Elizabeth & the Black Lotus

1768 Words
***Note from the Author: This story does explore some polyamorous ideas and the main protagonist does have multiple lovers, both male and female. This is a spicy read! If that bothers you, please do not continue! My other story, Black Knight, is much tamer, and the main character only has one partner if that is more your speed. Thank you! :)*** From the Perspective of Elizabeth, Leader of the Black Lotus: I was sitting in my study rubbing my temples. I had enough of today, and I was feeling it deep into my bones. I was the leader of the Black Lotus, a group full of magical beings who assist me in protecting the magical world as a whole. I am a Vampire who was forcefully created eons ago, and I’m well known for being one of the most powerful beings in all of the magical universe. Today, in particular, was irritating. I had an uprising between two of the largest wolven packs, and both of their alphas were acting like toddlers refusing to listen to reason. Typically wars between wolven packs I leave to them individually to sort out, but the battleground between these two packs were filled with innocent nature nymphs and fae. They would be caught in the crossfire. I sighed and pulled my long black hair into a low bind at the nape of my neck. I continued rubbing my temples, as I had a wicked headache coming on. I was mulling over what to do about this particular situation when there was a knock at my door. “Come in.” I said, already knowing who was at the other side of the door. My second, Azriel walked in. He was a dark fae who had been with me the longest. He kept me sane, and kept my anger in check. He worked with the shadows and dark magic, and they answered his call. He had dark hair, like my own, and violet eyes that sparkled, unlike my own that I knew appeared nearly black. He came over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders and began to work them. I nearly groaned under his touch. “Any luck with the wolves, Mistress?” I shook my head. “They are as good as toddlers, those Alphas are.” I muttered, and he continued to work my shoulders with his magic fingers. He paused his kneading of my shoulders, and gently turned me to face him, before crouching so he was eye level to me. “You need to feed, Mistress.” He said, in his low, commanding tone. I was a vampire who needed to feed on other magical creatures. Many of my followers let me feed on them. They offered it to me of their own volition, I would never force it upon anyone. “I am alright for now.” I told him, gripping his hand in my own. I began to turn back to the desk, but he gripped my hips, forcing me to continue to look at him. I frequently tried to push myself between feedings, since I hated to rely on others, especially my crew. “Stella mentioned to me this morning that you haven’t fed in almost a month. You need to feed.” He said, and I had to fight a hiss in my throat. Stella was our healer, and a dear friend. She was also the first to tattle on me if I went too long between feedings. “Stella can by a busybody who can’t mind her own business.” I said, and that made him chuckle. He pushed a stray hair out of my eyes. He left his fingers to linger on my cheekbone for a few seconds after. “Should I tell Orion that you haven’t fed in a month?” He said and my eyes widened as I knew he had won. I didn’t want a lecture from that Earth Fae again. He would only make my life a living hell. Orion was one of my best warriors, and he was also a loud, cocky, fae that I loved dearly. Besides Azriel, he fed me the most. “Alright. Fine. I’ll feed.” I said, and stood from my chair. He nodded and gripped my hand as I rose. “Who do you need today?” He asked me earnestly, and I knew he meant who I needed to feed off of today. I looked at him and smiled. “I need you today, Azriel.” I told him. “Yes, Mistress.” He said and bowed his head, before gripping my hand, and leading me from the room. ********************************** From the Perspective of Orion, Earth Fae: I was with Alistair, Lex, and Elrix in the main hall of the Black Lotus. We were laughing and talking, and overall getting Elrix, the newest of us all, acclimated to the group. I was the head fighter, and war commander of Black Lotus. I was big and burly, which most Earth Fae males were. My red hair was also a dead giveaway of my lineage, but my green eyes were entirely unique. Alistair was a light mage, who was probably the coolest and collected of us all. Blonde hair, blue eyes, he practically looked like an angel. He had this gift of helping Mistress to calm down when she is feeling particularly murderous. Lex was a werewolf who was the former alpha of a powerful wolf pack. He was forced to leave over a petty alpha dispute, but he was friends with the Mistress, so she took him in. He was a typical werewolf with dark hair, tan skin, and dark brown eyes. Elrix was the newest of all of us. He was a young Fire Fae, who needed some help controlling his power. He had no family, and when Mistress heard about him, he was offered a place in our ranks, so he could have a safe space to learn and grow. He had Ice blonde hair, and eyes so dark they were nearly black, just like our Mistress. We were laughing and joking around, when we saw Azriel come in from the wing where Mistress’s office was held. He looked concerned, so all of us were on alert. We saw Mistress behind him, and she looked agitated. “What’s wrong? Is it those immature Alphas again?” I asked them and Azriel gave a look over to Elizabeth, our mistress, before turning back to us. “Yes, the immature Alphas are acting up again, but in this moment, I’m more concerned about feeding our Mistress. She hasn’t fed in a month.” Azriel said, and instantly Alistair, Lex and I were on our feet heading to her. I reached her, and she was so short she only reached to my mid chest, at most. “Mistress, why haven’t you fed?” I asked her seriously, gripping her hand within my own. Nearly all of her top commanders in this compound help her feed, and all of us are willing to do it to keep her strong. She glared at Azriel. “I thought we agreed that we weren’t going to tell Orion.” She gripped and I balked at her. “I should know these things. All of us are willing to help you, mistress.” I said to her and she nodded. “Who do you need right now?” I asked her. “I need Azriel today.” She said, and all of us nodded. I turned to my soul brother, Azriel, and told him: “If either of you need anything, let me know.” I said, and he nodded. “Of course.” Az replied, before turning to Elizabeth. “Mistress, I told them because all of us need to be more mindful of how often you’re feeding. Orion is obnoxious, but when it comes to this, maybe that’s what you need.” He said, and I could tell that Mistress was fighting a hiss. Azriel gripped her hand and led her away, leaving the four of us alone once more. I sat back down, fighting a grimace. She had gone too long again. I looked at Elrix and realized he looked terribly confused and I realized that he hadn’t been here since the last time she needed to be fed. This wasn’t a conversation he had with anyone here yet. “What does Azriel mean when he says she hasn’t been fed in a month?” Elrix said, curiosity alight in his dark eyes. Alistair turned to him, taking the lead in this conversation. “Do you know what Mistress is?” He asked Elrix, who nodded in response. “I know she is a vampire. Is there a human here who feeds her?” He asked, and the three of us looked at each other before Lex proceeded. “No, there isn’t. Mistress doesn’t feed on humans. She is a very rare type of vampire who can only feed on magical beings. She never takes from anyone who is unwilling, and nearly everyone here is willing to feed her. She just hates being a burden on us. Although when we feed her, it’s far from a burden.” Lex explained, and Elrix nodded. “So that’s what Azriel is doing right now? Letting her bite him?” He asked so innocently. I took the last part of this explanation. “Mistress doesn’t only feed on blood. In order to keep her healthy and going, she also needs to feed on sensual energy from magical creatures.” I said, and waited for that to sink in. “You mean they are having s*x right now?” He asked, his face the classic definition of shock. “Yes. They are.” I said, and I waited for him to put the dots together himself. “Wait, does that mean that most of you have intercourse with her when you feed her?” He asked, and I nodded. “Yes. We do. We all love her, and most of us share that connection with her. There are a few of us who decide not to however. Azriel feeds her the most, followed by me. The others help as needed. Ideally, we’d want her to feed a few times a week, but she feels like she’s a burden when she needs to feed, so she never asks.” I explain, and he looked like he was terribly confused. “So she has s*x with everyone?” He asked once more, which caused us all to laugh.
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