let it park before I’m raving to get to my mate. “Out, now!” My roar has been strengthening every day lately and I’m slightly taken back that it’s now powerful enough to shatter glass.  One of the unmated males begins to walk in my direction, causing my short fuse to burn to a crisp. “Go inside,” I order with my Alpha tone so that I don’t have to deal with any insolent remarks. The three of them walk hesitantly towards the house. “You, stay.” I direct towards my sexy little mate. The guys try to delay going inside, but they can’t fight the compulsion of my command. I signal for my guards to fall back as I stride towards my mate. Savannah glances back at the car she came in and slowly walks backwards towards it. “Run, Wildfire. I dare you.” The thrill of a potential chase has Maverick on a war path to take over and claim our mate. The internal battle feels like an impossible tug-of-war that I'm tempted to give into. I’d know that Savannah is my mate without the obvious signs. The way she defensively crosses her arms while giving me a punishing stare filled with erratic flames is a dead give away. Not to mention that she almost managed to slip right through my fingers. I can tell my clever little Wildfire is going to keep me on my toes. That’s fine with me... I plan on keeping her in our bed, where she can bring all the tricks she wants. “This was all me. I hacked the list and forced them to help me.” I can’t help but grumble out into laughter at her ridiculous attempt to lie to me. I’ve heard conspiracy theories that sound more likely. I continue stalking her down while she looks in every direction for a way to outsmart me. Her defiance is the sexiest thing I’ve ever felt.  “Ah, ah, ah…it’s not wise to add lies to your treason. You’re already in deep trouble little mate.'' I warn her tauntingly kicking my brow up in curiosity to see what her next move is. “I can handle the consequences, but I can’t be your mate,” Her statement is foolish at best yet it still has my chest rumbling. It’s like she is edging me on to claim her improperly. Little does she know that being improper is second nature to me. “Look, I’m doing you a favor. I’m a complete dumpster fire. It would be so much better if we rejected each other. Honestly.” My mate is either playing games or she’s completely delusional. Either way, I’m not having this.  My booming growl frightens living creatures from miles away as the earthquakes, splitting the ground behind me. I take the last few steps needed to crowd my Wildfire's personal space. It’s my space now. I’m feeling a little bit dangerous. My actions feel unpredictable and slightly illogical.  “Try it. I’ll mark you so fast…you won’t be able to get a word out. Attempt even thinking about it and I’ll claim you on the spot.” I’m seething with anger as I scrape my teeth tauntingly along the crevice of her delicate neck. “You don’t want to do that. Seriously, you’ll end up resenting me and I-I will make you completely miserable.” I’ve had enough of this nonsense. Clearly words aren't getting through so action it is. “Give me that sweet misery, right f*****g now.” Before she can blink, I smoother our lips together in a greedy consumption. Our tongues fight in a battle of wills that I refuse to lose. It’s the biggest challenge of my life with her high-voltage lips shocking my heart into a state of cardiac arrest.
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