Scholarship. ..

3066 Words
What!!!!… He hung up already…… Pearl.. what's wrong? Dad asked with a very concerned look.. Uhhhm it's nothing dad, seriously i was just over reacting, i mean i was uhhm exaggerating. It's nothing serious.. Okay, then … why then are you shuttering ……… No, am not… shuttering… it's just dad… it's nothing, you don't have to worry, it's school work.. Okay Pearl… just be careful… ok.. he focused on the road… Okay appa…. We got to the uni gate.. which is open… i see a lot of people.. walking here and there… Oxford… hmm what a great school, i never even had dreamt of coming to oxford. But thanks to Dad he came around and helped. …… yeah that's what i gain for having a Dad around… He spoke to the security… i wasn't even listening, just saw that they bow as we pass. What's that for dad?… What?…. I don't understand what you are saying….. he replied having an amused look on his face I mean, why are the bowing, i thought we discussed this earlier today. i said no formalities and all this kingship and special treatment… What changed?… Oh… i forgot you are Rebecca's daughter..… (i scoffed) And what's that suppose to mean dad? Nothing, it's nothing… i just don't get why you and your mum don't like this royal luxury and all those s**t… Well.. it's just s**t like you called it… why would someone way older than i am bow to me, because i am their f*****g leader… Language pearl… Dad warned…. Sorry dad…. But i believe leader are servers. They implement what the people want, they are there to serve, not lead… but most of them take advantage of that and extort the people.. some would live as if they are some piece of gem… like what the actual fu…. I wanted to curse, but i had to stop… earning a glare from dad, …. Well what's wrong with them… Dad didn't answer, maybe he's thinking it's fruitless We already drove to where we were going…. Okay Pearl we stick to the plan. You won't come out okay… i go in there, get the papers done and we are good… you don't need to panick the glass are tinted, just get to the back, play games, make calls and all that while appa get you your admission okay….. Okay dad… He made to kiss my forehead but i had to stop him… Dad we don't know who's has a camera and is watching you.. our pictures are already trending the internet… we don't wanna add to it… … i don't even know how they got those pictures…… muttering the last part to myself Okay Darling, i get you… bye… he walked out of the car and people drat their eyes to him… well what were you expecting… he's still very handsome despite being in his forties. He walked so fast, i guess he wants to get away before people get to know he is the one… I crawled back to the back seat, so i won't be noticed. Brought out my phone, went on Netflix to watch my series … Wait… let me search about Oxford. I went on google, search for Oxford. Oxford University (also called Oxford) is situated in the city of oxford, England and its first college was established in 1096. It is a university which is now comprised of nearly 40 colleges including Balliol, St Hugh's, Magdalen, St Hilda's and St john's each with their own particular buildings, rules and character. I read a lot more on the university….. It's the oldest university in the english speaking world.. it has achieve praises from so many royal dynasties even from popes and sages by virtue of it's antiquity, curriculum, a philosophical system and privileges. Wow… i guess this is where dad graduated from… it's actually dope tho.. i switched back to my Netflix watching my Nigerian-American crush "Rotimi Akinosho" i can't really pronounce his surname but Damn. He's hot.. when i heard he was in the film "Power" i made it my priority to watch Power till the end… The vibration from my phone made me flinched… it took- a while for me to register where i was… oh.. i slept off ealier.. Hello… please who's this? Pearl didn't you check the name on the screen.. …. I had to remove the phone from my ear to see who it was…. Oh dad am sorry, i slept off… It's okay.. can you drive?… Yeah… dad. I can… you should drive down to the down you saw me enter the other time… Okay, hope all is well?.. No, people know am around already. You know crowd and… I get it dad, am driving already.. I got to the front, adjusted to the driver seat, fasten my seat belt. Turn on the vehicle… i drive to the door. And park in a way that the passenger door was facing the door he went into.. I messaged him. Me: Dad am here.. i open the door already.. Dad: okay. I waited for a while before i saw some set of people coming out… people already gather together to see the royal prince… What's wrong with people… what's even so special about this rubbish… gosh.. i saw that those around him are officials of the Administrative department.. They shake with him.. and people already have their phones in their hands, taking pictures.. Jobless nosy journalists. I just don't like that profession.. they pry into people's life, like what the fuck.. gosh.. i hate them.. Dad entered so fast… and trust me… before they could think of going round our car. I was already on motion… so fast… Hey, slow down will you? Okay pops, but let's get out of this vicinity first… I drove us home that day, with me and dad talking about random things… We got home to meet the house empty.. Where's everyone? ……. Mom… Hey, you don't need to shout.. she went with Jason to the school. To enroll him?.. Yeah… what else?… he asked with ease… what would you like to eat, because am about to prepare a delicacy, i have always dreamt of….. since mum is not home to stop me… i guess this is my opportunity and they say opportunity come but once. Hmm ..