Chapter 1

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Elara POV  The winding stone passages of the catacombs were all I had ever known. Home and prison—the Midnight Whispers Pack had been shunned, forced to make our dwelling in this labyrinth of darkness beneath the glittering towers of Shadow Falls for as long as our lore reached back. We were the cursed ones, the whispered secrets and fears of those above who lived under the shining moon while we languished in midnight's embrace. I lifted my head, inhaling the faint scent of jasmine and herbs as I neared the healer’s alcove, clutching the basket of bandages and remedies Taya had requested. My inner wolf stirred anxiously, and I steadied my breath, willing my hands to stop shaking. "Elara! There you are. Took you long enough, pup," Taya snapped as I stumbled through the curtained entrance. My cheeks flushed under the weight of her pale gaze, and I lowered my eyes submissively. "My apologies, Healer Taya," I murmured, setting the basket down. Her nasal snort echoed through the cave as bony fingers rifled carelessly through its contents. "Sloppy work as always. You'd think after nineteen years you’d finally learn how to be useful." My jaw tightened at the derision in her tone. "Go make yourself scarce so I can work. If the pack Alpha hears you’ve been bothering me again during preparations for tonight’s ritual, maybe she'll finally get rid of your worthless hide." The words pierced my fragile composure, but I simply dipped my head politely, backing out of the alcove. Only when safely down the passage did I release the frustrated growl building in my throat, fangs cutting into my lip. Weak, useless, cursed—their whispered insults clung to me like a second pelt. All my life, I had tried and failed to awaken whatever strength surely lay hidden within me, like all she-wolves. Tonight was the sacred Blood Moon ritual to honor our deity Solenna, the Moon Goddess—my last chance to prove I belonged here as a wolf, not a whimpering pup. If I failed again to tap into my power, would Alpha finally cast me out for good? Unease roiled through my gut at the thought. The surface world was no home for a lone wolf without strength or skill. Down here in the comforting dark, I was in a pack. I was safe. Goddess Solenna saved me; I had to awaken my wolf blood tonight. Voices echoed ahead, and I inhaled deeply to catch their scent: Alpha Zeta's pleasant honeyed smell mingled with the earthly aroma of Beta, Arne. Two young male scents of Pack Guardians, Adrian and Luka trails, followed. My packmates, yet their scathing remarks about my uselessness stung the most. "All preparations are complete, Alpha,” Arne was saying, his rich voice resonating off the stone tunnels. “We will be ready to welcome the Blood Moon." “Excellent.” Alpha’s strong tones held notes of satisfaction. “Once blessed under Solenna’s glow, our pack shall emerge even stronger. The cursed shadows of our prison will not bind us forever." I crept forward silently until I could peer around the curve of rock into the larger ceremonial cavity, currently empty save for the four wolves conferring by the modest stone altar adorned with offerings. Candles waiting to be lit lined the walls, suffusing the space with warm, comforting light. Ancient symbols dedicated to Solenna had been traced onto the floor with rare crushed Lapis lazuli dust, glinting iridescent blue and violet amidst the sea of gray stone. Despite its humble nature, this secret temple felt more like home than the cold, imposing towers of those who had banished us below. “The only curse we suffer is being deprived of hunting freely under the moon,” Luka proclaimed boldly. “Once Solenna gifts us her strength tonight, we will break free and take back the city that is rightfully ours!" Adrian cackled at his agreement. "About time we showed those pathetic Crescent dogs who the true wolves are!" His voice dropped to a conspiratorial, mock whisper. "Rumor, their Alpha Elijah, suffers some strange sickness. They’ve been scouring the city for a cure to no avail." My breath caught at the name spoken in such contempt. Elijah Valkner is the Alpha of the formidable Crescent Moon pack that reigned over Shadow Falls. I had never seen him in person, but his formidable legend reached even the depths of our exile. They said he was utterly beautiful under the moonlight, powerful, and merciless—a warrior nothing could challenge. I wouldn't give him a fraction of his infamous strength. Alpha Zetya laughed, though the sound held no mirth. "Let the cowardly curs keep hiding behind their gilded towers and paltry Alpha. The Goddess shall set us free under this blessed moon." Their words sent uneasy prickles along my skin, but I remained silent. None would welcome critique or caution from a weak, useless pup they barely tolerated. I longed fiercely to join them in reveling at the coming ritual unleashing our wolf spirits, but doubt lingered uncomfortably in my mind at their ambitious boasts. Were we ready to challenge the formidable Crescent Pack so openly? Surely not all of them could be as cruel and prejudiced as rumors claimed. I harbored no love for those who had condemned us to this underground purgatory, yet my soul quailed at the thought of outright war staining