Chapter Six - Money isn't everything

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Freya’s P.O.V I arrived at work for the lunch shift hoping not to run into Jayce, but I had a feeling I would at some point. He texts me this morning, but again I never replied. I can’t have him thinking he can get what he wants all the time.  “Hey, Katie.” I smiled as I reached the bar. Katie was one of the three that was working alongside me this afternoon. “Hey, Freya. There is a delivery for you; some really hot Irish guy dropped it off.” She smirked. I rolled my eyes, making her look at me strangely. “Long story will tell you later.” I laughed. “OK. It is under the bar.”  She said. I headed over, grabbing it. I grabbed the note that was attached to it, reading it first. Hey Gorgeous, I saw this and thought of you, Beautiful and Rare just like you. Jayce x P.S stop being stubborn and text me back I giggled at the last part before finally looking to see what was in the gift box.  My mouth about hit the floor when I saw it. It was a stunning and expensive necklace…it was a diamond necklace with a green emerald, it was breath-taking. “Oh my f*****g God.” I hear Katie say from behind me, “Who is this man? Have you been seeing him?” She asked, looking as gobsmacked as me. “No, I only met him last night,” I said. “What? And he bought you something like that? What did you do to the man? That is something else.” She said. “Nothing. We kissed that was about it. He is arrogant, cocky and clearly has too much money. He is used to getting what he wants straight away, well until me and now he is trying too hard. What makes him think I am the sort of girl that wants things like this?” I said, shaking my head. I can’t believe he did this. I would appreciate it more if maybe it was a gift from someone I was with, but I don’t want or need fancy things, especially expensive items like this. But to him? This is just part of the game he is playing with me. I am not having it. I asked Katie to cover me only for ten minutes which she did without hesitation. I had to give him this back, make sure he knows money does not impress me, that is not the way to get me.  I found myself mad at him for doing something this stupid. Maybe the other women he associates with like all this, but I don’t. I made my way to his room as quick as I could knocking loudly on the door. He was taking too long to answer, and I was getting impatient with him. I started banging louder, and I finally hear him come towards the door. He answered it, smirking when he sees it was me. “Good afternoon, bea.” He started, but I cut him off before he could finish. “What the f**k is this? What makes you think things like this impress me?” I snapped at him. He seemed taken back with my response. He is probably thinking to himself what an ungrateful b***h I am, but that is not the case, I was mad cause he spent this amount of money on someone he barely even knows. “You don’t like the necklace?” He asked, confused. “Of course I do it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” I said. “Then why are you so mad?” He laughed. “Because I don’t want or need things like this, OK? Money doesn’t impress me Jayce, maybe it impresses all the other women you associate with, but it does not impress me. What is the matter with you? Who buys something this beautiful and expensive for someone they barely even know? So don’t think buying me expensive things is going to help you get me, it won’t; there is a better chance of me pulling away if you do because you have more money than sense.” I said, “Christ what happened to good old fashioned flowers, chocolates and teddy bears.” I added, saying the last part to myself rather than him. “Oh whoa, I think that is the first time I have ever had someone scream at me cause I bought them jewellery, first time for everything I guess.” He laughed. Why is he finding this full thing funny? It is not funny. What man in their right mind spends that amount of money on a woman he has only kissed? He needs to realise money can’t get him everything he wants. “This is not funny Jayce. You need to wake up; money is not going to get you everything you want in life. Now here take it and return it because as beautiful as it is I can’t or won’t accept it.” I said, handing it to him. He refused to take it from me. He crossed his arms over his chest, looking at me. “I got it for you. I am not taking it back.” He said. “Yes, you are…you are taking it back right now cause I don’t want it,” I said, but he still refused. God, why is that man so stubborn? I groaned in frustrating, barging by him and into his room, sitting the necklace down on top of one of the counters. I turned back around, heading for the door. “You want to impress me? Buy me God damn flowers or a drink, not a diamond necklace.” I said, shaking my head, laughing a little. “You can’t say I never tried.” He laughed shrugging. “Goodbye, Jayce,” I said, heading out of his room, heading back down to start work. As I reached the ground floor, my phone went, it was a text, and I knew straight away it was him. Jayce: You are going to make me work for it, aren’t you? X Freya: Work for what? X I smirked to myself, I knew what he meant, wanted to know what he would actually say it. Jayce: You!!! And that virginity too. I am not used to women telling me no, making me work for it but something tells me if I want you that is what I am going to have to do x   Freya: Yes, it is. I am not some other woman you can smile at, and I will drop my panties for you. You want any of this you need to try a bit harder. Now leave me alone, I need to get to work x   Jayce: I don’t think you realise how charming I can be, baby. Enjoy work; I will be down later to see you, try not to miss me too much now, xx. I put my phone away, getting on with my work, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t help but smile. He was getting to me, but I couldn’t let him work that out, or he will have me in his bed by the end of the week that is not how I want it to go.   
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