
413 Words
Holding back what little air I have left inside my lungs, I fight with every bit of strength that I can to survive. I know time is running out again. For every second, I hold my breath; it feels as if my pounding heart will explode.  I have kept my lips shut as tight as possible, but the pungent taste of salt creeps inside. As the bitterness settles on the tip of my tongue, I want so badly to spew it out, but my survival instincts remind me to ignore the salt and keep my mouth closed. Kicking and clawing with every bit of strength I have left, I attempt to find my way through the dark of the surface, but there is no light to guide the way. How deep can I possibly be!  Why can't I see any light! Where the hell is the top! Pleading and screaming are only silent cries I can manage within. It is a calming reminder that I am still alive. A reminder that there is still hope. I never stop shouting. "Help me! For the love of God, if someone is there ... anyone... please! Just... just help!" Finally, I see a distant light peaking through the surface. I kick harder and faster until I burst through the unforgiving water. As I engulf a massive lump of air into my burning lungs, an eerie feeling seeps through my veins. I look up and discover a new island with an over towering dead cedar tree surrounded by miles and miles of endless ocean water. I gasp in shock. It has never been here before. "What is this place?" My voice cracks. I'm barely able to speak. Curiosity pulls me forward. Against my better judgment, I swim towards the new strange island. I am almost there when something catches the corner of my eye. I stop swimming and allow my legs and arms to keep me afloat while I look once more at the dead cedar tree.  A dark shadow cast from the left side. I gasp not knowing where to go or what to do. No one has been here before. The saliva lodges in the back of my burning throat when one of their feet glides on top of the sand, appearing as if it barely touching the surface. I swim back nervously as another. Then another. I look up slowly soaking in the tanned masculine legs, chiseled chest, and...  "My God. You have wings..."
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