CHAPTER THREE: The Next Morning

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CHAPTER THREE: The Next Morning Annie walked to work with a big smile on her face. Claire and Donovan gave her a side-eye glance and then looked at each other. They watched her as she hummed while putting on her apron. The doorbell dinged as the first customer walked in the door. "Good morning. What can I get for you today?" Annie asked. "Morning, can I get a half-calf mocha latte to go?" the customer asked. "Coming right up," Annie said, smiling. She went to work on the drink while Donovan and Claire took care of the following customers. She was still humming the song as she handed the drink to the customer. "Have a wonderful day." "Thank you, you too," he said, leaving a couple of dollars in the tip jar as he left. Claire and Donovan scowled at each other. The next customer asked for their usual, and Annie got it immediately. She knew what most customers drank because they never wavered from their favorite brew. The customers came and went at their usual pace with some ordering a breakfast sandwich with their coffee. Annie continued to hum as she served each customer. After the morning rush, Donovan and Claire walked over to Annie. Leaning on the counter, Donovan gave Annie a curious look as she wiped down the other half, still smiling and humming. Markus walked into the café. "Morning, Claire and Donovan. Morning, Annie," he said. "Morning, Markus," Donovan said, watching Annie and Markus interact. Claire leaned on the counter with Donovan. "Annie, I had a great time last night and would like to take you out again," Markus said. Claire and Donovan looked at each other, mouths agape. "I would like that," Annie said. "What can I get for you this morning?" "I will take the Brazilian roast this morning with a shot of expresso," Markus said. "It sounds like someone didn't sleep enough last night," Donovan said. "I slept great. I just have to be on high alert at the office today. I have some very important people coming in," Markus said. "New business venture that I can hopefully convince the board to take." "That sounds like a lot of fun," said Claire with a roll of her eyes. "Exactly how I feel about it," said Markus with a slight shrug. "I will see you later." "Bye, Markus," said Donovan. "You have some explaining to do, young lady," said Claire. "About what," Annie said, wrinkling her forehead. "We heard him say he had a great time last night and wants to go out again. So, spill the beans. Are you the reason he needs that extra shot of Expresso this morning? I need all the details," said Claire. "We just went to dinner," Annie said. "Nothing else happened." "Annie, we know you better than that," said Donovan. "You have been smiling and humming all morning long. It was more than just dinner." "Did you at least kiss him?" asked Claire. "I am not telling you," Annie said. "They kissed," Claire and Donovan said, grinning at each other. "It must have been one hell of a kiss if it has you smiling and humming," said Donovan. Annie felt the heat rush to her cheeks. "Oh my, Annie Elizabeth, you dirty little hussy. Did it go further than just a kiss?" "No," Annie said, adverting her eyes from them. "You wanted it to, didn't you?" asked Claire. "Maybe," Annie said. "Finally, Annie has found someone else that makes her insides flutter," said Donovan. "I have been waiting for this day." "I can't believe it. It has been too long since we've seen you like this," said Claire. "So, tell us about this kiss." "You two are something else," Annie said. "Whatever happened to the never kiss and tell rule?" "That was just a made-up rule by someone who never got any," Donovan said with a grin. "Now, spill the beans. We want all the details. Where did you go on your date? When did he kiss you?" "We went to Fioria's," Annie said. "The food was fantastic, but the atmosphere, not so much." "Oh no, what happened?" asked Claire. "It started with the hostess," Annie said. "She immediately knew who Markus was and hated that I was with him. She looked disappointed that I was on his arm." "Who cares what those snooty b*tches think about you," said Donovan. "Yeah, really,” said Claire. "Markus is the only opinion that matters when you are out." "Every waitress that walked past our table gave me dirty looks. Our waitress was fine but never once spoke to me, only to him. The server was the only one who said anything to me all night. Markus asked if I wanted to leave before the food even got there. We stayed and then went for a walk on the beach," Annie said. "He kissed you on the beach?" asked Donovan. "Yes," Annie said. "I would have pulled him into the water just so he would've had to get undressed," Claire said. "Annie is a lady," Donovan said. "She can wait longer than one date to get it on – unlike some of us." "Speak for yourself, Grinder queen," joked Claire. "I said us, not just you," Donovan teased as he bumped hips with Claire. Annie bowed her head to hide the laugh that was bubbling up inside of her. "Don't laugh at us, missy - you will be us one day." "That is what I aim to be," Annie said, and they all laughed. The evening customers were beginning to file in the door. They waited on them, and some were the same customers who had shown up in the morning. After all the customers left, Annie stayed behind to clean the small café. She kept the jazz music going until she was done. The darkened sky made the terracotta-colored walls seem darker than they usually did. Thankfully, the chocolate brown tiled floor was easy to clean, allowing Annie to quickly sweep and mop the floor. She emptied the bucket in the back alley. Annie walked around, shutting all the lights off. She spotted Markus coming up the sidewalk toward the