1958 Words

8 Jay, probably wisely, had eschewed pomp and gone for basic. He’d hired a low-key exhibition hall in a town so dull and unremarkable I can’t even remember its name. Possibly some of these choices had come about due to lack of time and lack of resources (we couldn’t exactly expect our clients — or the Society — to pay for the party of the century, after all). But it worked out well. We wanted people to show up for the Wand, not for the hors d’oeuvres. That should hopefully limit our visitor list to those with a sincere interest, either in magickal rarities or in Merlin paraphernalia. Hopefully both. They didn’t take me there in a limousine, either, slightly to my disappointment. Jay having declined to try to haul everybody there via the Ways, one by one, he had sensibly hired a bus inste

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