Hello Wolf part 2

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Makana I am not sure how long I have been unconcious, but when I open my eyes, the sight before me melted my heart. Not only was my room filled with every flower possible, the fregrance permeating the air deliciously but the colors were vibrant, one could only smile just looking at them. Flowers that aren't even in the islands were placed here and there. To make the moment even more beautiful, to my right, Dom held my hand, his head gently laying on the side of my right leg. Then, to my left, Maika had mirrored the scene. Both men looked so at peace as they slept. With everything that has gone awry in my life, this was just beautiful. I chuckled at the sight, feeling completely blessed. Feeling my movement from my bouncing in giggles, their heads shot up, the both of them went into defense mode. I chuckled even harder at that, that my stomache hurt. Tears were moistening my eyes as they spun around, in less then a millisecond, there smiles spread across their faces, brightening up my life ten fold. The sight of the usually scary Alpha smiling was the most beautiful sight in the world. I'm sure no one else has seen that smile since he's become Alpha, but I hope one day, he'll see that he can smile and still achieve the amount of respect he has now. Maika grabbed my hand, kissing it. His eyes held so much emotion I couldn't help but squeez his hand back to show him that I felt the same. The smallest gesture caused his smile to broaden. So this is what it feels like to find your mate, or in my case, mates. "How are you feeling, my Luna?" Dom asked with concern laced in his words. I smile, but had to think about evverthing my mother had just told me. "I'm ok. There is no pain, no discomfort. I-I feel like a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders. What happened?" I left it that for I was not sure if sharing the fact that I am the Moon Goddesses daughter right now, as well as the Wolf Kings was a conversation I was ready to get into yet. They nodded, letting out a sigh of relief that I had said I was okay and Maika pressed the call button. Not a minute later zeta nurse Natalie & Dr. Kane walked in. "Ah Luna you've awoken. Lets give you a look over, see where you're at. hmm?" He says as he pulls at his stethoscope. "I am not sure if the Alpha or Beta filled you in. You have been asleep for forty-eight hours give or take a couple of hours. Your fever was dangerously high but somehow it came down on its own. Do you know why you had the symptoms you've had?" He asked, almost like this was routine for him. But I shrugged, unsure if by confessing my knowledge of knowing why i over heated would cause more questions. Again, questions I don't think everyone should know, not yet anyhow. So I denied knowing the cause and tried my hardest to look clueless. "I-I don't know. But is it serious? I mean, I remember the wolf-oh Goddess the wolf, it attacked me." I forgot about that until this moment. "Hey, don't worry, she's been taken cared of. She'll never bother you again." Dom says softly. I nod, take in a needed breath and exhale. "Other then that incident, no I don't remember. Am I sick?" *chuckles around the room* "No my dear girl, you are healthy and well. I was hoping you felt something or rather knew within yourself of what was happening. Do you feel anything different?" "Ummm i feel better. I'm not sure what you mean though." I was trying to get them to point out what i already know so that I didn't need to go into specifics. I prayed they'd ask yes or no questions. Dom & Maika's stares were soft, but I could feel their questioning glare. I could feel there anxiety. Dom grabbed my hand, looked at Maika, then started, "Makana, when was the last time you remember having your wolf, sensing her?" * Bam! there! Somebody finally initialized the elephant in the room.* "It was a very long time ago. I can't specify exactly but maybe when I was six or seven years of age?" I countered. *sigh* "The reason we are asking is because we believe your symptoms are due to your wolf surfacing or awakening. We were hoping you could feel her." Dom says. "Makana, I have run some tests, your blood work is fine. CT scans & MRI's are fine as well. So, it is the only conclusion I have right now. And, I am rarely wrong, so how's about we let you three talk it over. Yeah? Okay, Call us if you need." With that, Dr. Kane and Natalie excused themselves so we could have this moment to ourselves. Every cell within me wanted to confide in my mates, but I haven't even been able to get a good grasp on it yet. I needed to linger with it. I sigh, knowing that my wolf needed to be let free of the ties she had respectfully allowed to keep me safe. So, with that final thought, I knew what I had to do. "Um-I can try to reach her. I don't know exactly how, for I have never known her so is there