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"Breaking news! The case of Sandy Reyes, a student of Camarin City College who was first ruled out as suicide, has a new development. She was murdered by her bully Darryl Sorrel, the son of the city councilor Andrew Sorrel. According to the statement of his friends, he texted the victim to come to the rooftop and blackmailed her. He said they will so target and bully the girl's best friend. The suspect molested the victim but she fought back, and they said the suspect was high on drugs. She slapped the victim that made her fall from the rooftop. The suspect is now under the custody of the police. They will conduct more investigation to give justice to the victim. In another news, Camarin City College is now under indefinite school suspension due to unresolved murders of their students in the past week. The school's board of directors will announce the changes anytime soon. You may call their mobile numbers or send them a message on their social media accounts showing on your TV screens for more information. Janice Sanchez, reporting." Janine turned off the television and sat beside Jackie on their sofa. They had a very long, exhausting night dealing with a demon. Mark, Marvin and Steve went home while Jackie stayed in their house. They woke up late since their school is suspended. Her Papa didn't come home while her Mama and siblings were still in the province. "At last! We solved another mystery!" she exclaimed. "I can't believe I would encounter that kind of creature in my entire life." "But according to Steve, that Soul-eater demon will still lurk around and find a new host." Janine sighed. "I hope that demon would move father from here, away from us." "I'm sure it won't be back near us. Who would want to encounter Steve again?" Jackie laughed. "How did Steve defeat that demon?" "He said it became weak when he used the St. Benedict beads and blessed salt mixture." Janine stood up and took out a small red pouch from her bag. She poured some on her hands and showed a few green beads and salt. "He gave me this for protection." "I think he's really something. Aside from those things he used, It's his ability and wisdom that make those evil creatures scared of him." "We can learn a lot from him," Janine said. "I want to learn more about my ability." "Same." Jackie took a sip of Jasmine tea. "What do you think will happen to Luke and Cathy? To Nadia?" Janine shook her head. "I'm not sure. They still did something bad to Sandy. Although they will testify against Darryl, they might get a minimum punishment. However, Papa said Darryl would probably serve a lifetime imprisonment. He also has too many cases aside from Sandy's death. Physical abuse, s****l harassment, bullying and and illegal possession of drugs. They found some in his pocket when he visited Luke that night." "He deserved it." Jackie nodded. "He deserve to rot in hell." "His parents will plead to Sandy's parents for out of court settlement. They will arrive to the airport today." "I hope Sandy's Mom would not accept it," she said. "He doesn't deserve a second chance. He's a drug addict and a murderer. He also sexually harassed Sandy." "I know, but Papa said something else," Jackie said. She sighed. "What?" "Darryl has been acting weird since last night, right?" she asked. "Papa said his family might plea for insanity." "As long as he will be put inside a cell or whatever, it's fine. As long as he's not free to roam around and hurt other people." "I want to visit and check Nadia. I'm sure she wants him imprisoned." She looked at Jackie. "Do you want to come with me tomorrow?" "Sure!" Jackie said. "Tomorrow's Sandy's burial. Let's go there to show our sympathy." "Okay., but..." Jackie paused. "Why?" Janine asked. "Are you sick?" "What about the death of the others? Who will pay for it?" Janine couldn't answer it. It wasn't Nadia who killed them, however, it was her who made a pack with the devil subconsciously. "I actually don't know. Even our school is still affected. We can't just point our fingers to anyone to put the blame on them. Darryl didn't kill them. Nadia didn't intentionally kill them." "And we can't tell anyone that it was a demon who killed them." Jackie laughed awkwardly. "I don't want to be put in a mental institution together with Darryl." "That's the problem if a paranormal event is the cause of everything. Who would believe us?" "What will happen to Ben and the others' souls?" Jackie asked curiously. "That Soul-eater said it devours souls. That meant eating, right? To consume and become its energy?" "Steve said they will become non-existent." A sad smile showed on her face. "They will never be reborn." Jackie covered her mouth out of fear. "No way!" "That's the sad truth," Janine said. "That's why I want to help others in my own way. I wouldn't want a single soul to become non-existent like that." "Let's ask Steve for help. He might be able to help us develop our abilities," Jackie suggested. "He's the only one we know who knows a lot about paranormal stuff." Janine stared at the red pouch sher has on her hand. "Yes, let's ask for his help." She looked at Jackie again. "Before I forgot..." "What is it?" Jackie asked. Wondering what Janine suddenly remembered. "Do you remember what happened last night?" she asked. "Which one? A lot of things happened last night." "When Marvin held your hand while we were in the car ,and when he protected you when we were outside Luke's house. He even hugged you." Janine grinned. She;s teasing her best friend. "Oh, please, don't bring it back. I already forgot those things!" Jackie exclaimed. Her cheeks were red hot. "Did you really forget those?" "Y-yeah, I did." Jackie averted her gaze. "I don't want to remember it." "You like him!" Janine said in a loud voice. "Who like who?" A male voice from the door said. Marvin, Steve and Mark was peaking on the front door. "W-we like Korean stars. Right, Janine?" Jackie said. "What are you doing here?" "Sorry the gate was opened. We were worried," Marvin said. "You like Korean stars?" "Yes, that's what we were talking," Janine said in excuse. "What brought you here. We were just together since since three in the morning. It's just past one o'clock." "We're planning to invite you to take a vacation. Let's bring Nurse Jen, too," Mark said. "Don't worry, I'll ask permission from your parents, Janine." "I'll ask permission from your parents, too, Jackie. Let's go to your house," Marvin said, smiling at her. Janine and Jackie exchanged glances. She can;t believe what's happening but she'll go with the flow. "O-okay, let's go." She waved her hands at Janine, she just nodded to her best friend.
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