Chapter 37: Dareful Journey Begins

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When Atma, Bakula and Vasundari walked in, the old Warlock was waiting for them since long. He had understood their situation and he knew they did not have much time left as well. As soon as the three settled around him he started to teach them the remaining lessons. “Well, let me start over the remaining lessons quickly as I understand that you are having difficulty in coming here too.” Mahapitha smiled and looked at each in turn.   “Yes, our father is angry with some incident that happened in the Palace, but he is not telling us that.” Vasundari reported the old Warlock. “Never mind about that, now, listen to my fifth lesson; trust your own shadow for it can only lead you in the right path.” Mahapitha signed and began to anticipate question from the three. It did not take long, Atma asked showing immense surprise, “What do you mean by that Mahapitha, how can our shadow lead us the way?” “Well, I cannot go in detail about that, however just remember that there are some places where only your shadow can guide you and show the right path, you will understand when you reach that stage.” “We will remember that, and what is the sixth lesson?” Bakula also wanted get it over with the lessons, he was too anxious to start their joint venture.       “Whatever you do, remember not to show your back to your enemy at any stage in your venture.” “But why?” Vasundari was all questions again. “For your enemies are sure to come back strongly on you if you show your back, try to tackle them with intelligence but don’t run away by showing your back, also remember it applies to any wild animals or creatures as well.” “We will remember that Mahapitha.” Atma nodded at once. He also began to get the feeling that their venture would be much more dangerous, grave and difficult than they thought; secretly he was afraid of the failure and its consequence. Mahapitha read his thoughts at once; he looked at Atma and smiled at him trying to fill assurance in the young boy. “No need to feel negative about the consequences, it is your good sense, bravery, selflessness and intelligence what matters more. So remove all negative thoughts while you can. “I will Mahapitha, thank you.” Atma mumbled immediately feeling very embarrassed. “As far as my next lesson goes, you should all control your fear for it can kill you all internally. Also remember not to show your fear to your enemies or wild animals whatsoever.” “And here is my last lesson to you. Never allow the pride to take you. Your pride can take away the very success from you. No matter how clever or how brave you are, never feel proud about it. Remember you three are equal and hence each of you should respect one another and never allow the jealous or negative thoughts to accompany you. For it may lead to quarrel among each other and that will, in turn, lead to disaster.” The voice of Mahapitha had strong note of warning in it. The three looked at each other and for some reason they felt shame, they have had quarreled among themselves several times regarding silly matters. Especially Bakula felt the heat of it, he was one who always thought of Vasundari as a mere girl and now, he understood how she felt about it. He made strong metal note to remember this every now and then so that he would not allow that pride to conquer him again, not at least during their venture. ** The next day very early in the morning, in fact it had not even been the day break; the three sneaked out from their house and visited the old Warlock for final instructions. Previous day Mani, the maid had supplied them short armors like hands swords, draggers and chest guards secretly.    When Vasundari reached the hut of Mahapitha she was not as brave as before. For some reason she began to feel terrible, she had never left her parents for a single day and now here she was walking with her brothers on what seemed to be an impossible mission. She had lots of unanswered questions on her young mind; could they bring back the savior plant? Could they survive the hardship of forest and dangerous mountains? Could they return alive? More importantly could they save their beloved friend Princess Chitrakshi? The old Warlock was awake and waiting for them very eagerly, he too seemed a bit anxious; all the same he disguised his trouble with a beautiful smile on his face and welcomed the young kids. The old Warlock also had taught many useful things like making fire using two stones, tracking and sensing the right directions, looking for the nature signs like rain, earthquake, or a storm. Atma and Bakula dropped all their armors and weapons on the ground before Mahapitha, they wanted him to look at their possessions. Mahapitha was very much satisfied himself with their supply and secretly he thanked the good old maid Mani for supplying the much needed things for young kids. He took out the Blue Sapphire from the earthen pot and walked towards Atma. “Here, Atma I am going to give you a special power, consider this as the gift of the great Lord.” “What