3 - Help

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Genevieve     Seconds after the sheet was lifted off the small cage that I was being held hostage in, I heard a commotion.  A few seconds later, I heard a deep, masculine voice say something about his mate and going to war, then I heard the heartless King Gideon shout something.     I was too exhausted and in too much pain to focus on the words that were being said or to move my body so I could see what was happening.  Not long after that, I heard what sounded like several feet walking toward me.     All I could think was... here we go again... but that didn't turn out to be the case.  I heard the deep voice demand the key, then I heard what sounded like metal clanking against the floor on the other side of me.     A second later, I felt the whole cage move as the squeaky sound of metal bending echoed in my eardrums that felt weird from the horrible headache I had been fighting for days.  The next thing I knew, I felt something tingle across my skin, then my body got pulled out of the small opening in the cage.     I barely audibly groaned for a second, but quickly stopped in fear of being reprimanded for it.  I wanted so much to open my eyes and see who was making my skin tingle, but my eyelids felt so damn heavy.  I tried to force them to open, but I didn't have any luck.     Whoever pulled me out of the cage cradled me in his arms.  In some ways, it felt strangely nice, but it also hurt like hell.  Everything hurt something awful, and the pain had gotten to the point where it was unbearable.     My nose got busted that first day when I was yanked out of the sky and beaten nearly to death.  Since then, those monsters had repeatedly injured it, so I hadn't been able to smell anything for a long time.     With my aching head resting against what I presumed to be a muscular shoulder, I lost consciousness.  The next time I regained it, my eyelids were still too heavy to open, but I could feel the outside air hitting my skin.     I could hear what resembled the sound of wings flapping, but I wasn't sure if I was hearing correctly due to the throbbing pain in my head.  Less than a minute later, I fell unconscious again.  This continued for some time, then I regained consciousness to a constant beeping sound.     Unfortunately, my eyes would not stop being difficult.  I could hear movement around me, and I could feel that strange tingling sensation on both of my hands, but I still couldn't open my eyes to see nor could I smell anything.     "Please, wake-up, little angel.  I've waited far too long to find you just to lose you.  Please don't leave me in this cruel world alone," I heard that deep voice say.       Whoever the voice belonged to was close enough for me to feel his breath fan over my hands.  That combined with the man's pleasant sounding voice made something stir within me, and I wasn't sure what to think about it.       If only I could just get my eyelids to lift.  However, the simple act of attempting to open my eyes was all it took to exhaust me, and I soon fell unconscious once again. King Atreyu     When we got closer to home, I opened my mind link with Aurora and the head doctor to ensure they were ready to help me.  I instructed Aurora to open the door leading out to my personal balcony, and I instructed Dr. Cedric to bring as much medical supplies to my bedroom as he could.     My balcony was large enough for me to safely land my dragon on it.  As soon as I did so, Israel didn't have to be told to get my mate into the bedroom.  Once they were safely in there, I shifted back into my human form and immediately joined them in my bedroom.       Israel was lying the dark angel on my bed, and Dr. Cedric was eyeing her with wariness and concern swirling in his ocean blue eyes.  I quickly pulled on a pair of black sweatpants, then I walked over to the other side of my bed.     While gazing at my lifeless mate, I anxiously mumbled, "Doctor, please tell me you can help her."     "I'm not sure right now.  Who is she and what happened to her?" he cautiously asked.     "She is my mate and our queen!  She was abused by King Gideon and his army of degenerates!  You must save her!" I insisted in an authoritative tone.     The look of fear that crossed his face was priceless, and I almost felt bad for him.  I couldn't imagine being in his shoes at that moment.     I watched his eyes glaze over for a few seconds, then he started shouting orders to the few nurses that he brought with him.  At once, they all started scrambling and getting different medical supplies that they set up all over the bed around my mate.     It wasn't long before at least a dozen other doctors and nurses showed up at my living quarters with all kinds of medical equipment.  I watched with trepidation as the different machines were hooked up to my unconscious beauty, then the sound of beeping echoed off of my bedroom walls.     Multiple hands were moving all over my mate's body, and it took everything I had to not lash out at them for touching her.  I knew it was crucial that I keep my cool and let them do their job, so I walked out to the balcony and took a few deep breaths of the fresh night air.     Once I felt a little calmer, I returned to my bedroom to see that most of her body had been cleaned of the blood that was dried on her skin.  However, there was fresh blood oozing out of several gashes, and she was so pale it made her look like she was dead.  If it weren't for her heart beating, I wouldn't have been able to tell whether or not she was alive.     Several hours went by before Dr. Cedric informed me that they had done everything they could do for her.  He said she was at that point where she needed to rest and finish healing.     I stayed at the side of my bed and begged my angel to wake up, but I never got any kind of a response.  Hours went by and nothing.  Days went by and nothing.  By the end of the third week, I was losing all hope of my mate regaining consciousness, and that thought was almost enough to kill me.     For the first time in years, I actually cried.  I couldn't believe I found my mate, but she was being taken away from me in the cruelest way.  I hadn't even got to learn her name or hear her voice.  I'd had none of those sweet firsts with her, and it made me want even more to attack the ruthless king who injured my beautiful mate.
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