Chapter 59

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“Rebecca wants to show me something. And I cannot help it at all, but shackle my hands and feet and gag me so that I cannot do anything to my own body, that is the first place she will try and attack. I am not going to be able to find the strength to repel her the next time. She is close and she is strong. And read the page that is still open in the book, you will know what you need to do. Get Sonata and Akira and ask them to stay beside me while you take care of the preparations. I am going to be able to perform the ceremony and the ritual only after she leaves me alone,” said Snow as she lost her consciousness. Raphael tried shaking her but she was not there any longer. Her hair had turned absolutely black and then the moment she opened her eyes they were black and her pupils were white. She smiled at him and said,” Hey there bloodsucker… miss me??”   Raphael looked at her and then did not know what he was supposed to say.   But he could understand that there was no Snow here any more. It was Rebecca who was doing the talking through her mouth. That curling of the lips and that look, even though with the ghostly white of her pupils there was no mistaking that she was Rebecca and she was inside Snow, big time. “Rebecca?” he asked softly and she smiled at him again but this time that smile was nothing but a hint of what was coming next and that was catching hold of her hands she snarled at him and tried to bite his throat and bit the s**t out of him but Raphael was pretty ready for that and twisted her arm and then dropped her on the bed and then chained her up as soon as possible and the shackles were pretty tight on her arms. “You seem to be pretty pissed at me Rebecca?” prompted Raphael as he called for Sonata and Akira as he pinged them on their numbers. And asked them to come to the attic room. “Well it is that I try and try to keep on my panties intact in being a lady but some times I meet this man, incredible bastard that makes me this psycho b***h who has been dragged up from the depths of hell and sweetheart, you are one of them. Just let me go of these shackles that you have put on me and then you will see what I can do to you,” said Rebecca, from Snow’s mouth her lips curved up in a sneer and her voice all distorted. “Yes..I do understand that. But I think the main conversation that you would want to have with is Snow, inside whom you are residing at the moment. And if you keep on torturing her body like this trust me, I am going to do things to your soul which will make you seem your killing look like a fun day at the carnival. And you do understand that I don’t joke about all these things, don’t you? You experienced it first hand a few hours earlier, did you not?” prompted Raphael as he pulled out the syringe with the venom of black widow inside. It was one of the things which worked in knocking a vampire out for several hours. It was pure poison to human beings but for them it worked like morphine. “What are you going to give me? Huh? You do understand that if you are going to give something out of the way to harm me then you are ultimately going to harm your student, your precious Snow White, and I am just going to find another willing body to host me…” said Rebecca as she laughed out loudly and it seemed absolutely menacing and evil at the same time. Raphael was disgusted and wanted to strangle her but he knew that the corpse of this woman was lying in the morgue. And true, he was only going to harm Snow. And whatever happened, he could never let that happen. Just at that moment Sonata and Akira entered the room and Raphael breathed a sigh of relief. Their eyes went towards Snow bound and shackled inside and they rushed towards her but she snarled at them and they looked at Raphael with question in their eyes. “She is possessed by a spirit. It is a malicious soul and she is going to be possessed until she finishes the conversation with that soul,” said Headmaster King with the syringe still in hand. “Spirit? What spirit? And how did she get even close to a spirit? Are the guards of the Academy down?” asked Akira, as she looked at Snow who again snarled at her and making her stagger back. Then Akira snarled at her with her fangs out as well. Sonata looked at Raphael raising her brows in question as she looked at the syringe in his hand. “This is for her to lose consciousness for some time so that we can take out this spirit from her body. And no Akira, the guards of the Academy are not down but some one has died in the Academy. Inside the very walls of this castle. A few hours ago, the sorceress who had come to the Academy for the purpose of teaching you has passed away within our walls and that is the reason her spirit was stuck inside. And now she is trying to get back at me and do some damage even more than she has already done that caused this to happen in the very first place,” said Raphael as Sonata’s brows raised at the last part of his sentence.   “This is the sorceress inside her??? What the f**k Headmaster King???How did that happen? And can the witches take over our bodies or what?” asked Sonata as she looked at Snow in horror and shock. The voice that came out of her throat could dry up entire rivers. “I can do things little girl which will make you cry for your Mommy dearest for a decade to come,” said Snow, but the voice was not hers and Akira screamed at her voice. And Snow laughed out loud in such a way that could freeze anyone’s heart in fear. It was like the worst horror movies of Hollywood being played in front of their eyes live, in action.   