Still in the hospital

1003 Words

I was so nervous, and scared, when, I saw the three doctors come out of that door. But then, they just keep, talking and walking, right on by me, and out the hospital doors. "I was left, in a state of shock, that's for sure, I was like WTF." Brenda and Colton, both said, no news is good news, I just rolled my eyes. This is the worst, I said!!! Not knowing anything, is killing me inside. I don't know if I should be bracing, myself for good news or bad news. But no news, how can you brace, yourself for that? Harley's, the phone started to ring. Which took me out of my head for the time being. I am, trying so hard, to eavesdrop, on his conversation, without him knowing. I need some more, information on what is going on with this whole, Emma thing. "I need to hear, what the attorney

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