What readers are saying

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What readers are sayingonline about Epiphany – THE SILVERING Book 3 in the Epiphany series ‘Once again, Ms. Terry does an amazing job of working the plots of both the faery world and present day as the characters come to realize they are connected through the Dream Sphere where the past, present and future exist simultaneously...Brilliantly entertaining...Captivating, wondrous and uplifting!’ Stephen Fisher – Readers’ Favorite Reviewer USA ‘A monumental achievement...I am in awe of Sonya Deanna Terry’s ability to guide the reader from Australia to England and from the spiritual realm to the world of finance.’ Ray Simmons – Readers’ Favorite Reviewer USA ‘Extremely complex yet easy to read and follow...an amazing story that combines ancient myth, fairy tales and modern issues in a tremendous promise for the future. Exceptionally well developed characters and a dual plot that merges the past with the present provide plenty of interest, excitement and enlightenment. You can’t help but feel uplifted as the story unfolds so it is well worth reading – and more than once!’ Melinda Hills – Readers’ Favorite Reviewer USA ‘...High octane imagination...a book that delivers a powerful punch.’ Marta Tandori—Mystery/Suspense Author Canada ‘...Every bit the knockout!’ Rosey UK ‘A riveting adventure from start to finish...a perfect blend of flashbacks, time traveling, philosophy, romance, conflict and sharp, witty dialogue...’ Veritas Vincit “Bill” USA ‘I absolutely adore this author...The great writing style / mystery / fantasy was more present than ever.. Love the characters...they came alive and had a certain flair...’ Karen Ruggiero USA ‘Suspenseful, exciting and intriguing with plenty of surprising twists, a coming-together of the strands laid down in Epiphany – THE GOLDING that culminates in a spectacular conclusion.’ Robyn Kelly Australia ‘I eagerly grabbed this new one – I am amazed at Sonya Deanna Terry’s gift as a writer...’ Payal Sinha India ‘Beware: Highly addictive!’ Rhonda Schiffler Australia ‘How a new writer on the scene can engross the reader throughout these volumes is an amazing accomplishment.’ Cancerian9 Australia ‘Everything I hoped it would be and more...The layered plot is clever and unfolds nicely as each revelation comes to light.’ LA Howell USA ‘The Epiphany books are beautifully written—I could not put them down.’ Kevina Bradley Australia ‘An awesome sequel...the characters are extremely realistic and make you want to keep reading.’ Karsun USA ‘I could never have guessed at or expected the reversals and outcomes. They fell into place in a most incredible way, completing plots and tying up loose ends from the first book. While THE GOLDING glows, THE SILVERING sparkles...from myriad points.’ Elf Dreaming Australia
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