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The busy hall was noisy as usual, and outside was a beautiful show of summer rain on the school field. Sia accompanied by Milo and Benjamin both hanging around her locker, she looked across them, and her eyes lit up, she traced his footsteps as he parted ways with the other guy. His movement were adoned with confidence, pride, and his attire was similar to that of a dark prince. He was the perfect one. She shoved the boys out of her way and went after him. Oxias unlocked his locker and was getting his stuff for the day, while whining to himself in his head. He didn't have to do that before. "What's the plan?" She asked in her deep goth voice. Oxias didn't have to recognize her smell or voice to know it was her. "Waiting." He informed her. "Waiting? I thought we would be sailing put o

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