Chapter 3

2416 Words

The pain came again, twisting his stomach into knots that strangled Conner’s insides and left him gasping. Almost as soon as it started, though, the sickness passed. Conner leaned against the railing, his heart hammering in the back of his throat, each beat a nail driven deep into the wound at his neck. Around him, the evening air seemed to vibrate with the drone of a million insects, but the parking lot was empty and the woods behind Sylvia’s silent. Conner shook his head and wondered if maybe he shouldn’t try to leave work early. He stared out past the perimeter of light into the dense trees, considering his options. Call it a day, head on home, fall into bed and try to sleep this strange, painful ache away. Or go back to work…the thought made him queasy, he didn’t want to go

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