Chapter 1: Ditch

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Prologue “Adbay! Wake up, wake up now son.” I hear as I rub my eyes trying to get the sleep out. I open my eye and I see a slit of light coming from my door with my father standing in the crack. “Adbay get up, get dressed you must leave now.” My father says in a rushed tone. I’m still confused from sleep and I am not sure what he is talking about when my mother comes in the room with a screaming baby. “This is the crown princess barley an hour old. You must leave with her and take her to safety Adbay.” My heart starts hamming fast as I digest what my mother is saying. If she is telling me to leave with the crown princess than the Dark lord must have won the war and he is coming. I rush out of bed and grab my clothes. My father and mother have already packed a bag and all that is needed for me and the crown princess. They rush us out the service corridor down to the stables. Fire is everywhere and screaming can be heard in all directions. My heart pounds heavy in my chest with fear. People are running and screaming as the dark Lord soldiers overrun the capital of Sahasrara the crown city. Fear and uncertainty can be felt in the air. We reach the stables and my father has the horse packed and ready in seconds. He hands me a map with it routed out to the kingdom of Anahata “You must travel to Anahata Adbay. Once you are there find a family with no children and leave the crown princess there, tell no one of who she is. Once she is safe find a family for yourself to ensure you both will not not be a burden. Your mission in life now is to watch over the crown princess so when she comes of age she will save our people. You will need to tell her of her true heritage Adbay do you understand what I am telling you. The future of our people rests in you and the crown princess. Go now to safety .Your mother and I love you very much we will see you again in this life or the next.” Before I can ask any questions or get the words out my father smashes his hand on the bottom of the horse and sets it a trot. As I ride down the capital streets I can see people being murdered and worse as the dark lord soldiers take over and siege the capital. I make it out just in time before the castle gates are blown open and the dark lord soldiers are pouring in. The journey to Anahata is a 8 days ride. I don’t know what has become of the capital and our queen I don’t even know if my parents are alive but I do know they trusted me with the crown princess and so I must protect her always. Chapter 1 My feet pick up dirt and rock as I rush down the dirt road that leads to the library. The street is filled with Vipin’s people, fire user and that makes me very nervous. Flames dance above some of my people’s heads as the fire users try to not burn the hair on the top. Its a gamble every time one of my people have to be out on the street. Vipin’s people usual have there chakra showing since they have their magic. They also look healthier than us well because they are. We are their slaves now. If you try and fight them they throw you in the Mines and that is a fate worse than death. My mind wonders to dark places so I do what I do best and I think about what I have been told of the time before. The city-state of Anahata use to be beautiful or thats what my people say. All of Vinyasa was once beautiful. Each city-state had its own color. Anahata my home’s color was green. You could see bright green grass alight with magic as far as your eyes could see I am told. Before the dark lord Vipin killed our queen and her chakra mates in a jealous rage. Now dirt and rock replace it. The wind flips my raven black her all around my face forcing me to tuck it behind my ear every few seconds. I like the wind. Its the only noise I don’t mind. Everything else is just too loud for me. Which is why I am lucky to work at a quiet library, my sanctuary. The only reasons we have libraries now is because Vipin loves to read and so he can spread his propaganda around through children stories so that our future generation will be preprogrammed for his rule. Vipin is said to have been the queen’s closest adviser. He was at her side since the beginning of her reign and during that time he fell in love with her and would hoped to become one of her mates. But the queen already had her chakra mates and refused him. Feeling lost and betrayed Vipin left the kingdom only to return with his own warriors under false pretenses. Vipin and his warrior’s murder the queen’s chakra mates in their sleep and stole the chakra stones. The queen was becoming weak fast as she power the kingdom to fight off Vipin’s army but she herself could not fight Vipin off. When the queen refused to surrender Vipin killed her. With the queen and her mates dead and the chakra stones in Vipin’s hands magic was dead for the vinyasa people and they could no longer fight against Vipin and his magical army. They had won. With the queen now dead Vipin moved his own people into our the kingdom of Hatha and enslaved my people to forever be the help and slaves of his new worthy people. Its