Chapter 2: This Is Not What I Want

1076 Words
Audrey's POV "So, breakfast?" Jordan asked breaking the silence as we pulled out of the school parking lot. "I did say we could but you currently don't have any clothes on" I pointed to the blanket he was wrapped in. "We could stop by my house" he suggested making my head shake. "No way, I‘m not going on another packs borders especially without my dad" I denied. If even one thing goes wrong I could end a decade of peace between are packs. "Oh come on Audrey live on the fun side. Nobody’s gonna do anything to end our alliance with your pack, it will be fine. Plus I’m guessing you can hold your own" he begged making a smile cross my lips uncontrollably. "Fine we get your clothes, then breakfast, then you’re far away from me " I agreed trying to remind him and myself that I don’t want a mate. “Fine” he sighed turning towards the window slightly as i changed directions towards his pack. I felt slightly bad but we only feel drawn to each other because of the mating bond, nothing else. “Park right here and we’ll walk the rest of the way it’s gonna be faster than waiting on the guards to check your car. They can be a little over the top” Jordan spoke making me nod and pull my car over on the forest edge. We both hopped out of the car walking quietly towards his pack. “Sooo” he dragged out making me glance over at him. “What’s your favorite color?” He asked making me laugh. “Out of everything you want to know, my favorite color is at the top of that list?” I chuckled. “Well no but I’d figure I’d start small and work my way up” he replied making me nod understandingly. “Um yellow, not an obnoxious highlighter yellow or anything, more of a sunrise yellow” I answered glancing over at him watching him smile softly. “And yours” I asked simply to be nice not because I was interested in his personal life. “Dark blue” he replied waking slightly closer to me as we made our way through the woods. We passed a border patrol wolf who let us through as he saw Jordan. The walk up towards his house was silent, though it wasn’t awkward almost nice just enjoying each other’s company. “Come on” he spoke as we approached his doorstep opening it for me to walk through. “Oh my mom is here by the way" he said making my head snap towards him as his mom's voice rang through the halls immediately. "Jordan? Why are you home? And naked?" A young looking women turned corner looking at Jordan and me. "And who's this lovely girl?" She asked a fake smile on her face. "Hey mom trouble at school kinda shifted in the hallway. This is Audrey" he smiled walking towards the stairs. "Honey one day you'll find your mate and she won't appreciate all the girls you bring home" she called uncaringly, turing to walk back into the kitchen. "Oh I know she doesn't, just ask her" he sighed stepping up the stairs not missing my harsh glare. "What?" She asked turning around excitedly looking at me. I smiled sheepishly looking at the ground, I'm not exactly what a mom would want as a daughter in law. So much for grabbing some clothes and leaving. "Oh honey she's beautiful" she gushed running over and embracing me in a hug. I smiled awkwardly hugging her back. "Mother don't smuggle her" Jordan laughed walking the rest of the way up the stairs. "Oh hush boy I'll be right back have to get your father" she smiled running down the hall. What was it that Sharpay said in High School Musical? This is not what I want, this is not what I planned. Jordan came back first raising his eyebrows at my crossed arms. “What’s wrong with you?” Be questioned making me scoff. “This was supposed to be in and out not a quick visit with your parents” I bit out making him grab my hand softly. “I’m sorry, honestly, just a quick hi and we’ll be gone” he promised squeezing my hand as I quickly pulled it away. “Fine but this hasn’t changed” I spoke motioning between us turning at his mother's voice. "Oh honey look there she is" his mom smiled brightly. "Alpha Nathan's daughter huh" he smiled. I only nodded hoping he wouldn't ask why I denied alpha position. "It rare you know for an adopted son to take alpha position especially when the first born has the power for the position" he noted as we all walked to the living room sitting down on the couch. Here we go. "Yeah" I answered simply hoping he'd leave it at that. "Why did you deny the position" he asked making me sigh. "My brother was older and able to take the position he was strong and will be a good leader. Plus my dad was hurt in battle a couple years ago and hasn't quite healed the same. He couldn't wait a year for me to take power" I shrugged keeping it short. "You can take power at any age your mother was your age" he pushed. "Yes but I didn't want to take power at a young age without help and I don't want a mate" the last part slipped out without permission from my mind and my body went rigged. “What’d you say?” Jordan’s Dad demanded his tone hard "It doesn't matter" I spoke not being affected by his command. "Tell me" he demanded louder in Alpha tone making me slightly angry. "Alpha Wilson with all respect stop with the demands, your tone of voice doesn't faze me. Yeah I don't want a mate I haven't wanted one for a while now, if you’ll excuse me I have to go" I stood up pushing down my rage. Walking out of the house I shifted and made a dash for home. What did I just do?!?
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