our catacomb halls red. A chorus of eerie howls echoed suddenly down the tunnels from the upper sentry post—three long wails signaling intruders in our domain. Snarls erupted instantly from Alpha and her guards. I stumbled back, my heart racing. Had the Crescents discovered our plan to use tonight's sacred ritual against them? "Adrian, Luka, with me!" Alpha's voice rang with command. "Arne, gather the warriors. I want whoever dares trespass on our territory captured or put down!" Footsteps on scraped stones pounded through the adjoining tunnels as the pack obeyed their Alpha's order. I stood paralyzed for a long moment before Arne's imposing figure filled the path ahead, radiating readiness for violence. His gaze passed right over me dismissively in her haste. My heart pounded as I hurried toward the southern refuge caverns with the other weaker members of the pack—the elders, nursing mothers, and young ones too small to fight. Fear and frustration churned sourly in my gut. We reached the small network of caverns used for storage and supply shelter during attacks. I helped usher the wide-eyed pups inside, my anxious movements belying the comforting words I offered them. Unease slithered icy fingers along my spine. Who had breached our domain on this sacred night? We had planned to challenge the Crescents soon, but not like this! Once the young ones were settled, I paced the cramped space restlessly. Dying herbs and old blood scents cloyed the heavy air—remains of healing magic performed here long ago. The wavering torchlight cast dancing shadows across carved walls that seemed to mock my uselessness. I should be fighting out there with Arne and the others! Rushed footsteps at the cavern entrance drew me around, my muscles taut with apprehension. Had the attackers found us so soon? Fear changed to surprise as Healer Taya's tall, rail-thin frame appeared. Strange excitement lit her normally dour features. My brow puckered warily. Why was she here instead of tending to the fighting warriors' injuries? "Elara! Good, you're with the pups." Taya gestured impatiently for me to follow. "Come. Your Alpha summons you. Do not dawdle!" "Alpha...?" Shocks root me in place. Zeta had called for me. But why? Surely any needs would be focused on the violent turmoil happening above, not whatever she presumed I could offer. Dread congealed in my throat, threatening to choke off my air completely. Had she finally lost all patience with my failures and meant to cast me out tonight, even as enemies attacked? Please, Goddess, not that! Startled, I barely managed to stifle a yelp, spinning to see her approach with a pace designed for purpose. Her eyes were not the soft brown of nurturing earth but hard as flint, ready to strike. She was not a comforter; she was Healer Taya, and every line of her slender form spoke of a life spent wielding remedies for strength, not solace. She drew up to me, and I instinctively knew to hold my tongue. "Alpha Elijah Valkner of the Crescent Moon pack has arrived," she said with the swiftness of a thrown knife. "You will serve him as an assistant healer." My mind whirled, a cyclone of disbelief and fear. Alpha Valkner? Here? I choked on a thousand questions, but Healer Taya continued relentlessly. "Alpha Zeta will be present. Your task is simple: catch Alpha Elijah's eye. Be the meek and demure thing that you are so good at pretending to be. Serve him well." I struggled to find my voice; the roar of my own confusion drowned out the gravity of her words. "Why me?" The question sounded absurd even to my own ears. "I have no prowess in... anything." A second, more pressing question clawed its way out. "Our pack... Aren't we going to attack Crescent Moon tonight? Why would we serve their Alpha, not strive to end him?" Taya’s answer came as sharp as frost. "Elara, you know very well you have no wolf to call forth this night, no shift to make." Her face twisted into a smirk that never once reached her eyes. "Consider this your chance to remain in the pack. Succeed, and Alpha Zeta might not toss you to the scavengers. Do not ask more." She flicked her hand dismissively. "Alpha Zeta has plans within plans." The smirk she wore chilled me more than the cool, clammy air of our subterranean home. It was the smirk of one who knew more than they should, the smirk of secret power. I had seen it before, amidst cryptic conversations and furtive exchanges, hinting at unseen depths beneath calm surfaces. Swallowing hard, the sting of her words still fresh, I nodded mutely. Taya’s smirk might have been cruel, but it was also my lifeline. Without a wolf to shift, without strength or skill, what place had I but that given by necessity or mercy? I clenched my fists, the basket of bandages and remedies forgotten. I would take on this task, however strange and unsettling, and I would see it through. Not just for my place in the pack, but to discover for myself the measure of Alpha Elijah Valkner. And perhaps, through this, we will gain insight into the mysterious plans of Alpha Zeta. With a bow of my head, I followed Taya, my steps faint on the ancient stone. Tonight, amidst the sacred blood-moon rituals and whispered plans of rebellion, I would serve the enemy of my people.
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