anything I should know or try before I go in blindly?" I ask. " I mean do I just say, "Hey Wolf what's up? Like I have no clue how this works. I-no one ever explained it to me. I've read about it, but is there anything in real time, in the moment, that I should do or not do? I know i'm not shifting, just introducing myself to her, but how?" I let out the remaining breath I had and take in another nervous one. "She is you. She is everything you are. Just stronger in every sense. Calm your mind and mind link her." Maika advises. "You'll know when you've made contact." I close my eyes & whisper, "ok girl lets party." *chuckles around the room* Like the day i met my mother a calming over took me & a surge of electricity buzzed within me. I reached my mind out further then I ever have. I wonder around my mind in search of her, focusing on my breath, "Hello?" *what am i doing? it think to myself . I could only chuckle* Then a beautiful voice replied, "Hello my dear soul. I have waited a long time to meet you. My name is Malie (Muh-lee-eh)." "Malie? You- we've met before?" I felt a familiarity with her. I needed to focus, "sorry, we'll get to that another time. Um-mothers reasons that you were told to slumber was to await a time when I was ready for all the information you hold." "Yes my dear. When you are ready, all you have to ask." I felt her peace as she spoke to me. It was so tranquil. "Um-I-I am not 100% ready to recieve them but I am grateful for your sacrifice to keep me safe from the information that I now know will change my life forever. May I ask you keep it for now until I am confident enough to receive it?" "My girl, I will alwas protect you. You can lean on me anytime you need. My strength is yours. I will be there. I will wait for your word when you are ready." "Would you like to shift?" Malie whispered sadly. "I have been asleep for so long I forget the feeling of being out. I will not rush you though." Malie sighed. "I will never hold you back. Give me time to get out of the hospital. I'll take us somewhere private, then we can formally meet. Are you ok with that?" I asked understanding her feelings. My mind turned into a bright light. The feeling of contentment, love & solidarity was so strong, that it was at this moment I knew Malie was a beautiful soul. I could feel it, we'll be best of friends forever. *************************************** Dom & Maika We waited patiently as we could see Makana has succeeded in contacting her wolf. Both Maika and I stood there ready, just in case her wolf decided to shift in this tiny hospital room. Maika went to grab her hand & Dom glared at him letting him know that the mate bond will send a jolt of electric to Makana & it could end in a disaster knowing that she has never contacted her wolf before. "Be patient my friend." Dom mind linked Maika. Seven minutes went by. When Makana opened her beautiful brown eyes, both Maika and Dom relaxed. She gave a wierd smile then in a blink of an eye, her eyes changed shades. It was almost silver, it was so bright. They could see a purple-blue shimmer, dance through her irises. It was mesmerizing. They have never seen anything like it, they were pretty sure no one else has ever witnessed such a sight. They both drew in a deep breath at the sight. "Hello Mates." Her wolf gleamed looking back and forth from Maika to Dom & back. Speechless. That is what they were. Absolutely speechless. How was her wolf, so young and practically new born coming thru Makana. They both thought. This took, even the most skilled Alphas years to be able to do. And here she was. Mesmerizing us. She cleared her throat, "uhhumm. I am Malie. I am Makana's wolf. I am the other half of her soul. It is a pleasure to be in your presence mates." Malie said as she smirked staring at her glorious, handsome mates. Finally Dom had spoken, "Malie you are absolutely beautiful. I am your mate, Alpha Dom. Are you alright?" "I am. Makana has taken good care of me. I apologize for slumbering all these years. But the Moon Goddess told me many moons ago that rest is what I needed & she'll watch over Makana." Malie's aura felt sad as she spoke the words. "Hello Malie, I am Maika, Beta to our pack and I am your mate as well. I am happy to finally meet you. May I ask you a question?" Maika says, questions dancing at the tip of his tongue. "Yes mate." Malie replied smiling. "How is it that you are talking through Makana. You are a new born in a way and please do not take offense but you communicating through Makana usually takes years of training to do. I have only recently fully come to know how to manage that abilitly. So how are you doing it? Is Makana alright?" Maika sounded torn. He knew Malie was his mate just as much as Makana. His heart already swelled with an emotion unknown to him for both of his girls. But this communication thing Malie is doing has him slightly scared. "Makana