Chapter 6-In Time; Resolution

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I groaned and turned. "Come on," my ears detected someone's voice from a distance. I tried to open my eyes but my head began to ache instantly. I groaned and turned in the bed. A bed? Did someone bring me here? I don't know where I was but the familiar smell of lavenders in the air immediately interpreted that I was in Cassie's room. "Don't disturb him now; he's had it rough." That voice said again. Cassie? I was right. "It's okay, sis. Just tell him that I stopped by when he wakes up." "Alright I will," she said. My ears detected her steps coming towards me as the door closed. "You know that I can tell when you are awake and when you are asleep." She grumbled and I felt her hand softly caress my hair. I chuckled and opened my eyes. Hers was the face I saw; her shinny red hair shone brilliant like a fiery flame. Just looking at her caused my headache to dissolve I smiled at her and touched her face; for some reason, she looked a little different. Maybe too different. "What's wrong?" "Hmm?" her eyes widened a little. "Nothing," she claimed and brushed her lips softly against mine. I smiled and almost pulled her in with me but she arms pushed me away. "Thanks for getting me." I said. She didn't smile and just nodded. I detected a hint of uneasiness in her soft green eyes. "Freshen up and come down for breakfast." She said and left the room. I obeyed. The warm shower helped with my colossal hangover. When I was done, I dressed myself in the fresh clothing that she had left for me on the bed. I also noticed the Tylenol that was left for me with a glass of water on the dressing table. I smirked—she knew what I needed and when. When I went down to the dining room, she was setting up breakfast. "Hey," I greeted wholehearted. "Hey," she replied without looking at me. I sat on a chair. She poured me some coffee. "Shed," she began but I stopped her. "I know what you are going to say; I'm sorry for last night, it was disgrace I know." I said brusquely. "It would matter if you ha said that earnestly." She complained. I sighed. "But that wasn't what I was going to say—I want to tell you something but before that, I want to discuss something with you." She said. I nodded. She breathed in deeply. "Shed," she began and squeezed my hand on top of the table. "I know that you're disturbed; with what you father coming and then the sudden appearance of your mother last week that lead to your accident—I get it, but please Shehzad, stop hurting yourself. Your only sixteen—stop trying to solve all your problems by yourself. Stop acting like the weight of the world is on your shoulders." I sighed. She knew that I didn't want to talk about it. yet I have also been a little insincere with her; I have yet to tell her that I intercepted a letter a few months ago from Constance Brundidge and by doing so, I got to meet with my sickly little sister, Sophia. "Shed?" she shook my hand. I blinked my eyes. "Shed, I love you and if you love me back, then promise me that you will fight this hate that's been bottled up inside of you for so long." She said. I smiled and brought her hand to my lips. "Of course." "And also, my brother came by; he said to tell you that he dropped by and something about 'An eagle is in full flight'." She quoted. An eagle is in full flight! Fuck; why now? After a whole six months, why now? That bastard Shekely, what does he want with me now. If he thinks that I'm going to go do his dirty odd jobs this time then he has another thing coming. I smiled warmly at Cassie to hide my queasiness. "And what was the other thing that you wanted to say?" I asked with piqued interest. She bit her lip. "Well, I wanted to inform you that in these summer holidays, I'll be visiting my grandmother in France. I'll be gone for a whole two months." She informed. I frowned. "Two months?" I asked. She nodded. "I know that you don't like this idea . . ," "Then I'll come with you." I offered. "No!" she snapped. Why did she react that way? It was just a simple offer. Her eyes became filled with a fear that I couldn't recognize and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead as color drained from her face. "Cassie," I softly murmured and tried to touch her face but she gently moved my hand away and turned her face away; she is usually so carefree and high spirited. What happened to her all of a sudden? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap." She said and composed herself. "It's just that my grandmother is very sick and I am just worried for her. That's all." She said. her hands were shaking and her eyes said something else. I knew instantly that it was something else, but I didn't push her for answers; we both had agreed that if we wanted to tell something then we would do so in our own terms. She was just as uncomfortable with telling me the real reason behind her uneasiness and worry as I was about Sophia. We both weren't ready to tell something to each other but I'm sure that eventually we will.                                                                              ********** I smoked the last of my cigarettes and crushed a pit of a burnt cigarette under my foot. Where the hell is he? I have been waiting for the last four hours in the dead of night all for that asshole and he still doesn't show up. Who does he think he is? The only reason I would work for scum like him is because I owe him. If he hadn't saved me last year from committing suicide back in Manhattan after an intense fight with my father, I wouldn't be here today. It's because I am desperately trying to pay back the debt I owe him. "I don't think that you are built for dying; you are built for something else. If you want to find out what, then work for me. I will call you when I know the perfect task for you." He had said that to me on that stormy night. He got me into drugs and for that I am grateful to him but till now, he has only made me his errand boy. I have been curious to know what he has in store for me otherwise I wouldn't be here right. "And you're my sister's boyfriend; if you were to die, it would cause my darling sister great grief. If you wish to die, I can gladly do the honors." He had said and pulled a g*n to my forehead. At that moment, my heart pounded hard and a very strong overwhelming feeling took me in its grip. But it was very fleeting; he chuckled