14 | Let Me Know Where It Goes

1275 Words
"Damon, we need to clean this ho-" without a second, I see him ruching down the stairs, slipping on his leather jacket on the way. "Is everything okay?"   "I need to go." He notifies me, he pulls open the door and leaves without a second. Fine! I guess I'll clean by myself then. I roll my eyes and grab myself a laundry basket, I pick up the dirty clothing all over the floor and shove it inside. I then begin cleaning the dishes, washing the sink, fixing the couches. And picking up every single conform wrapper I saw. Ten. s**t. That's a lot of s*x, bear in mind I have more in my room.   As I do I hear the door ring, must be Damon coming back. I rush towards it and see Luke. "It's cleaning day! And Damon rushed out, he was shouting on the phone." I rose an eyebrow.   "What was he saying?"   "Oh, I didn't listen properly but all I got out was 'is she okay?' 'Well f*****g help, her then, if she dies I'll kill you all with my bare f*****g hands.' And that was all." What on earth? It seemed serious for some reason. Who was hurt?   "Which way did he go?"   "Near the mountain forest way, anyways- woah, that's a lot of wrappers- oh...well, someone's been busy." He joked, punching my shoulder. I smile feeling a blush as I grab the wrappers and shove them into the bin bag I was holding before.   "Well, enough about me. You were telling me something yesterday, listen Luke, I'm really sorry if I have neglected you. It really wasn't-"   "Oh, stop Sophia, you're my best friend. And I love you, as a friend." I scoff pushing him, he takes out a bag and begins helping me clear up as we talk about the maths test coming up next week. My mum is coming back next Friday and Jake. I don't know about him, since he's going scavenging hunting for a campus. I never thought I would miss him, but I don't. Finally, a shower without him banging on my head.   "Finished!" We both shout as we fall onto the couch, we both burst out laughing as I rest my head onto his shoulder. Four hours later, four darn hours and I can barely feel my legs. I feel Luke's arms around my shoulder as he throws me the remote. "Movie night?" He suggested.   "You read my mind." I chuckle switching on the TV, "oh! How's the date girl from the club?"   "She's boring, all she talks about is her hair and nails."   "She was probably nervous, the both of you were laughing when I last saw you." I remembered.   "I was faking it, she's just not funny. She's beautiful yeah, but-"   "You don't get along, I get it. So, find someone that does and snatch them the minute you have the chance." I said, with that I glanced back at him. To already see his eyes staring deeply into my own, the sparkling blue indulges me but not like Damon's. Damon’s eyes pull me towards him without pulling me.   "Sophia, I wanted to tell you this for the past six years. But I didn't want it to ruin anything, but I have feel-" I hear a knock on the door, I groan removing myself from being comfortable as I walk towards the door, the moment I open it I met eyes with Damon's. Then, in his arms was a small pup, full of blood. I gasp at the sight of it, "we need the table." He whispers, I nodded my head making way for him to come inside. "Tell Luke to leave." I did as he told, I rushed towards Luke and asked for him to come back another day, before hurrying him out. I felt bad but clearly Damon didn't want him to see for some reason and I had to respect that.   After Luke left, I hurriedly rushed towards the dining table. "I need alcohol, tweezers and towels." I rushed inside the kitchen, opening the cupboard full of wine and vodka. I take out the bottle of vodka and grab some fresh towels from the laundry room along with a pair of tweezers along with the first aid kit. I set it out into the table besides Damon. He brushes his fingers through the wolfs hair before noticing my arrival.   He grabs the bottle and pours it over the wound, then he cleans the tweezers, "I'm going to lift her up, I need you to put the towel underneath." He ordered, I nod my head and grab the towel from the table. He lifted her up and I straight away set down the White towels.  Before he rested her gently. Then the wolf woke, her eyes were a dark blue, scary. "f**k! Listen, she got shot, you need to find the bullet and stick her up. I'm going to hold her down alright." I stuttered, he hands me the tweezers and sat where her head rested.  He began whispering words in another language. The wolf fell back asleep, I got to work, I took a deep breath before wiping away the blood with a towel. I see the whole, I plunge the tweezers inside and use my fingers to find the bullet.  "Hurry up, she's dying." He shouts in a whisper. This felt like too much pressure, on me. I continued looking as crimson coloured blood printed on my hands. I brushed a hair away from my face and the moment the tweezers clanged onto something, I sighed in relief as I use my fingers to double check.  Then, I pull the bullet out. Damon nods his head and I got the stitches ready. Before I continued doing the work, I should be a darn doctor because I just saved an animal. Finishing up, I bandage her chest. And walk away, "we need to call animal rescue."   "No."   "No? She's hurt, she needs an X-Ray for all we know." I suggested.   "I said no. She's fine, she's healing."   "Damon-"   "I said no! Stop arguing with me."  He shouts, I raise my hand in surrender, before walking away. I enter the kitchen and begin washing my hands, rid of the blood. As I do so, I look up to the window in front of me. To see Damon in the reflection.   "I don't appreciate you raising your voice at me." I spoke. "Now, tell me what the hell is going on."   "I can't." I chuckle throwing the towel onto the counter before folding my arms.   "You can't?"   "It isn't easy."   "It seemed easy enough for you to come in barging with an animal." I spoke.   "You were closer, do you think it looked like I had a f*****g choice."   "You could've called animal rescue or pet control!"   "I can't!"   "Why?!"   "I can't tell you." I grab the phone dialling the number before it was ripped out of my hands.   "Because she's not a f*****g animal!" What?   "Then what is she?"   "She's half of each Sophia, half human and half wolf. She's my sister." I froze in my spot, was he seriously going to think I'm going to believe that.   "Yeah and I'm half bat and half human." I chuckled folding my arms.   "I'm not lying."   "You expect me to believe such nonsense?" "I'm not lying." "Prove it." I spoke. "He's right." Both our heads snapped to the door, to see a little girl holding onto her stomach. Her hands leaning against the door frame for stance. My eyes widen in shock as Damon rushes towards her. "What. The. Fu-"  

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