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They all headed to Marvin's newly bought condo unit. Steve is also staying there temporarily. Jen wasn't able to join them because they have a faculty meeting. "I will give you some of the things you can use to protect yourselves against evil spirits and other negative entities," Steve said. ""I'll try to discuss things to help you all in dealing with these unseen creatures." He went to Marvin's room and pulled two big luggages out. "You brought those stuff from the US?" Jackie was shocked when she saw the two massive luggage. "I always bring my stuff wherever I go," he said. He walked back to Marvin's room and went out carrying two huge red recycled bags. "I searched for these here and I'm glad I found them." He grinned. He placed it on the center table. "This is insane!" Jackie checked what's inside the red recycled bags. She pulled out one massive lamp that looks like a rough crystal. "What's this? This is cute!" "That's a Himalayan Salt Lamp. That can neutralize negative energy in your house, thus gives you a positive aura." "Can I have it?" Jackie pleaded. "There are two salt lamps there. Get one for you, and one for Janine." "Thank you! Janine said. "How about Jen?" Janine picked the other red recycled bag and peeked inside. "I already gave her one earlier." He grinned and winked at them. "What's this one?" Janine pulled out a metal bowl with a pair of metal stick. "What's the use of it?" "It's called a Singing Bowl." Steve took the bowl from Janine, and removed one of his beads bracelet. He placed it inside the bowl and he gently strikes the sides ot it using the metal stick. "It is used in cleansing crystals and gems." "How about these?" Jackie pulled some pieces of yellow papers. "It's written in Chinese, I guess. I see this in movies." "It is calle Fu, it's a Taoist magical talisman. Only ordained Taoist priest can store and lock chi in it. I was able to get some from a temple." "Does that really work?" Mark asked. He took some Fu from Jackie and checked it. "Can we put some in Janine's house to protect them?" "Yes we can. We'll place some in everybody's house for protection." Steve smiled. He opened one of his luggages, and it showed different boxes and plastic bags. "What do you have in those boxes?" Janine's mouth went wide open in awe. Steve smiled before taking out the big box and placed it on the center table. He uncovered the lid and the box showed a lot of accessories. There are also pure crystals and stones in different sizes. "What is this? It's so huge!" Jackie picked the round-shape white crystal that turns a little blueish when shone in daylight. It's a size bigger than a tennis ball. "It's a moonstone. It's a mineral family of feldspar. It is said it has healing energies. It can heal and guide you, nourish your inner self. It exudes glowing vitality that can energize your mind and body, and wash negativity away. You should always wash it under the moon with sea salt for cleansing," Steve's long explanation. "This black one?" Janine showed a black rough rock-like stone, about two inches in length. "It's a black tourmaline. It is used to block psychic attacks and negativity. That's good for protection during unguarded moments." He pulled a few silver necklaces with black tourmaline pendants. He gave one each to Janine, Jackie, Mark and Marvin. "Thank you, Steve," Janine said. "We are learning a lot from you." "There are other stuff here I want to discuss but it might take all of your time. For now, use these things I gave you for protection." Steve looked at Janine. "Always carry the pouch I gave you last time." "I have it with me, Thank you." Janine felt relief now that she has protection from evil spirits and other unseen creatures. "Prayer and faith in Him will still be the best protection you can carry anywhere," Steve reminded them. "We will keep that it mind." Janine looked at the black tourmaline pendant. "Let me put that on you." Mark said. He took the necklace from Janine's hand and put it around her neck. "I'll be more at ease that now you have a protection to wear." "What's this purple bracelet? Amethyst?" Jackie asked. "Yes," Steve replied. "That stone has been used for protection against negativity and stressful energies. It is best to put under your pillow or near you to protect you from nightmares." "Whoa!" Jackie said in excitement. "I want this, too!" "You like everything." Janine laughed. She took out a weird-colored stone. It's a combination of blue and black. "What is this?" "It's a labradorite," Steve said. "It is is sometimes referred as aurora stone. It is blue-green shimmering when held in light, like Aurora Borealis. It is said it will help a person to find his truest path and make the dreams turn into reality." "I think I need it, too." Jackie laughed. "This one is..." "It's a tiger's eye. It helps in harmony and balance in a relationship. It is also effective to fight an Evil Eye." "What's an Evil Eye?" Janine asked. "It's a talisman with an eye in the middle." Steve browsed on his phone and showed the picture to them. "The owner of this can put negative energy or curse to people they hate. A Tiger's Eye is a great protection against it." "Can we have it, too?" Jackie said. "I want to protect myself from that Evil Eye thing." "You want to wear all these charms and stones?" Janine laughed. "I can't imagine it." "If I could, I would. Give me one." Jackie opened her palm to get one Tiger's Eye stone pendant. "It's okay, give it to her." Steve laughed out loud. "Can we give some to Henry and his girlfriend? At least to protect them? He might be a scumbag but he's still a human being that needs protection from evil creatures." "We'll try tomorrow," Steve said. "Let's see what we can do for them."
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