… sounds yummy.. so what's this delicacy all about?. Dad asked as he picked up the remote, switch on the T.V.. It's a Italian Dish. I have always wanted to try it out.. Italian?… pearl what do you know about Italian dishes ... he asked with a mock grin. Dad, are you underestimating my cooking abilities… No, i am not… or should i?.. …. No, i get it. He's trying to tease me… i am going to surprise all of 'em …… Watch and see dad… ….i walked into the kitchen, took out a big pot… well not too big, brought out a full chicken from the Deep freezer… chop it into irregular chunks, made sure none slipped down from the chop board… pour them into a bowl filled with clean water… i open those drawers where mum put those foreign dishes ingredient.. i saw a paper tape where she wrote Italian Dishes and stick it to the top of the drawer, there are other ones there… like Spanish dishes. French dishes. Chinese dishes. Koreans dishes. Egyptian dishes. Nigerian dishes. Zambian Dishes. Senegal dishes. What the f**k…. Where did mum get to learn all of these from..… that's it about my mum… she's very good cook… i guess it was part of the ways she won dad heart… i chuckled at my stupid reasoning… I took two carefully sealed ingredient. Turmeric and cumin. I got into the main cooking aspect, brought out the blender, carrot, pepper (green and red) well i don't really like spicy food. But mum being mum is a good i mean big fan of anything spice… i carefully chopped my ingredient and add everything together, well.. my coronation chicken would soon be ready and set for… So what are you cooking… mum asked standing at the kitchen door grinning.. Mum… welcome.. i just wanna surprise you guys, with my kitchen skills, trust me you are gonna love my chicken coronation. Hmm that's an italian dish if i am not mistaken huh?.. Yeah mum… it's an italian dish.. Okay, just don't mess my kitchen okay… Okay… mum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So how's it?… i asked eagerly waiting to hear them comment on my cooking..… Pearl… it's dope… but too spicy…. Ace said receiving a glare from mum.... Pearl. You should have added more spice..seriously, it's chicken coronation for heaven sake it should be a spicy delicacy.. What the f**k Honey..… dad said with a wide eye… Dad… jason called snapping his finger….with a grin.… Oh… dad said as he brought out a dollar bill from his wallet handing it to jason. Woah that's $100. Jay… you are lucky… Well no cursing wherever i am… he said with a shrugg … me and mum just stare at their small drama. You should consider us when cooking those spicy food… Babe, get ready for it… mum replied with a smile… We all smiled when mum called dad Babe.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what are we going to do to control all these nasty rumors? Well it will go just like it came… Ace said with ease… We just let the information dance around for a while, then it slides away by itself.. We watch the news just now and i saw myself and dad caption. Illegitimate daughter of the crowned prince. I don't like this Dad… i seriously don't like how this is going… Hey.. what's your problem huh… mum snapped at me.. should you care about what the public say to you?… what are the things i thought you?…. Why should you care… they can go to hell for all i care… Becca, please don't do this… she's the one going out… i should have gone by myself… . Pearl, we are gonna sort this out.. i will address the crowd and… And what Lucian..and what huh… mum interrupted dad..… Becca she's going to study for years in college filled with thousands. if i don't address this issue it won't end anytime soon and i trust Aarna. She's is gonna make life worst for pearl.. Mum, Dad… you can't argue here.. remember Jason is here. Please let's stop this… please.. Ace begged… Jason.. darling can you go to your room?.. we are not fighting hope you know that?… mum asked him.. Yeah mum i know… but i don't want you to continue arguing please.... that day we went to the temple, sorry uhhmm church, the priest said we should take everything to God. Maybe if we go to the priest he will help us take it to God.. he said almost in tears.. Okay Jason..we are gonna take it to God in prayer… we don't need the priest before we talk to God… okay… Okay mum, let's go to God now.. let me get my shoes .... Jason was at the verge of tears… We chuckled. No we don't need to wear our shoes Jay. We can talk to God any where okay… Okay mum.... We all went on our kneels as mum led the prayer… By the time we were done, Jason was in tears.. Jason why are you crying…. I asked him… I don't want to go to another mummy… i like it here, please dad, don't fight with mum again… it really aches my heart… i was moved… I hugged him soothing his back.. I love you Jason, you are my blood brother no one is gonna fight again okay dear….. mum and Ace came close and we had a group hug.… is this group hug or Family hug. dad came close to join the hug. Mum, Dad i was just thinking, why don't you get married.. and let's end this fight once and for all…. What do you think mum….. Ace said Yeah… that a good idea… i said in support of Ace… Uhhmm why don't we think about it huh?… you guys should give us time to think this through okay .. please..… mum said with uneasiness, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay pearl, i choose not to believe the rumors.. tell me what's trending about you isn't real… please be honest with me.. Should i?