is that Mahapitha and why are you giving it to me?” Atma could not contain his curiosity. “Well, this is called as Blue Sapphire and its bearer can cross the seven mountains, as per my test all the three are its bearer. However, it is your responsibility to guard it with caution. No matter what happens, never part from it. ” Mahapitha dropped it into the hands of Atma and closed his wrist before continuing, “Guard this as your own life, without this you may not be able to do bring the Savior plant. Also remember many creatures and wild animals fear this Blue Sapphire, use it accordingly and wisely.” “What about us Mahapitha? Can’t this Blue Sapphire protect all of us?” Bakula looked at Mahapitha anxiously; he was secretly worried if Mahapitha had decided to send only Atma to the dangerous venture. “Don’t worry dear boy; this Blue sapphire will protect you all. Let Atma be its first bearer. But mind you, only one bearer can enter the secret cave where the savior plant is located. Of course, the Blue Sapphire will choose its right bearer when the time comes.” Mahapitha studied the anxious faces of the three kids. Please do remember all my lessons and advices, it will come in handy.”  “We will recall all your lessons and follow your advices carefully Mahapitha.” The three chimed at once. “Good, have you brought Pakhi Atma?” Mahapitha searched for the big bird. “I shall call him in.” Atma went outside and whistled; soon he returned with the bird Pakhi and silently handed him over to Mahapitha. Mahapitha looked at the bird very affectionately and chanted some words in its ears; the big bird suddenly flapped its wings as if to say I understood everything. “We will use this bird as our secret messenger, if you need any assistance any time send him to me, I shall advise you by writing back on a cloth and send Pakhi to you. I take that Bakula and Vasundari can read and write, right? “Only Bakula,” Vasundari looked at Mahapitha, suddenly a thought had been creeping in her little mind, “Mahapitha, what if our father or the King’s army follow us once they find out about this venture, would not they be in danger too?” Mahapitha walked across and took her hands in his. “You need not worry about that my darling, I will make sure they don’t follow you into the forest, it is my responsibility.” Mahapitha looked at the great wall and closed his eyes for what seemed to be a very moment and opened his eyes very slowly. Mahapitha looked at Atma and said in a very gentle voice, “Atma, learn this before you go. You are in fact a son of a great Warlock who scarified his dear life for you. You have a great potential in you. As the time comes, you will remember many wizardry powers and spells that are in your true blood. You have to learn to control your inner mind and instinct to use the powers correctly. Further, you will recall magic spells involuntarily when the right time comes, be open enough to recognize it and use them accordingly. Mind you, use it with intelligence. Also do remember that it is your responsibility to guide and guard your brother and sister who will be very much worthier and helpful to you in this quest.” Mahapitha said as gently as he could and stopped for a long minute to regain his breath. “I am seeing good signs, now you all wear your armors and start at once. I wish you all the best in your noble venture. Let the Lord bless you all.” Mahapitha said after a while as Atma noticed the tears in the eyes of Mahapitha, and he could not contain himself any longer, he ran and embraced the old Warlock at once, Bakula and Vasundari followed him. It took some time for Mahapitha to control his own emotions, however good he may be. The young kids clad in their armor and weapons bowed him for the last time and started walking out. “Oh Lord! Guard them as your own offspring for they are too young and too noble to die.” Mahapitha closed his eyes. ** “Where are they? What does it means?” Vaachaspati thundered at once to his wife. “I - I too don’t know, they are not here since morning, I myself have searched them all over, no trace of them.” Champaka began to sob; she just wished that this is not yet another trick of Witches of mountain. “What am I going to do; I can’t even go to Palace to inform the King, Oh God! What is your game? Those wretched Witches! How I wish to get my hands on you.” Vaachaspati started muttering as he began to pace here and there with utter disgust, he was sure that this was the work of mountain Witches. “I checked them at the river bank too, they are not even there. It is already noon. Please do something; I cannot just lose my children.” Champaka had been getting bad thoughts since morning, she knew her children, and they would never leave her alone like this. “Let me go to the forest, I shall find the hiding place of Witches by myself.” Vaachaspati at once reached for his upper cloth. “THERE IS NO NEED FOR THAT.” a voice thundered from outside. A moment later Mahapitha, the old Warlock walked inside the hut and smiled at the unhappy couples. ****

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