door. She waved at him, and he waved back, smiling at her. "Did you have a good day?" Markus asked, pulling her in close to him. "I did," Annie whispered close to his mouth. "How was your day?" "It was good, but I couldn't concentrate," Markus said softly. "Oh, why is that?" Annie asked, smiling at him. "Because the only thing I could think about was this," he said, pressing his lips to her. They stood kissing as the downtown nightlife passed them by. They heard the unmistakable snap of a camera going off. Markus pulled away from her. "Hey, stop taking pictures." The guy ran off. "Annie, I'm sorry," Markus said. "There is no reason to be sorry. It is not like you knew that guy was going to come up and start taking pictures of us," Annie said. "I know, but I have a feeling tomorrow those pictures are going to be everywhere," Markus said, his mouth tightening and his brown furrowing. "There is nothing we can do about it," Annie said, looking away from him. "You are a billionaire with a high profile. Someone was bound to take pictures of us at some point." "I know. I just wanted to celebrate with you tonight," Markus said. "Now the night is ruined." "It is not ruined," Annie said. "We can still celebrate. I take it you convinced the board to see things your way?" "I did," Markus said, smiling. "I'd like to cook you dinner." "You cook?" Annie said, stunned. "I can make some things well," he said. "It may not be many things I can cook, but I can make a mean ramen in a pinch." "Oh my, ramen, you mean the hard noodle stuff with that salty packet of seasonings?" Annie laughed. "You know it," Markus said, laughing. Annie looped her arm in his as they walked toward his apartment. It was three blocks from the café. Annie realized that Markus walking her to her apartment or the diner every night took him out of his way. She smiled, knowing he only did it because he liked her. "Good evening, Mr. Belle," said the doorman opening the door for them. "Evening, Frank. This is Annie, and I have invited her for dinner," Markus said. "It is nice to meet you, Annie. Has he promised to make you ramen?" Frank asked, grinning. "He's used that line before, has he," Annie teased. "Yeah, on me," Frank laughed. "He said my wife and I were invited to his apartment for a bowl of ramen." "Did you ever take him up on it?" Annie asked. "Heck, no," Frank said. "Well, it looks like you are the smarter of the two of us," Annie said, laughing. "Hey, don't knock my ramen until you have tried it," Markus said, smiling at Frank. "You two enjoy your night," Frank said, tipping his hat to them. "It was nice meeting you, Frank," Annie said. "It is always nice meeting a beautiful young woman. It keeps this old ticker beating," Frank said. Annie smiled at Frank as they entered the building. Markus pushed the button for the elevator. They climbed on, and he pushed the penthouse floor button. Annie's eyes widened. "I know it is cliché that I live in the penthouse. But I can afford it, and I like to accumulate as much junk as possible," Markus said with a wink. Annie felt the heat rise to her cheeks as a smile crossed her lips. The elevator doors opened to a white foyer. Annie's apartment could fit in it twice. Straight ahead, Annie could see the wall-to-wall windows overlooking the city. The twinkling lights of the buildings around them made Annie feel like they were in the sky among the stars. "The kitchen is over here," Markus said and Annie followed him to the left. The open concept allowed the person in the kitchen to see what was happening throughout the living space. The island seated five people. The oven was commercial grade with six burners. Markus went to the refrigerator, taking out some vegetables. He brought out a soup pot, filling it with chicken stock. After bringing it to a boil, he tossed in the vegetables, allowing them to soften before adding the rice noodles. After the noodles were cooked through, he placed a full bowl in front of Annie. "Go on," Markus said. "Try my version of ramen." Annie took the first spoonful. "This is pretty good," she said, nodding her head. “I told you it would be,” Markus said, smiling. They ate in comfortable silence, both stealing glances at each other bashfully. Annie went over to look out the windows. Markus followed her. "It is a nice view, right?" "It is," Annie said. Markus wrapped his arms around Annie's waist, hugging her to him. "This view is the only reason I bought this apartment. I needed to see things out there," Markus said, pulling Annie in tighter. He nestled his chin against her neck, taking a deep breath, he smelled her floral-scented shampoo. He kissed her neck and she let out a soft moan. "Let's get you home. You being in my apartment any longer is not a good idea." "Okay," Annie said, not wanting to move. Markus pulled away from her. He grabbed her hand and walked with her to the elevator. They held hands all the way down. "Frank, can you make sure Annie gets home safely?" Markus asked. "Sure thing, Mr. Belle," Frank said. "You're not going to walk me home?" Annie said, confused. "No, leaving with you right now after the events earlier is not the best idea. If I walk you home, I won't return here," Markus said. "Oh, okay," Annie said, disappointed. Markus leaned in and kissed her. "I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful," he said. "Good night," Annie said. Frank held a car door open for her. Annie climbed into the black-tinted window car. The driver took Annie to her apartment building and walked her to her door. "Thank you," Annie said. "No problem, ma'am," said the large man. Annie went into her apartment, locking the door behind her. She let out a sigh and collapsed on the couch.
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