Chapter 43

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Elizabeth turned back to Snow and looked in her eyes. Her gaze was still purple. The one which Snow normally sported. It was an odd colour but then again everyone was aware of the fact that she was anything but ordinary. “What else happened?” asked Elizabeth as she found Snow to be tired. Her eyes were drooping, and they were getting darker. There were patches forming underneath her eyes but Elizabeth could very well understand that someone or something else was preying on her. And that was happening in the ways so that it could not be seen. Although he did not want to believe that, Raphael felt that there was something Rebecca had done or was doing which made Snow vulnerable like this. “He told that he would be able to make my darkest fears come true and some called him life while some called him death. He had no form but he was feared by all. He seemed to want to get a taste of my power and said that it was enchanting to have such a pretty little thing in his service,” said Snow, as she yawned out loud. By then Sonata and Akira had returned back with the Doctor and the bags of blood in a bag. Raphael nodded at them as Sonata handed out the bag to Snow and she tore it in with a strange viciousness which none of them had seen before in her. It was like she was hungry and she wanted to devour everything. Elizabeth moved away from the bed alarmed at what she was seeing and the manner in which her grand-daughter was attacking the bags of blood. Sonata did not wait until all the bags were finished and a trickle of blood dropped down the corner of her lips. Snow wiped it with her finger tip and then sucked it and looked at Raphael with unabashed lust in her eyes. Everyone’s eyes widened at her behavior and Raphael blanched seeing her actions. There was something severely wrong and that was the reason that her common sense was not working at all. “Hey darling….why don’t you come back to bed with me? See….it’s still warm…get these girls out of the room and come back in my arms,” said Snow as she smiled seductively at Raphael who groaned out loud and then smacked his head. He looked at the Doctor, the only physician who had been born anew as a vampire after her human life Doctor Lillian and growled. “What the hell is wrong with her Doc? Snow White is extremely intelligent and respectful of her elders but the way she is behaving it seems that all her wires have been cut loose in her brain,” said Raphael as he hissed out to the Doctor. She looked at Snow and then walked towards her. Sonata who was standing beside her immediately shifted away from beside her bedside allowing the Doctor to check upon her. Doctor Lillian was one of the best doctors that human world and vampire world could have ever received. She had impeccable bedside manners and she had a calm congenial manner which immediately brought immense peace to her patients. “Snow,” ssaid Lillian with a soft smile,” Let me have a look at your eyes, won’t you?” “No…noooooooo….I want him…in here…beside me….. don’t want any of you…..” screamed Snow, as she hissed at Lillian which made her stagger back for a moment and Elizabeth hissed at Snow but that too did not deter her. Snow dropped her covers and stood up on her bed. She was wearing a white striped cotton shirt which reached the middle of her thighs. Rest of her was naked, showing her dainty shapely legs and slim ankles. She walked on her bed and then jumped up in Raphael’s lap. Without thinking Raphael instinctively caught her so that she did not hurt herself at that moment. Elizabeth growled at Raphael, her eyes turning red. It was a warning to be heeded for Headmaster King knew that his ashes would not be found if he did something wrong with Snow. Doc Lillian said,” Ms. White, don’t take my words otherwise but I don’t think that it is going to be possible to treat Snow for me in any way if you consider Headmaster King to be a threat. He has been taking care of the students since a hundred years and there has been no calamity until now. But you have to make concessions about modesty if you want her to get better.” Her voice meant no nonsense for as a medical professional she very well understood that this was something else happening and Raphael was integral to this. Elizabeth looked at Lillian and then said in a dangerously cold voice,” What do you want me to do then? Leave her in the hands of this man who can have her way with her?” “This is precisely the reason that parents and guardians are not allowed inside the premises since they do not understand the need of the moment. You are an old hag with brain with size of an ant and it remains firmly stuck in your panties or your arse, that is the reason you can even dare to talk to my Raphael in this manner,” hissed Snow as Elizabeth gaped at the young girl. Raphael and Lillian both were standing shell shocked at her words and her expression. While Snow kept on rubbing herself up and down Raphael’s body which was not helping his sense of preservation any way. “You f*****g little ungrateful b***h!!!” spat out Elizabeth and Lillian immediately caught hold of her arm in vampiric speed and took her out of the room. Sonata and Akira followed her suit, for they did not know what was supposed to happen next with Snow behaving like a lust ridden fool. Outside the room