… i asked with an emotionless face Yeah. I just want to know the truth… who's your dad.. Stephan, please don't try to make me feel bad because am proud of my parents they are the best.. and yes my Dad is the Crowned prince. The summers.. What!!! … wait so you are a princess?… You said so… Wow… am really speechless, it's a great opportunity to get to talk to someone with the royal blood.. even if yours is half… .you know what i mean right?… Yeah.. i do, but what if i tell you i am a full blooded royal princess?. He laughed nervously, maybe he thinks am telling him bullshit.. he stopped laughing and stare blankly at me…… Tell me the truth… Pearl, please.. Okay… my mum is an African, a descendant of Alexander the great. She's a princess from Egypt ... Woah…. His eyes were so wide and i was forced to laugh… Okay… i know that was a prank… he said trying to stop me from laughing… I think you have a problem in believing the truth..… it's left to you… okay. Pearl please tell me the truth… Okay Stephan what more do you want… or maybe my birthmark would do… i raised my hair and underneath it the 3 star that signifies royalty was found there we all have it… even Jason and Ace has it… infact we all have it. He abruptly stood up. What the f**k pearl. And your parents allow you to walk down to school every morning… no guards, no royal treatment and all those s**t… why would you put your life in danger… Well no one knows except you now. So ... i raised my right eyebrow…. I hope i can trust you with my identity?… Yes. You can my princess, he said as he bowed… If you bow to me again Stephan… i will walk out of this class and trust me, these would be the last time you will see me…. I was only teasing you… Okay … uhhm you said something when you called me yesterday, i was so surprise i wasn't expecting it… I know i said i love you… when i shouldn't but it's the truth.. i love you pearl, infact have loved you for a while now... i don't know but it's the truth pearl… Okay, i don't know what to say, i am ... He came closer, lean in for a kiss… i was anticipating, waiting patiently for it. Our lips touched and damn it was good… He held my waist and pulled me in… my hands went on his shoulder and his hands went round my waist.…. I enjoy kissing you stephan, i don't know if i am in love with you or not…. I just don't know what to say…. You gat to say it out Pearl… my subconscious. Yell at me.. … Hey… you stopped… what's wrong… Nothing steph… let's just get going… it's getting late already Okay pearl… i really love you okay.. Okay… he pecked me on the lips and kissed my forehead… We walk out together and we both entered his car… and his driver drove off.. Stephan, i will be going to college by 27th of october… So quick? …. Why?.. It's a V.I.P treatment.. and it's first year scholarship.. i have to settle down and find my way first… at least for a week … okay… Okay pearl.. the driver parked at the gate….. Stephan good night… Goodnight pearl… he said not without leaning in to give me a kiss… I love you.. he whispered to me... Okay… but you know these is not really…. I signed as i was speechless, not knowing what to say..… Good night… I walked to the gate only to meet Ace standing with a sly smile on his face… i don't like this… What… i whine… Well welcome home sis… i just which i could knock out that silly grin of his f*****g face… I saw nothing… so stop glaring at me… you should be lucky it's not Dad that caught you guys….. but pearl.. I turned towards him raising my eyebrow… signifying that he should go on with what he wants to say… Do you think it's high time mum and dad knew about your relationship with that fucker… he said with as he chuckled. I notice the sarcasm in his voice.… First of, he's no more a fucker, but stephan please… and secondly, talking about mum and dad, i will when am sure of my feelings for him.. but now i don't even know what we are or what i am to him… he claims he loves me.. i don't …. Gosh… am so confuse Ace… Okay, i understand you pearl… i have been in that situation before, i know what it means to take lust as love… sometimes you get so stupidly confuse… and there's nothing you can do.... just let time clear the confusion okay…. By now we were already at the front door… well our house is not that big and not too small it's a portable storey building… it has close to 6rooms if am not mistaken… a room downstairs, and 5 upstairs.. so each and everyone of us has a room for ourselves up here .. Hey darling, how was class today…. Dad asked… Fine dad… where's mum and Jay?….. Oh kitchen… and uhhm pearl, hope there wasn't any form of false accusation at school based on the rumor.. I smiled… Dad, i only explained to a close friend, the rest can go to hell… i don't care seriously dad… i don't ... Okay.. pearl… am really sorry for all i put you through. You and Becca.. Dad, it's okay… we are family now….. and family stand by each others in trial time… why should we do otherwise.. okay… I hugged him….. I love you darling… have you received any mail concerning your admission in college. Yes dad… and i will be going together with Ace, by 27th of this month.. Oh… that's actually 2weeks from now.. what of prom.. aren't you attending?.. Dad prom is next week… and by friday i will be done with my school exam, then next week, i think few days before Prom is gonna be the day for our graduation, am not sure of the day.. but am not yet sure of the date… will check later dad… have a lot going on in my head… Okay pearl, just take it easy okay… and besides who's the guy that drops you off every night?… I think i froze immediately i heard that… 
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