Chapter 2

1110 Words
TITUS POV : “Hi Titus..!!” “Good morning, Titus” I smile and nod my head a little to make them squeal happily. Trying to hide my amusement because of it, I keep walking without doing anything. Being rich in gold... Being rich and handsome is the best... My name is Titus Harrison Albern, 16 years old, the one and only son of Bobby Albern, the Governor. They used to call me Albern son, but now they know me as Titus Albern because of my achievement in Football. Live couldn’t get any better for me. I have everything people want, fame, money, and girls. Or that’s what I thought… Until one day…. I was wrong with everything. --- It’s all because of that night…. The night where it supposes to be the best after I become the MVP in the city. Everyone celebrates our winner. People congratulate our club, especially me, they all love me because I am the reason, we could win the championship. “Titus!!” The moment I open the Burger Café door, where I know my friend usually hang after the game, they call my name I nod my head to acknowledge him before I take a seat in the center. “Yo, Titus!!” “Did you heard, Titus?” Paul, my best friend, starts speaking after he shoves the coke in front of me. “What’s make you so happy?” I asked and take a sip of the coke. “Here,” He shove my iPhone, I always entrusted my phone with him before the game so this isn’t new, “I notice you have message from interesting person, so I reply for you and tomorrow you have a date” He happily told me and make me raised an eyebrow in wonder. “What do you mean?” Then I read it: ‘Hi Titus, I’m Rachel and we have math class together, I’m embrace myself to send you the text if you want to go out with me tomorrow at 8?’ Rachel? I thought and remember the shy girl in class who always seat in the front. I remember having one or two conversations with her, but that’s it. “Read what I write below” Paul's mockery speaks from beside me. ‘Hi Rach, I remember you. Sure, tomorrow at 8, how about in the Burger café where you know I used to hang with my friend?’ Oh s**t!! I punch my friend's shoulder “What did you do, a**hole?” The guy only laughs and starts to tease me about it along with others. He knows how I hate to have the label, so girlfriend is a no for me. “i***t!!” I shook my head and just go with it. I hope she won’t be mad after I tell her the truth tomorrow. “It’s a big news our Titus finally have a date!!” They shout out before cheering loudly which makes me roll my eyes in annoyance. A girl is annoying, I don’t have time with one when I could have more. We talk more and I completely forget about the girl. So, I never come to the where we supposedly meet tomorrow. But I didn’t know that the simple event, turns into something horrible. Well… At least for me. --- “Oh my God, really?!!” The next week when I walk into the school, I never realize something bad happened. People talk but I never care about the gossip so I didn’t listen to the bad things happen. When I walk into the cafeteria where I notice how people staring at me more than usual. “Yo,” I greet my friends who look surprised to see me here “What?!” I demand. “How can you look calm?” Darren asked. I shrug my shoulder because I truly didn’t know what the fuss was. And then Paul came and take a seat beside me after he put the tray of food. “Titus, remember the math girl?” He started and I grab an apple before shaking my head. “What math girl?” I asked him in confusion and keep eating the apple. All of my friends take a look at each other before Paul sighs loudly. “The math girl, Rachel I guess her name, the one who supposedly have a date with you” he starts and I finally remember her so I nod “She hang herself in the attic of her house” I choke from the apple I bite when I hear him. “WHAT!!” I was shout-out in shock. “And she put a note that say ‘I’m sorry, Titus and I always love you’” Darren added which make me shocked more. “What the h**l!” I respond and they just shrug their shoulder, don’t know the answer too. “Titus Albern” We all turn our heads when someone calls my name and I am shocked to see the headmaster walk in my direction with 2 police office with him. S**t!!! “I’m sorry that I disturb you, but we need to talk with you,” He said and I nod my head before standing up to walk with them. We walk to the headmaster's office and I take a seat beside the headmaster where the two police take a seat in the chair in front of us. “Are you Titus Albern?” One of them asked and I nod my head again to answer him. “I am, what can I help you officers?” “My name is Ed and he’s Peter” They introduce themselves before the man named Peter shove a photo at me “I want to ask you, did you know this girl?’ I grab the photo and take a look at it. Yup. I know her! I nodded my head “I have a same class with her” I told them and return the photo. “So, I guess you know what happen with her?” Officer Ed asked and again I nod. “Just hear from my friend back there” “We here because…” “.. Of the letter?” I interrupt and saw them nod. Then officer Peter shove me another photo. ‘I’m sorry, Titus and I always love you’ “There is only one Titus, so that’s why we are here” Officer Ed explain and I know what they want. F**k!! Why me? What sorry she mentions in this stupid letter? And what’s with this I love you?! D**n it!! ----------------------------------------------------
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