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Sunday, Mark invited Janine to go on a date with him. Her father agreed. The curfew is until nine o'clock in the evening. Mark agreed and promised he will respect and take good care of their daughter. "Where are we going?" Janine asked. they are on their way to their date. "It's a surprise." Mark glanced at Janine and he winked at her. "You will probably enjoy it there." "Okay, I trust you." Janine smiled. "Why did you suddenly ask me for a date?" "I just thought you might need to loosen up and relax your mind from all the chaos around you," he said. "It's time to relax a bit and think of nothing." "Right, I need a little rest from everything." She sighed. "I'll try to not think of anything for now." "Good." He pressed the accelerator and drove faster. They are on an expressway. "This is going to a province," she said. "Are we going to the beach?" "That's one, but we're going to a lot of places today." He grinned. "You didn't want Jackie and Marvin to join us?" she asked curiously. Mark laughed. "This is our date," Mark said. "Besides, they also are having their time alone together." "What?" Janine was shocked. "Are they on a date, too?" "Not really a date," Mark said. "Marvin asked Jackie if she can accompany him to look for a condo unit. He wants to live independently. Aunt and uncle are also planning to have their retirement at the beach house. Marvin is a city person." "I see." Janine nodded. "But I'm approved of Marvin if he will court Jackie. I think he's a nice guy." "Yes, he is. He's just weird and odd sometimes but he's one of the nicest person I know." Mark laughed. "Right." She laughed, too. It was so light and fun whenever she's with Mark. NO dull moment and they can talk anything under the sun. "He's also a big help for me. I realized what I am and what kind of abilities I have because of him." "I didn't even know he also has an ability like yours," he said. "Although I noticed it when we were still kids. He always knew what will happen. All this time I thought it was just a coincidence. He told his parents one time to not continue their trip, and something bad might happen. His parents didn't listen and still planned to leave. What he did was he hid their passports. They were not able to take their flight. The next day, they found out that the plane they were supposed to ride on crashed. No one survived." Janine's mouth went wide open. "Seriously?!" Mark nodded. They are at the toll gate, waiting for their turn to pass by. "Yes. His parents were so thankful of him. They thought he was just being naughty, and it turned out good. After that incident, they just let Marvin do what he wants." "It turned out to be in his favor." She grinned. "I know. That's why he's like that. He's been traveling in the US everywhere." Mark pressed the accelerator again after paying the toll fee. "Let's pass by the drive thru in a short while, then we'll proceed to ooour destination." "You say so, you're the driver." Janine smiled. They stopped at a fast food chain and ordered some food they can eat along the way. "Two burger and fries meal, two sundaes, two spaghetti and wo macaroni salad.," Mark ordered. "You already remembered my favorites!" Janine exclaiimed. "Of course." He grinned. "Anything for you, Janine." She blushed. She is being treated like a princess. They got their order after a few minutes. She feels like floating in the air while eating and looking out on the window. A trip with Mark is like a dream for her. Her heart is filled with joy, and she realized it just now---Mark already has a soft spot in her heart. "What are you thinking?" Mark asked. "You're quiet." "N-nothing," she said, blushing. "I'm just enjoying my burger and fries." She smiled awkwardly. "Glad you liked it. We'll be there in about one hour without traffic. You can take a nap if you're sleepy." "Okay." She smiled ,then took a bite on her burger. It took them more than one hour before arriving at Clark Field. Janine fell asleep and didn't notice they are already at the location. "Janine, we're here," Mark said. "Oh my, I'm sorry I fell asleep." She covered her mouth and yawned. "We're here?" She looked around and saw the sign Clark. "Whoa! I've never been here!" "I saw on your social media post one time that you haven't been here and you wished to tour around, that's why I brought you here. Welcome to Clark." He opened his arms and laughed. "Thank you! Where are we going first?" she excitedly asked. "Let's go to the museum first, then we'll have our lunch since it's already lunch time." "Okay, let's go!" Mark pulled the car at the car park. He got off the car first and opened the passenger door for Janine. "Thank you," she said. They both entered the museum. Mark told her not to touch anything just to avoid seeing visiion accidentally. She placed her hands at her back and took that note in her mind. She doesn't want to ruin this day. They both enjoyed their company while exploring all tourist spots in Clark. They entered the Zoocobia Fun, the Insectlandia, they rented a bike and went to the church. Janine can't ask for more. Mark respects her and never took advantage of her. He treats her like a delicate flower. She was well-attended even during dinner. "I'm sorry we have to take our dinner early so I could send you home on time," Mark apologized. "it's only six o'clock." "I understand, Mark, and thank you for respecting your promise to my Papa. That means a lot to me." She smiled at him sweetly. "I love you, and I respect you. I respect everyone you love." He gazed at her. Janine's heart beat went fast. She can literally hear it. "L-let's eat now," she said. "Right." He laughed. "We need to hurry." They finished their meal in an hour. "It's time to go," he said. "I hope you had a great time today." "Of course, I am." She smiled at him. She now know... she'll say yes if he will just ask her, right at this moment. "Janine." Mark stopped in front of his car. "I-I need to ask you something." "W-what is it?" Her heart is beating faster. "J-Janine, I'm not in a rush or anything but... do I have a chance in your heart? I mean---" "Yes," she said. "You know, I love you so much that I want to protect you all the time," he continued. "I said yes." She laughed. "I'm in love with you, Janine. So please, just give me a hint---" She held Mark's hand and stared in his eyes. "I said, yes." "Y-yes?" He seemed can't believe on what he heard. "I said it three times. I won't repeat it." She turned her back and opened the car door. She hopped in and closed it. Mark was still standing outside the car, staring blankly at the moon. She rolled down the window and called him. "Mark, let's go home." She smiled at him, then she closed the window. Mark punched in the air, as if he won the lottery. He immediately ran towards the car door and hopped in. He looked at Janine. "Thank you," he said. "Can I touch your hand?" She nodded. She offered her hand. Mark held it and kissed it. "This is the happiest day of my life." He started the engine to go home.
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