Chapter 10: Two Weeks Later

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Two weeks Later I was sitting on the front porch of the pack house just reading a book enjoying the gentle breeze when my Uncle Luke walked up the stairs. He reminded me a lot of my mother. They had the same walk, the same attitude and even the same general physical appearance. Having his company had started to feel more of a comfort then a anxiety. “Emmry.” He smiled at sat down in the chair next to mine. I was getting better with my dad and uncles about not flinching away from them. I could tell it make them feel better. “Hey what’s up?” Normally my uncle was at the store he owned. “Well your dad and I were talking…” He started off cautiously “and we think that you should come to work for me at the shop.” I was about to out right refuse but something stopped me. I know that I really don’t want to be around that many people at once but I also know that at some point I’m going to have to get use to seeing so many shifters and having them want to come up and talk to me. I am their Alpha’s daughter. I watch all the time as Hope is stopped and talked to by just about every one and then once they notice me they try to do the same but Hope runs interference and I can get away. “I….well…” I couldn’t tell what the best thing to do was. I really don’t want to take a job in a popular place but I also don’t want to disappoint my dad and uncle. “You won’t have to ring out every single customer and talk to them all day…but I really do think this could be a good thing for you Emmry.” Uncle Luke smiled at her again/ “Yeah alright. I’ll work there.” I agreed rolling my eyes at him and then smiling. He jumped up and pumped his fist in the air. “Score! I told David I’d convince you and it barely took any convincing.” My Uncle Luke chucked and danced around the porch. He looked like a complete i***t but it was pretty funny. “When do you want me to start?” I asked him closing my book. “Tomorrow if you want…no reason to really waste time.” He shrugged and then patted my head before making his way off the porch. “7 am tomorrow morning okay? Also wear jeans and a plain shirt I don’t care what color.” He called as he headed off towards the pack office. I’m sure he was going to go gloat. That happened rather quickly. I thought to myself as I watched him walk away. Living here had really started to change me. I wasn’t the same as I was before at least not to the same extent. Being surround by people wasn’t as terrible as I thought it was going to be. Hopefully it wouldn’t be terrible working at Uncle Luke’s shop. I’d have to get use to talking to the pack at some point. Why not start now. I sighed and got up from the porch and headed into the house to make some lunch. It’s my last day of doing absolutely nothing better make it worth it. I was in the middle of cutting my sandwich when I heard the steps on the porch creek. I was curious so I took my plate and headed back outside. There was no one in sight. I tilted my head and wondered if I have imagined it. That’s when I noticed the flower sitting on the chair I had been in a few minutes ago. It was my favorite type of flower…wild flowers. Who….who would have known…Was it there before? This can’t be happening again… I was starting to panic and went inside shutting and locking the door. I put the plate down so I didn’t break it and sunk to the floor. This wasn’t the first time I had received a flower…and I had a sickening feeling it wouldn’t be the last.   Unknown She is so beautiful, my wonderful Emmry. I watched as she turned the page in her book. She had been reading on the porch for the last hour or two. I was very certain no one had noticed me cross onto the territory. All I wanted to do was walk up and take that beautiful lock of hair and tuck it behind her ear. She was mine, I had chosen her when she was 15 to be mine and no one was going to take her away from me now. I had heard from some acquaintances that she had been brought back from Pennsylvania. I needed to see for myself is she was exactly where I wanted her to be. At least for now anyway. I had missed my chance of taking her when her mother was no longer an issue. I didn’t expect her to run as quick as she did. I had nearly caught her when she stumbled right into the warriors of the damn Keystone Pack. I needed to come up with a different plan this time. She wasn’t going to be with anyone else but me. I made that perfectly clear to her the time we were together. I often wondered if my mark was still on her. I had given her one on that beautiful day 4 years ago. In all the times that I saw her I never could catch a moment where I could see the spot on her shoulder. She did her best to cover it. I guess she didn’t want anyone to know she had a mate. Or maybe because she hadn’t shifted yet she didn’t understand what it meant. Either way I was going to make sure that she knew. Now all I had to do was wait and come up with the best plan to bring her back into my arms. I had nearly lost myself in thought when I saw her uncle approach her. I got a little closer so I could hear what they were saying. Emmry agreed to work at his store..that was new. She never agreed to work where she would have contact with so many other males. I told her that would be a problem. I did my best to control my anger. I wanted to jump out grab her and run…but I doubt I would make it very far. Instead I waited and watched as my Emmry took in the day and then headed inside. I could have stuck around to continue but instead I checked to make sure I wasn’t being watched and I placed one of her favorite flowers on the chair and then left. It may not be now…but soon I will have her. She belongs to me. Emmry will be mine. 
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