Chapter 14

1566 Words
Lauren’s Point of View I have had this weird, bad feeling about this whole thing. It’s different than just regular worrying. It seems like the fighting never lasts this long. I don’t know when it started, but I felt something earlier, and so did my mom. Time seems to have stood still since then. Was it minutes ago? Hours ago? I don’t know!  Cora said she thought she felt something on her side earlier, and I hope Julien is okay. I know that when my first mate, Nathan died, we had broken a lot of the bond already, but I still felt a pain in my chest and none of us have felt that. Not yet, so that's comforting.  “I’m sure they’re fine, guys,” Sadie adds. She and Lexi haven’t felt anything yet, and they’re trying to keep us calm. Suddenly, I feel a sharp shooting pain down my chest to my stomach. What the hell?  “I just... I felt something else,” I say and motion down my body to where I felt it. “He’s okay. You’d know if he wasn’t,” Lexi says confidently. She’s right, but I don’t want Zac to get hurt. Even though I’m not a warrior, the only thing I want to do right now is find him, and make sure he’s okay.  I hear feet pitter-pattering, and I see Molly running in from the living room. She looks afraid and worried.  “What is it, Mol?” Lexi asks, moving to her quickly.  “It’s Daddy. I think someone is trying to hurt him,” she says and her voice breaks. Her eyes are welled up with tears, and Lexi pulls her into her arms.  “It’s okay, Hunny. Daddy is going to be fine,” Lexi explains. “It feels different this time,” Molly says through tears.  “Shh, it’s okay,” she says quietly as she holds her close. What the hell is going on?  Jack’s Point of View Malcolm was standing beside me, and suddenly, his eyes widened, “They’re being ambushed!” He said in a panic, and instantly everyone around me was shifting and running as fast as we could. It didn’t take long for us to get there; maybe 10 seconds. I was there first, and the sight was shocking. It looked like Wolves were just swallowing them up. I jumped right in. I was towards the back, and couldn't see Zac. He would be towards the front of the fight, though so that’s not surprising.  I’m tearing through these wolves. One by one, ripping them apart. This didn’t go down the way we expected. He mapped this place out the second he got here, and he must have known we were coming, given he was ready for us. I also notice that his warriors are strong. Stronger than most packs. He has a large enough-sized pack, and they’re well trained. I fight my way through, jumping in and stopping the attack on our warriors. When I see 3 wolves on Alex, my strongest warrior, I jumped in just in time to stop a fatal blow from being delivered to him. I’m moving quickly, it’s like there are wolves everywhere. When I see Lev’s wife Brit, my sister-in-law, flying to the ground with 2 wolves on her tail, I quickly jumped in to stop them and I shred both to pieces. I turn, and she’s back to her feet and lunging towards a wolf that was ready to attack me. I move on, making my way through the crowd. I see the witches we brought with us throwing fireballs, levitating wolves and stopping them from attacking. I see them placing protection domes around injured wolves unable to move, and I’m grateful to have them here. As I plow through these wolves, I see in the corner of my eyes a calmness. I shift directions moving closer to it. What’s going on?  I see one of our witches, and her eyes are white and her hands were extended. I’m not sure what she’s doing, but I notice there is a weak spot in the barrier Zac's wolves have set up to protect her, and a large wolf is making their way towards it, ready to attack her. I jump high into the air, catching him by surprise, and I quickly end him, ripping his throat apart.  Now, I see it. Zac is in his human form, and he looks like he’s unable to move. I see the anger on his face, and I see Paul whimpering on the ground. He doesn’t look good. His whole side looks caved in. It’s a very real possibility he won't survive. f**k! I move closer, and then I see him. Hogan. He’s big. About my size, maybe a little bigger but with about 3-4% body fat. He’s serious about his image, obviously. He has the most sadistic looking smile on his face, as he stands in his human form with his claws elongated as he cuts into Zac’s chest. What the f**k? Zac stands there taking it, obviously unable to move, and then I notice behind Hogan 2 teenage looking girls; they look like they're using magic on him. Like f**k! I start running towards Hogan as fast as I can, lowering my head and ramming into him. I catch him by surprise and he flies to the ground. I end up sliding and spinning around quickly, and he’s jumping to his feet.  “Get him,” he turns and says to the witches. They direct their attention to me and I wait for something to happen, but nothing. I let a growl rumble, as I step closer. “I said ‘Get HIM,’” Hogan yells to his witches.  “It’s not working. Our magic isn’t working on him. He… he must have a protection spell on him or something,” one says. Well f**k, where was this protection spell to help Zac?  “Who’s this?” Hogan asks with an evil smile to Zac, but Zac doesn't answer him. I see blood's dripping down him from Hogan’s claw marks.  Zac starts to shift, and suddenly Hogan’s witches move their attention back to Zac. His shift stops, and he’s back to his human body. What the f**k? Why aren’t our witches helping him too? I move in quickly, and suddenly Hogan is shifting. He shifts into a really large red wolf. In wolf form, he may even be a little bigger than me. I managed to get my claws on him just as he finished his shift, leaving my claw marks on his chest. He seems unphased by it, and he’s immediately lunging towards me.  I didn't know what to expect from him. I didn’t know if he was all ego, with not a lot of delivery, but he’s strong. Very. He’s a good fighter too, and I’ve never fought someone so equally matched to me before. I think I can beat him, but this isn’t the fight I was expecting. I was expecting a small man with a big ego.  We crash into each other, and there is a small scuffle before we’re both on our feet again We’re both quick advancing, and dodging each other, and we seem to be moving further into the bush, away from everyone else and it seems like the calm that surrounded him earlier is gone. The night is filled with complete chaos again, although we seem to be moving away from it a little. He smashes into me, and when I fall back, I smash into a tree. It stuns my body for a split second, which he thinks is his opportunity to lunge at me. I moved out of the way just in time, and his snout and teeth smashed into the tree.  I hear a small growl rumbled from him as he quickly turns to face me again, but I let a louder one rumble from me. If he thinks he’s going to scare me, or that I’m going to cower to him, he’s delusional. It’s not going to happen!  He’s back on the offensive again, lunging quickly while I dodge over and over. I can tell that he’s getting angrier and angrier and that’s exactly what I want. I want him livid because that will only make him sloppy.  Lexi’s Point of View I don't love that Molly was just in here, telling me she had a bad feeling all of a sudden. This whole battle just feels sort of different, and I don’t like it. I’m suddenly wishing that I would have gone. I want to be able to be there and help. Be there, and make sure Jack is okay. Jack is stronger than I am and he doesn't need my protection, obviously, but I don’t like having this feeling and not knowing what’s going on. A guttural, pain filled scream rings in my ears. The type of scream that could only mean one thing and then I see her drop to the ground. Oh no! WANT MORE?? The book is completed on A M A Z O N! Just download the K I N D L E  free app, and then your sss purchase will enter your app. ADD ME TO  F A C E B O O K for updates or if you're having difficulties :)

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