Chapter 1:

678 Words
~Desire~ I can't freaking believe that I have to do this. I think wildly. I've been in the office building of "Desire Inc." since 5 am. My father told me that my company was dangerous and that I needed to sell it. I just managed to get him to agree to me selling shares of my company off. I of course would keep 51% of the shares. "Damn it's time for me to go in." She thought. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and lifted her head up. She turned the doorknob and walked in. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am Desire Broen owner and CEO of 'Desire Inc'. She looked around the room and stopped on the face of the man in the back. His eyes… Oh wow I wonder where he got eyes like that. She started the meeting, and tried her best not to stare or keep glancing at the man with the gorgeous golden eyes. "It's time for a break now. We could order-in lunch or go out and come back in an hour. Or we can just call it a day and meet at 'The House Desire Built' at 8 am." A woman stood up collecting her belongings and said, " I already have your proposal with your facts and figures. I will see you tomorrow Ms. Broen." A few other people decided to leave. Desire decided to straighten up her paperwork. When she was interrupted by a deep voice. "Excuse me Ms. Broen?" "Yes Mr. Boucher?" "Do you mind coming to lunch with me? And please call me Flambé. She looked him over. Goodness he was tall. He's well over 6 feet, he had broad shoulders, and with his tailored suit almost nothing was hidden. "Call me Desire, Flambé. This wouldn't be anything other than business is it?" He looked like he was struggling with something. "I really wish I could say yes Desire. We can discuss business but I also have personal interests I'd like to discuss as well. Please give me lunch to explain. Then you can decide if you're going to fight these feelings we're both feeling." "Who says I feel anything?" She knew she was lying. "Did I give off the impression of a woman looking for a man?" "No not at all. But I apparently do need to make the impression that I'm interested in a woman. Just 1." "Fine I'll hear you out over lunch." She said standing up. "There's an Italian restaurant called Emelio's 6 blocks from here. I'll meet you there." ~Flambé~ He was shocked she agreed to meet him so readily. Most women wouldn't have accepted how forward he was. Especially one as strong, intelligent, and independent as Desire seemed to be. He wondered about that as he got directions for the restaurant. He was a wolf shifter alpha, and all he ever heard about human women was that they were difficult. Mainly because they didn't have an animal guiding them. He would soon find out. His beta Jean met him by the elevator. "Boss? Your animal is showing." He whispered only loud enough for him to hear. "Yes. I figured he would be. We've found our true mate." Jean's mouth fell open. "Here? Who?" "The owner and CEO of 'Desire Inc.' Desire Broen herself." "Is she a wolf?" "No. But she is willing to meet me for lunch to discuss a relationship." "You managed to get a human woman to meet with you? As abrupt and direct as you are?" "I am surprised myself Jean. I'm going to have to see how lunch goes before I pat myself on the back." "Oui. I would say so Alpha." Flambé started formulating a plan for his mate's safety. "Call Philippe and Marc. We need people to protect her and find out more about her." "Yes sir." Jean said opening the SUV door. "Stop!" He pushed in his alpha tone. He instinctively communicated telepathically. He sniffed deeply. "What is it?" Jean responded telepathically, knowing not to talk out loud. "It's another alpha."
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