is fine, here...." Malie's silver eyes faded and beautiful brown eyes shyly looked back at Dom & Maika. Maika ran up to her, engulfing her in a deep hug. Dom stood back absorbing all that has happened. He finally stepped up, needing to pryMaika off of Makana for his chance to calm his wolf. When he succeeded, Dom gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. "Hey beautiful." Dom said cheesily. Maika rolled his eyes, knowing he and Dom will be forever competing in who can compliment or make Makana smile more. Makana giggled, looking down at her palms. "Hey guys. I know you both have a lot of questions. I do to. But know that Malie and I are never better. I finally feel her and all that we are. I understand if you both reject me. I am a puzzle missing too many pieces." Reject her? Who the hell put that thought in her head? They both thought. With out skipping a beat, they both closed the littel distance beside her, on either side of her bed, taking her hand into theirs, kneeling down to her level. It was a no brainer, both Maika and Dom knew where their hearts lay. They were both on the same page and knew without even needing to know what the other was thinking. "We, Alpha Dom & Beta Maika accept you, Makana & Malie as our Mate." In that claim, they put their whole being into it. Promises of love, tenderness, protection, guidance and everything else that the mate bond comes with, they promised. With this promise spoken out to the universe, pure beautiful light filled their hearts. The feeling was indescribable. Both Maika & Dom had no clue what just happened but the feeling was like something they have never felt. It felt like they've been touched by an Angel. A message of acceptance as Makana's mates. As if the moon Goddess herself blessed them with this feeling of acceptance. Mate bonds in packs are as common as the air we breathe. It is fate. The stories of the bonds every one hears has always been of a strong magnetic pull. Both sides of the bond goes tunnel vision. The only path the tunnel leads you too is to each other. The power of scent overrides even the most foulest smell and that mates can find one another because no one else smells how their mate smell. There is a pull so strong where many feel that it is love combined with a deep desire to have said mate.. And millions of pack members believe it whole heartedly. But this was different, not only did they feel the pull and the love. The light? They felt a blessing. This was different. It was an immense feeling. "Dom, did you feel that?" Maika asked. "Yeah bro, I did." Dom replied with a sense of belonging in his heart. No questions or doubts. He felt it in his heart that the moon Goddess herself has just blessed them. Makana smiled gently as the guys stood beside her, each placing a kiss on her cheeks. Luckily for her brown island skin for if she was a lighter shade, there is no doubt her blush had lit her face up like a tomato. ********************************** Makana I couldn't speak. Here was this two men who could have any woman then desired. Models, Lady Alpha's, a woman with a rich history and solid blood lines. But they, without hesitation chose me. No words to express the depth of gratitude I had to my mother for blessing me with both Dom and Maika. I wanted them to know how much their little and large efforts to comfort me, make me smile, or just hound me, made me feel. "I Makana accept you, Alpha Dom & you Beta Maika as my mates." The room exploded with an intense feeling of love. The rope, to hold their bond togther solidified into iron. It was felt through us all. When I felt that pull within me, bringing me that much closer to these two mates of mine, my heart beat took off. It was only when I was assaulted with kisses that I knew that the three of us were now one. While we still had the marking and mating ceremony, we had tied our selves to one another proclaiming our love before our Mother, Goddess of wolves. After minutes of being bombarded with love, I asked, "Now boys, when can I go home?" I chuckled looking at my two mates staring at me smiling ear to ear. I wish i had my phone. I really would have loved to savour this minute with a photo. "Dr. Kane said if you succeeded meeting your wolf, your fever broke & your vitals were fine, you could go home when you are ready." Dom said. I have no clue when it happened but where flowers once littered the room it was now cleared. My bag with necessities sat ready to go, my clothes sat on the shelf near the bathroom. *When the heck did that happen?* Looks like I wasn't the only person ready to go home. "Alrighty then, lets skidaddle then." I jumped off the bed feeling an energy I've never felt before. It was like a energy of strength, even confidence. *"Thanks Malie"* *"No problem, now lets go so I can see the world babe."* Malie replied.
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