Lillian said,” Ms. White, your grand-daughter is sick at the moment and you should not take any of the words seriously which she might have spoken. She is not in her senses and she needs to be treated and I need you to co-operate during that time. Moreover I think you should return back to your business and allow us to take care of Snow White. You do understand that you can be detained by the Council for inappropriate behavior towards the Headmaster of the Academy, don’t you?” “Let them try,” scoffed the older woman as she looked at Lillian and then she narrowed her gaze and continued,” Are you threatening me? Do you have the remotest idea whom you are speaking to?” “No Ms. White, I would never even dare too threaten you but I am just reminding you a few certain facts which seem to have been forgotten. You know very well that we are going to do our best in curing Snow, for she is as much dear to us, as she is to you,” said Lillian as Elizabeth nodded once in agreement. “I shall retire to my quarters while you treat her,” said Elizabeth as she did not wait there a moment longer. In the meanwhile Raphael was still holding Snow in his arms who was rubbing his body and he could not keep a check on her face and her lips and hands while she kissed him millions of times and then slightly bit his neck. It was the kind of playful bite, not the one which would draw out blood from his veins. “Snow? What has gotten into you? Why are you doing this to me?” asked Raphael as his voice rasped in lust and pain as he touched the small of her back and rubbed his hand there making her moan out loud at his touch. “Why? Don’t you like me doing this to you? Why don’t you lock the door and then we can go to bed?” asked Snow teasing Raphael as he could not keep his calm any longer. He captured her lips in a kiss like he had done the last night and Snow melted in his arms when Lillian came inside the room and cleared her throat loudly. Raphael immediately snatched back his lips from hers and Snow protested with an incoherent mumbling as she hid her face in the crook of his neck and smelled his hair. Lillian smiled at Raphael for this was the first time that she had seen him in such a strange situation like this which was out of his control. “I would be really glad if this stays between us inside this room,” said Headmaster King as he looked at Lillian who smiled at him and nodded. “I understand that you are being goaded into doing something which you are not ready for. Snow is a very desirable young woman and it is not helping your self-control in any way. But we also understand that such kind of behavior is not at all normal and there is some reason underlying behind it, so I would need your assistance in understanding what is ailing her currently,” said Doc Lillian as Raphael nodded at her. “Place her on the bed,” said Lillian as Raphael sat down on the bed himself and then turned Snow in his lap and Lillian looked at Snow who was still moaning and behaving oddly but now she was much calmer than earlier since Raphael was holding her securely in his arms. Lillian found that Snow was fast losing consciousness and she had to do whatever necessary fast. “Her pupils are excessively dilated which is absolutely not normal in the daytime for us. Her breathing is errant, and her heart beats are dropping and rising at a fast pace and she is losing her consciousness. Headmaster King, this is the effect of magic. She is extremely sensitive and that is the reason that she is behaving in this weird manner. Magic is having an erroneous effect on her. Something needs to be done, fast,” said Lillian in a calm but urgent manner. Raphael found that Snow was drooping in his arms and then picked her up and laid her down on the bed. “Can you do something to revive her or she needs her rest and she is absolutely wiped out and it would be better to let her stay the way she is at the moment?” asked the Headmaster as Lillian nodded at him thinking that it was probably for the best to allow her to sleep for they still did not what would be the reactions on her in case she woke up once again. “Please call Akira and Sonata to remain with you here until I come back, so that they can care upon her in my absence. If there is the slightest change in her behavior and her demeanour then please inform me and take the necessary precautions while I should go and have a chat with Rebecca,” said Raphael, as he growled out the words. Lillian in all these years of her service had never ever seen Raphael so damn close to losing his control and cool in this way. “Why do you think that Rebecca is the one who is responsible for her this state?” asked Lillian as Raphael turned to face her and then smiled at her. “Well I have never seen Snow, who has always been extremely respectful of me and everyone else is behaving like a common slut and trying to get me aroused. And that happens the next night when Rebecca arrives in the castle. She has told me that she has been running from her assailants but it seems that she has been lying for if she was banished then she would have been forced to relinquish her powers to the Head of their coven. Now do you think that is a co-incidence?” asked Raphael as Lillian gaped at him while he strode out of the room.                                                
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