amusingly and pulled the g*n away. "I have some other use for you." Yes; and till now, it's been almost a year and I still don't know what he wants from me. I suppose karma got to me and now I'm dealing with him again. I opened my eyes when I felt something crunch. "Well well, you actually showed up." He commented in the shadows. I smirked. "And why not? After all, you left the message personally." I said, putting stress on the last word. He chuckled humorously. "Oh I knew that you were an interesting guy, but sadly, not an amusing one." He said. I narrowed my eyes. "And what is it that I can do that you might amusing?" I said. There was silence in the air. None of his hentch men moved a single muscle. "Come." He said and began to walk towards his car. When he was in, I also embarked only to be greeted by a g*n pointing straight at my forehead. A chill ran down my spine and I tried to keep my composure but failed miserably. His expression was serious yet his an expression of pure joy danced in his gray eyes; it's the eyes that I always found different about the two siblings. I was frozen in my place for what seemed like a few seconds as I waited for him to pull the trigger but he simply smiled amusingly and pulled the g*n away. "You can relax now." He said smugly. I felt like pounding his face in and barely managed to control my rage. "I'm glad I could amuse you." I spat almost venomously—he noted my tone. "Oh that wasn't for my amusement; the amusement is coming in a few moments." He commented. I sighed and tried to maintain myself. We soon arrived to an abandoned warehouse outside the city—so this is where he does his dirty job. That means that after tonight, when he's done with me, I can finally be rid of him.  We got out and headed inside. I waited as we stood inside the large room that was full of crates and ladders. The smell of paint and sawdust was evident. Although this guy was only a few years older than me yet he was in charge of a whole g**g and was already the don of a mafia famous in New York And Chicago. This guy held so much power and authority that I was curious to know what he wanted from me? I know that he knew that I was dating Cassie because she had introduced me to him when we went to visit her family in Chicago. After a little movement, the men bought in a dull sac and mercilessly threw it in the ground and I could've sworn that I heard a muffled cry. It moved as well. Another sac was placed with it and it cried and moved as well. I was dazed and confused. What was going on here. The men sat the sacs beside a wall and opened them to reveal two heads and unfamiliar faces whose mouths were covered with duct tape. There was a man and a woman; the man's face was badly injured as well as the woman's; her tear stained face and disheveled hair showed me that she was treated very badly. "What the f**k is this?" I demanded through clenched teeth. "Why did you bring these people here and why are they like that?" I asked demandingly. He smirked and took off his hat and threw it away. "Here," he passed the g*n to me. I glared at it. "And what the f**k am I suppose to do with it?" I asked. "Amuse me of course." He said wryly. "What?" I shouted. Aside from the muffled cried of the two victims, everyone else was quiet. "Come on Shed; don't act like you didn't know this was coming. What did you think? That I would let a worthless piece of s**t like you date my sister? Well, in order to do that, you need to become a man and the only way you can do that is take the g*n and put a bullet between their eyes." He explained. Was this guy serious? Was he really expecting me to kill two people who I didn't know and didn't even know what they were guilty of? I balled up my fists and stood firm in my place; though I was afraid, yet my pride didn't allow me to be a coward right now. "No." I said resolutely. He smirked. I felt like wiping that smirk off of his face and punching him so hard but I contained myself. My heart was racing and my knees were trembling; after all, I was human and a kid at that yet was being tasked with something as vulgar and terrifying as this. He moved the g*n towards me again and this time, I slapped it away from my face and it landed far into a dark corner of the house. He snapped and slapped my face hard. It didn't hurt me but anger was beginning to take the best of me. "If you won't kill them, then I'll kill you." He said, pointing another g*n on my forehead. "Go head." I said decisively. I don't know what came over; usually my selfish self would've taken over and I would've agreed but naturally, committing murder just wouldn't sit well with me. I could never kill; my conscience wouldn't allow it no matter the consequence. If I am to die the at least I can die right now with only one regret; I wouldn't be able to tell Cassie how much I love her. I knew that he would pull the trigger on me; after all, his eyes were as hard as stone and the composed mask was gone; what sat in its place was an animal, ravishing in c*****e and blood. I didn't dare close my eyes though every fiber of my being wanted to; if I were to die then at least I should look this bastard in the eye and die with some f*****g dignity. I heard the click of the lock as he smirked. The sound of the bullets being shot pierced through the air sounded and I winced and like a coward, my eyes flew shut. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes at the sound of his dry yet amused laughter. "Now that was not only amusing but also entertaining; the look on your face was priceless." He commented. "I suppose you are man enough," he said. I fell on my knees, my legs unable to hold me any longer—my body was badly shaking as my eyes fixed themselves on the dead faces of the two people who were shot; their eyes were blank and lifeless as they stared at me. I pursed my lips tightly and strangely, looking at death straight in the face caused tears to rpick my eyes. "Why did you have to kill them?" I asked in a low voice. "'Traitors have to be dealt with death' is my motto," he said. "But there was also a woman; why did you kill her? you could've spared her." I mumbled; her dead face was now burned in my memory. "I have no boundaries. Traitors are traitors no matter the gender." He said. I was left behind in that warehouse till the morning ray reach me in the darkness.  VOTE AND COMMENT <3
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