Family Vote

899 Words
Dominic POV          I slow down as I pull up to the mansion, glancing over my shoulder to check on the girl passed out in the backseat of my car. She still hasn’t moved as I roll my window back up after the guard at the gate recognized me. This is going to be a s**t show, I think to myself after parking my car in our massive garage.          Looking up I see Nicholai and Damien standing in front of the entrance to the house. They look confused, intrigued, and slightly angry at the same time. Sliding out of the car I reach back in and gently pick up Anastasia. Slowly glancing at my brothers I can tell they are shocked, whether from the girl in my arms, her scent, or the fact that the back of her once white dress is now stained a bloody red.          “What the f**k is that!?” Nicholai is the first to respond, “Why is she here!” He is now glaring daggers at her and I can tell her scent is affecting him.          “She is here because I bought her,” I replied, “I couldn’t force myself to leave here in that hell hole.” I start walking into the house and they shift out of my way letting me pass.          “She is our mate…. Isn’t she?” Damien questions, following us into the house.          “NO!” Nic exclaims, “That thing is not nor will ever be my mate. It can’t be! She is a weak, pathetic, useless, human!” With that said he grabbed her out of my arms and proceeds to head towards our dungeons. Damien and I simply stand there in shock at his “Neither of you are to touch her or open her cell until Alexei has returned from his business trip.”          “Don’t” Damien tell me, grabbing my arm to prevent me from following into the putrid dungeons our mate is about to be subjected to. “You will only make him more upset, and we need to wait to talk to Alexei before anything is decided.” Jerking my arm away, I turn towards the stairs to head to my room. Fear and concern for my newly discovered mates running through my mind. I decide my only option is to call Alexei and tell him to get home as soon as possible.   Nicholai POV          I can not believe it. Not only did Dominic buy a slave, but a human slave. And it has the audacity to be our mate. I will simply reject her, but what if that hurts the guys? Uhg! This is all so frustrating and I can not seem to think straight with her in my arms.          Looking down at her I realize she is still bleeding from the wounds on her back. Shaking my head, I command a guard to open a cell for me. When I enter, I lay her on her side on the worn mat sitting in the corner of the cell. Exiting, I command the guard to return to his original post and I make my way outside to hunt, hoping to clear my mind.          Returning home, I hear Dominic, Damien, and surprisingly Alexei talking in the downstairs living room. I head that way, catching on to the current discussion.          “We can’t just leave her down there,” that’s Dominic, “She is malnourished and injured. She will fall sick if left down there in the cold for to long.”          “If she can’t survive the dungeon for an hour, she shouldn’t be here,” I interjected.          “It has been over four hours Nic!” Dominic exclaims, “She is probably freezing and sick by now, not to mention terrified. Plus we don’t know if she has woken up from the sedative yet.”          “How long were you told it would last?” Alexei asks.          “The guard said no more than 5 to 6 hours,” Dom replies, “It was a two and a half hour drive, and she has been down there for about four and a half hours… so 7 hours now.”          “Why don’t we just vote?” Damien contributes, “All in favor of taking her out of the dungeon and treating her raise your hand.” His hand along with Alexei and Dominic’s hands raise. They all turn to me.          “Fine, but I don’t want to hear or see her near my room,” I say. Dominic promptly turns to leave.          “Wait,” Alexei commands, “Dom, you and Day go get a room near mine ready. Nic, go get medical supplies, water, and food for her, then you may go and sulk. I will bring her upstairs” With that he turns to retrieve her. We all stand there another moment before hurrying off to our assigned tasks.          At least I don’t have to get her I think to myself. Though I would never admit it, I am slightly concerned for her well-being. The concern grows when I see her still unconscious and limp in Alec’s arms. He glances at me on his way to her new room. After gathering what I was instructed to get, I followed him upstairs, arriving in time to watch him set her on the bed.
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