Raphael did not wait any longer and plunged the syringe in her arm and then pushed down the entire vial of liquid in her body. The expletives that were coming out of her mouth would shame a truck driver but he could not deal with Rebecca any longer. It seemed that she was a tenacious one who did not leave him alone even after her death.         I've never been afraid of 'monsters' per-say. I do believe they exist, I just don't think they are furry and live under my bed and in my closet. You see, I knew a monster once. In fact, I loved him. He played baseball with me, and he spoiled me with lots of gifts. He had deep brown eyes, and a smile nearly identical to my own. I thanked God for my very own monster, every night. My monster didn't have sharp talons. The only thing sharp about him was the knife that made this gash. My monster wasn't green or purple. He didn't even like purple; That's why he made me have all of the purple on my arms. My monster didn't come out and scare me after I had fallen asleep. No, my monster only scared me when he came home. My monster gave me bad dreams too though, so I guess there is that. But I didn't make my monster leave, like the case with normal childhood monsters. No, my monster made me leave. My monster didn't want me anymore, so he made me go....   But then finally I had enough. I was old enough to understand what he was doing was absolutely abnormal and he would keep doing that to me. I hated my mother for leaving me in such a fix but one night I found that she had not left me alone. And she had given me something which was far more powerful than my brother could ever imagine. I was the daughter of a sorceress and I had felt thee power inside myself. The next time it surged, I burnt the entire house with my brother inside it.   His mama used to tell him not to hit. The school councillor said it was abusive. But they wasn't around no more. Now if his girl pissed him off she got what was comin' to her. He'd be careful not to leave the bruises where they would show the next day. And he'd be careful to apologize 'nough in the morning so she wouldn't leave or go telling her friends. Smacking her around wasn't just about losing his temper, it was a stress relief to him. Some folks played squash, he played smash, what's the difference? A searing shot of pain ran up the young woman's body, a scream escaping her pale lips as the devastating sounds bounced off the living room's walls. A man sat opposite the weeping woman, an iron fire poker by his side. His hands were firmly clasped under his chin, a gleeful grin stretched across his face. He was handsome, yes, but his charm had long gone. His hair was long and unruly and dark circles outlined his blood shot eyes. His skin was paler than it once was, as he hadn't been outside for quite some time, but the London weather probably wouldn't help recover the loss. The man didn't seemed at all bothered by the screams that came from his victim. If anything, he seemed amused by her pain. His stony eyes stared down at the twitching body before him as if he were inspecting a freshly plucked turkey, all ready to go into oven. The flames that licked up the sides of the fireplace reflected off the beads of sweat that had settled on the woman's forehead. Her agony was his entertainment. After a time, her screams had subsided and her tormentor had grown bored with her silence. Sending a single kick to her stomach, the man stood and left, but not without giving one last lingering glance to the woman he claimed to love. He had that hopeful look in his eye. He had it every time he got the notion to better himself in some way. Sometimes it was more education, another time it would be a business plan, occasionally he planned to get fit. She'd always smile while he told her the plan and appear to support him, then over the coming week she'd insert comments to deflate him and make him feel worthless and insecure. Then she'd come to the rescue and tell him she loved him just the way he was. And she did. She loved him being an overweight failure with low self-esteem, that way he'd never leave her. He knew when he saw her eyes brimming with tears that he should relent, that a decent person would show forgiveness. But he felt a frisson of excitement that transcended his better nature and pushed him on. Only when she was openly weeping and broken would he stop. He'd feel guilty of course, but that never stopped him before and it wouldn't stop him this time. He enjoyed abusing her too much. After I burnt him and stopped him abusing all those poor women that would be trapped by his charms and good looks, I thought that I would not have to deal with him any longer but it seemed that I was absolutely wrong. He sold his soul to the devil in order to become something far worse and far more dangerous. If he is able to attain the power of his blood which he has been longing since my birth then it is going be impossible to pause the Apocalypse that is on the verge of breaking out.  
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