Death march

1432 Words

The sweet taste of the apple still lingered on Oxias' tongue, it was very unusual for him to have the taste of sweet on his tongue, he moved his tongue around in his mouth trying to get rid of the foreign taste.  The taste didn't help his concern for his body, rejecting the food anytime in public. That would be disgusting and unworthy of a king. The mere thought made his throat tight.  He made it to the final turn, the hall was bustling with students heading to their classes, so many bodies didn't stop Oxias from spotting the raven-haired boy with the pink-haired girl he had seen last time in the lunchroom.  They looked heated in an argument, the girl cornered the boy and held a displeased look on her face, for once she didn't move around with her dogs.  "We had the nod!" The pink-hair

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