hard to wake up in the mornings, its hard to go home at night knowing my life is not my own. Why was I born? Why do my people continue to procreate knowing they are bringing their children into this life? I see no use for my life and yet I do not take it. My hand stays steady at my side never lifted to harm me even though my minds shows me different way it could happen. I round the corner near the library sign that leads up to the steps to the entrance. The library does not open for another half hour but I like to get here early to just soak up the silence. I get the key out and unlock the door and step inside the building. I instinctively take a deep breath loving the smell of books. My favorite place is the spiritual section. I love learning about the great mother and spirit that watches over us, makes me feel like I am a little less alone. It is said long ago the Great Mother blessed our people with a chakra queen. Chakras are energy points in our bodies that house our magic. The chakra queen is given 7 chakra mates, her mates all have their own chakra activated to balance out the queen and the queen balances out the kingdom. Thats the way this kingdom was meant to be run. The front doors of the library bang open as my boss walkings in holding stacks of manuscripts. “Amita, help me please!” he calls with his frail voice. His gray hair is plaster to his face with sweat and his skin is a little pale and see thorough from old age and exertion “Mr. Hester of course.” I reply. I walk over to Mr. Hester and take the manuscripts from his bony arms. “Thank you Amita, I am not as young as I use to be.” “Nonsense Mr. Hester your best years are still ahead of you.” I joke and we share a laugh. “Ha Ha you are very funny child. Here early again I see.” I look away from him guiltily and embarrassed at being caught wanting to be here than anywhere else by my boss. This is nothing new for Mr. Hester in fact he is well aware that I come here early some days and leave just as late on others. The library is my sanctuary in this world were peace can be found hardly anywhere. “Yes, I could not sleep again last night and woke up early so I figured I’d get some studying done.” I replied. “Ah, well you may continue but in a little while I’ll need you to inventory the spiritual books.” He told me. “Thats funny I was just over there learning about the Great Mother. Why does she not answer our prayers and rid us of the dark lord.” I ask. “The Great Mother has reasons for everything and it is not our job to understand why things happen or why things are the way they are. You must have faith that the great Mother has not forsaken us. She loves us and when it is time she will save us and bring peace to our land. You said you were studying the spiritual books hmmm?” He asked. “Yes, just before you got here.” I replied. “Well I suggest you keep reading until you find the answers you seek. The Great mother gave us everything we need to get by on Vinyasa, have faith child and keep reading.” He says to me as he walks away from me and to the back of the library where is office is located. I make my way back to the spiritual section and pick up a book and start reading. My eyes fly over page after page of manuscripts. My eyes trying to eat the pages like my mouth does food. I love this feeling its almost like flying. Sometime later I put a hold on my studies to help a few customers and before I know it its closing time. Mr. Hester has already left for the evening so its up to me to close down. I follow all the protocols and lock and make my way down the steps of the entrance and back onto the dirt road. I love the night. It is a close second to the library only because everyone has access to the night. Anyone can just walk outside and see me and look at me or talk to me and I hate that. I am not important enough for anyone to really talk to. I have nothing to say and to be honest I am worthless. I’ve worked at the library for 7 years now devouring ever manuscript on life and I still have not found a purpose for my own. The old scripts tell me to find my purpose in life that the Great Mother gave me but I can’t find it. The only real skill I have is reading. I can read really fast. It has helped on occasion but not for anything of extreme importance. I’m lost in my head and don’t hear or see what seems to be a carriage speeding by me and I side step to avoid it when my foot slips and I fall in a ditch. I tumble down the side as rocks, dirt and branches all scratch at my body and face on the way down. I reach the bottom of the ditch and hit my head on a rock and I’m thrown into darkness. Moments later I open my eyes and look around. The sky is dark and the stars are out. I see the tops of trees and I notice I cant really feel my body. I stand up and look toward the ground and I see myself laying there. A green blinding light appears in front of my eyes and I look away. Suddenly a voice out from the air speaks. “Do not look away child.” It says and I obey for reasons I don’t understand. I look into the green light and I see a great war with thousands dead. The dark lord finally taking