Mistakenly 01 - WEST : The Witch met a Wolf

2142 Words
WEST The Land of Alria was the most mysterious land that could have existed. The sky was plain, coated with the changing shapes of clouds in the sky as well as the vast ocean and green landscapes that every beast resides however, the land was divided in accordance to their four cardinal directions, the East where the varied breed of beasts reside, West for the ancestral land of werewolves, South under the rule of strict governance of Goblins and North where the ethereal elves rules then the Land of Nobles, the Capital of Alria, home of the nobles. This was the land of Alria, the land of all there is to it however, the infamous witch named Liliech couldn't be settled. She had a lot of proof and evidence that lead to the truth that this land is nothing but a portion of a bigger world and there is still one species that they haven't found and seen, this species was the so-called humans. Their ancestor had mentioned their kind but they were taught that they were merely a part of the folklore, a myth that this species was the most dangerous compared to werewolves and vampires. They can eradicate a whole clan in just a blink and a snap of their fingers, they make the green fields barren. A single human was capable to create chaos, they said. And the preceding generations believed in this kind of story and believed that this species was merely a part of their bedtime stories. They feared but didn’t believe them. However, the witch Liliech didn’t give up on her search for the human base. She had long believed that this was not merely a superstition but rather, a hidden truth on the other side of the world! This witch, Liliech, was infamous for her crazy looks, and her obsession with humans even though she was one of the most talented witches of their generation, she had cut ties with anyone else and lived in the woods so that no one can interrupt her research about humans. And this night, Liliech finally got the tracks! With all the equipment she invented to track a single human in all her years, they finally lighted up and sent signals that a human had entered the premises! She was shaking in excitement. Smiling widely as she walked alone in the Lonely forest, carrying her lamp that illuminated the path, the trees were friendly to the lone witch as they stretched back to provide a path for her. The wood had become her friend since then. With the lamp in her hand, her eyes were seen as bloodshot. It was wide open as she smiled in all delight, “Don’t worry my friends, we will have our taste on this unique organism.” she muttered under her coat, her voice was cracking and deep. Just like how those shapeshifters describe her. And one more thing why the inhabitants of Alria feared this witch was because she’s completely nuts. She had preyed on several things as she craved for it, and was known that she had already tasted all of them it can be werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, sirens, and anything else that she would see as an apple in the eye. She had been condemned to several crimes and the leaders of each species had tried to execute her. The Vampires tried to fry her alive, the werewolves tried to strike her on a pole, and the sirens tried to rip her limbs and threw them on the piranhas, but she always survive. Her talent can only be used to save herself. Her fellow witches were completely disgusted with her that’s why she has left here all alone in the woods. Liliech was completely ignorant of these things and focused on how to satisfy her curiosity. She then heard the bells ring loudly in her ears even though they were located miles away from her. It was her equipment made solely to detect a human scent and it was placed on the border of the woods near the cliff, a f*******n place. Liliech walked faster, she was afraid that some vampires or werewolves would catch wind of this human and she couldn’t have her taste! She bit her finger as she ran fast, I wouldn’t allow it! Her coat swayed on the wind as she swiftly ran in the middle of the woods, she was flexible and had a balance speed that if someone would witness this angle, no one would think that she was a tangled-nuts witch. She almost reached the border of the woods when she stopped because someone just bumped into her. Right in the middle of the woods, at midnight. She was bumped at but the other person was the one who fell to the ground with a groan while Liliech stood still, she frowned. It’s been a while since she had smelt the scent of a werewolf but she was no longer interested since her top priority is at hand. She didn’t turn toward the person and focused on her desire. She resumed running again as the unique smell of the human was getting closer, her crazed expression had started again. Her black robe flew as the wind went against her, cold but thrilling. It’s been a while since she got out of her passive living. When she finally stepped out and finally reached the area where there were lesser trees in the surrounding, where the full moon finally appeared in her vision…a massive black shadow covered her and it was already too late. When she stepped out of the woods, it was the right timing as the wolf finally pounced on her. The big white wolf bit her arm and they both rolled to the ground. The white wolf was big and angry, it didn’t let go of Liliech’s arm and even dug its fang deeper. Its golden eyes were bright under the watchful light of the moon, it was gritting its teeth as the witch’s blood flowed down from its fang. For a normal species, they would scream and cry but Liliech just stared at it with her amused eyes. The wolf was magnificent, its white fur was almost shining under the moonlight’s glow. It was massive but beautiful aside from its gritting teeth and furious golden eyes, it was still