14. Into the Dragon’s Lair

2139 Words

  Alma     “Let us go!!” Niki’s angry scream pierced the silent night. “We mean no harm…” the happy go lucky looking man said softly.  “That’s NOT what this feels like! !” Niki hissed. The guy loosened his hold on me a bit and I could finally turn to look at Niki. The man restricting her was the dragon I met a few days ago; surprise, surprise he had the same small frown on his face.  “Alma, please. Just listen to us. I am Alev and this is Daniel, we are golden dragons. A few days ago, we found out that you were chased by the nasty red dragons. You are pregnant with a golden dragon baby and our rival clan made their mission to eliminate us, hence they are after you. They won’t stop until they kill you and the child you are carrying,” he said patiently as he let go of my arms.  “You

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