over the last of the seven kingdoms and enslaving the rest of our people. The green light shifts and I see myself in the arms of a man I do not know and he is glowing green. The light shifts once more and shows me six other men who are also glowing different colors. They are all surrounding me with my chakras all alight. The light goes out and my legs give out and I fall back to the ground. “Everything is about to change.” the voice whispers to me in the darkness. “You were looking for a purpose and now I have shown it to you.” Says the whisper voice and I am thrown back into darkness. I awake at the bottom of the ditch. My body feels like it has been trampled by animals and my brain pounds harshly in my skull. I stand up on shaky legs and assess my condition. I am wet and its cold outside. I need to get home soon or I will get sick. No bones seem to be broken but I am bleeding from my head a little. Once my legs stop shaking I make my way back up the ditch. By the time I get to the top I am even worse for wear. Dirt is stuck in my hair. Mud is all over my face and clothes and I am even more wet. I am more than half way home so I start walking. My body now loosing adrenaline is starting to ache making it take longer to reach home. I am shuffling and limping but I reach my destination and my adoptive father is outside the house waiting for me. I reach him and we both start laughing. “ Rough day? Are you alright child?” He says “Yeah rough day and yes I am fine poppa I just fell on my walk home but yes I am alright” I reply “Thats good to hear. Go on inside and get cleaned up. Supper is on the table.” I walk inside and make a right to the bath house on the side of the house grateful for a nice warm bath. I get cleaned up and make my way back inside for supper. My mother and father are already sitting at the table waiting for me and by the look on momma’s face poppa has told her about my fall. My mother’s lips are pulled in a tight smile. Wrinkles from age and worry decorate her light brown yes but she is still a very beautiful with shoulder length blond hair. My poppa who is handsome himself is very lucky to have momma as a wife. Poppa has short blond hair too but has streaks of red with blue eyes. Sometime I want to ask why they never had children of their own. I would have loved a sibling growing up because I was very lonely. Momma and poppa gave me attention as an only child but most of their time was spent working on the farm. “How was work sweetie?” my mother finally asks. I give her a look that says please don’t start. She reads my face and takes a deep breath and starts again but this time her voice holds none of the worry and stress it did the first time. My mother is a worry wort. Sometime my father has to remind her that if she does not stop worrying about us so much it will lead to and early death. “Work was great momma I read up more on the great mother but still I am worthless.” I say and my father slams his hand down on the table hard enough to shake everything that is upon it. “What did I tell you Amita, stop talking about yourself like that you will find your purpose in life give yourself time you are just 24 child.” My father scolds me. I say nothing further than an apology because I am just too tired to argue tonight. I know I am a waste of space. I feel it in my bones. I contribute to nothing and when I try to take the intuitive in anything I end up screwing it up or making it worse and troublesome for someone else. I quickly finish my meal and ask to be excused from the table. My father lets me go but not before I see the disappointment in his eyes. He hates when I talk like this but I just feel I am speaking my truth. I walk down the hall and to the left to my room. As soon as my head hit the pillow I am asleep. I toss and turn all night long from nightmares until finally I give up on sleep and sit up in bed. I notice a green light coming from outside my window and I get out of bed to see where it is coming from. I look out the window and I see a shadowy figure of a man looking up at me. I am frighten instantly because the green light is coming off of the man. He starts making hand gestures and lights shoot out from his hands and toward me. I take a step back and before I can run the lights from his hands have me in a strong hold and are pulling me out the window to the shadowy man. The lights pull me until I am in front of him and I can see his face. He is strikingly handsome and something in his eyes make me ache between my legs like I never have before. He walks around me until his front is flush with my back and I shiver from ecstasy. I feel warmth on my lower back and I realize it is his hand that is providing the heat. I shiver again knowing he is touching me. He starts whispering words I cant recognize and I start to feel pressure pushing and pulling where his hand rest on my back. “Surrender” he whispers to me and I do. The pressure from the small of my back builds and travels up my back and explodes out of my head and for the second time tonight I am thrown into darkness.
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