splendid. She opened her mouth in delight, “You’ve lost control aren’t you Milady? Is it your first time in that form?” she asked the wolf in a very casual tone. But it even agitated the white wolf and almost broke her arm in pieces as its sharp teeth buried it. But the witch seemed not to mind the pain and could only say, “Let go. I still have things to do, I could share some of my catch if you let go of me right now.” However, the white wolf didn’t budge as it still gritted its teeth but the witch’s temper finally stretched to its limit. She could play anytime but not right now! She then realized that the human scent was slowly fading, her only track! She panicked and tried to take her arm but it was already in pieces as the flesh was exposed on-air, and blood was oozing out. Liliech was pinned to the ground by this mad wolf. She raised her other arm while holding the lamp, the fire inside went mad and suddenly became huge, Liliech slammed it forward to the wolf and since the fire was under her power, the fire enveloped the wolf that it made whimpers and mad growlings as it took steps back. The witch paid it no mind as she ran away again with her bleeding arm that was slowly healing. Her broken bones due to that wolf’s fangs were slowly retracting back as if it’s a usual process, the flesh was moving to stitch back themselves. Among the inhabitants of Alria, the witches are the ones who could heal themselves at great speed. She was running towards the border of the wood, where the f*******n cliff was located since the scent of the human was leading her there. She frowned, how can a human manage to stand the strong energy? This place was not just the f*******n cliff because people liked to play mystery. It was f*******n since there is unknown energy that sucked up living things into the violent air, some said that it looked like an invisible hurricane that drags you in but it has no basis since no one was alive to tell the tale. Liliech was still rational despite her raging desire so when she was about to take a different route, a safer route towards the f*******n cliff. She sensed the same wolf again, and since werewolves couldn’t be underestimated with their speed and strength, in seconds late time, she was pounced and bitten on her shoulders. This time, she finally let out a cry as she was dragged forward. “You stupid wolf! Are you being suicidal?!” she exclaimed seeing that she was being dragged towards the cliff! But the wolf was completely out of control, it has no senses and direction. They had finally reached the cliff and the raging wind welcomed them but it didn’t stop the wolf from going forward. “You! Stop!” the witch finally screamed and carried a spell under so the wolf would stop but the wind neutralized it. It seems that it is true that the energy here was great and mysterious. Even the great white wolf was struggling against the violent wind. The white wolf continued forward, dragging the witch towards the edge. The witch had seen several death of her but she didn’t see this. She didn’t predict it! She could only smirk as her shoulder had gone completely numb. She never feared death but dying in this pity state would let her enemies laugh in tears. ‘Die. You will die. Everything that you took from me…Die!’ The witch couldn’t help but lift her head upon hearing the voice. She stared at the golden eyes of the white wolf…it was her human screaming in agony. But she suddenly realized that they were already on the edge of the cliff. Clouds started to gather in the sky, the full moon that was brightly shining on the sky bed was slowly being covered down by these bags of clouds, and lightning started to appear on the distant horizon. The witch screamed, “That’s why I hate werewolves the most! You’re all so obsessed and ridiculous!” And the moment she thought she will be thrown without justification, she was surprised as the wolf jumped together with her in the violent wind. The wind was loud and sharp as it carried them in the air and slowly, the ocean below started to create a hole, sucking them down. The hole was big and dark and the moment they were sucked in… Everything was dead. … She heard faint voices around her, low and almost in a whisper but she was certain that they bought no harm. Her lids quivered and slowly, his eyes opened. She immediately saw an unfamiliar ceiling with its trusses exposed. She frowned. She remembered that her hut was made up of thatch, with some holes in it. She then realized how soft her bed was, with a warm blanket covering her. She frowned. Even the room was brightly lit with enough open windows to welcome the morning daylight. She frowned deeper. She wanted to sit up when someone called who had just entered the door, “She’s awake! The Lilia is awake!” She flinched from the voice, it was too loud. She covered her ears, she could even hear several voices and noises around the place. She then heard footsteps coming towards her room, they were slow but there seems to be tension in it. As soon as the door opened, she saw several old people. Liliech frowned again. “Oh, our dear Luna. How are you?” an old woman walked towards her. “Everything must be tough, how are you feeling?” the old woman tried to reach her hand to touch her face but Liliech was completely in shock and moved away. Who are these people?! And who are they calling Luna?! The old woman seemed to be confused and said gently, “Lilia it’s me, Granny Beth.” “Who is Lilia?” Liliech finally spoke but immediately covered her mouth, her voice…it sounds strange. The woman was surprised and immediately turned to the other people inside the room, “What happened to my granddaughter?!” “Let me talk to her Lady Beth.” Everyone turned to the man who had just spoken. “I’m sure Lilia will recognize me.”
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