Chapter 57

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“And you know this how exactly?” asked Lillian as the distillation machine pinged to inform that the purification process was complete. “This energy has the same wavelength as the one which had trapped me last night in some dark room shackled me to the bars in the headboard. That one had these weird tentacles and now still I can feel them close to me but this time I am not the intended victim. She is, rather the magic trapped in her body is. Once it is taken outside the magic is going to be drained off in no time,” said Snow as she ran her hands over her body and then snatched away her hands as if she had been touched by lightning. “What is the matter Snow? Are you alright?” asked Lillian as she came closer but still did not touch Snow seeing that her eyes were closed. “He is a male creature. And he can sense me. He is trying to take hold of me,” said Snow as she opened her eyes and her eyes still dark and when she spoke her voice had changed. “YOU BLOODY LYING COCKSUCKING f*****g CUNT OF A BASTARD!!!!! AN ABOMINATION TO THE NAME OF THE VERY CLAN YOU BELONG TO…YOU IMP…” screamed Snow at the top of her voice as her eyes were now absolutely white with no pupils to be seen at all. She was speaking to some one else and this was definitely not Snow, that much both Raphael and Lillian came to understand. “YOU ARRE TRYING TO STEAL MY POWER SO THAT YOU CAN GET MORE AND MORE EBVEN BEFORE MY BONES ARE GOING TO THE FUNCKING GRAVE? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? YOU MOTHERFUCKING LYING PIECE OF s**t!!! I AM NEVER GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN YOU WORTHLESS PARASITE…TELL YOUR MASTER THAT HE IS GOING TO HAVE A HELL TO PAY WHEN I COME ASKING FOR MY DUES. FOR A LEFT IS LEFT TO BE PAID!! AND TIES OF THE FAMILY ARE ALWAYS PAID IN BLOODDDDDDDD…..”screeched Snow as she started slumping down to the floor and Raphael immediately caught her. A smouldering stare held onto the girl that had frozen in front of him. He could feel his thoughts all gnarl together as the temptation to hurt her poisoned his bloodstream. An immaculate hunger twisting his insides as he lurched forward, pouncing at the girl with the luminous turquoise eyes. She had flouted him, the rules had been fragmented and now her chaste soul was going to pay. He could feel her squirm, her delicate frame pinned beneath his body as his actions quickened. Soon her hot blood became a dry abyss, he scooped her limp and decrepit body and trapped her beneath the solid terrain. He didn't desire her death... but the voices thought it was inevitable. And just like that Snow woke up with a sudden gasp in Raphael’s arms. She was in the office of the Headmaster lying in his arms when her eyes were bloodshot and now they were purple. “What happened Snow?” asked Raphael urgently. “He wants to kill me for coming to know who he is…I have seen his face,’ said Snow, as her eyes were now gradually turning to the normal green colour that they actually were. “But does he know who you are? Does he know where you are? Anything at all that would give him a glimpse of your whereabouts?” asked Lillian as she helped Snow get up from the couch. “I don’t think so. Well I think there are a few things that Rebecca does want to show me and she needs to take hold of my body for that purpose and she is not angry with you because you killed her, she is angry because she was duped by the one who had sold her this time of youth and beauty. The price was not the thing that she had created and given to him. It was her life and her magic. She has been duped into dying by her own brother,” said Snow as her head started reeling all of a sudden as she stood up and she crashed on the couch once more. And this was the effect of being taken into possession of an angry and disgruntled sorceress who had recently lost her life. “What about her magic Snow?” asked Raphael as he pulled her down to the couch and then glared at her. “I think I can collect her magic from the bones but I would need something where I can transfer the energy to. I am not willing to take all that power inside me without any reason. It already feels like I am a parasite and that you would be absolutely disgusting,” said Snow, with grimace on her face. “And where do you suggest we store her energy Ms. White? Don’t you think that it will be much easier for someone to track a bundle of energy? If a person can do that and try and steal something like that from a corpse then what does that tell you that he is not gonna do that with some vessel?” asked Raphael as Lillian looked at both of them thoughtfully. “What about the Academy itself?” asked Lillian as Snow looked at her with confusion in her eyes. “What about it?” asked Raphael as he looked at the doctor as well. “I mean, how about we treat the Academy as a vessel for her magic in its entirety? That should work, can’t it?” asked Lillian as Snow’s eyes brightened up and started turning purple. “Yes, that will work…absolutely it will work but I need peace and concentration for that and also I am going to need a conduit, like something which will help me allow for the flow of magic to happen smoothly, so that there is no problem with the transference,” said Snow and Raphael nodded. “I shall check amongst Rebecca’s things for something of that sort and Ms. White, you can find the books which will guide you how to do this kind of thing. This is very advanced kind of magic however I know that you are going to have no problems whatsoever when it comes down to magic. Great things are expected of you. In the meantime Lillian you should take two pouches of infected blood to the Patricks and give them their supper and then you can decide what is going to be the dosage. You don’t have much time in your hands and neither do we. Come on,” said Raphael as he went out of the door and then after they were all out he locked the door so that no one could come inside in his absence. Although no one would dare to, yet he was not going to take the risk. At least not on a night like this. Lillian had already taken a sample bag of Rebecca’s blood and Snow and Raphael went to the attic to search amongst Rebecca’s things. Snow knew that this was not going to be easy at all, thankfully she knew that the books were going to be found easily and she started pulling out all of them and started reading them and checking out for the spell she needed to perform.  What she found after about half an hour blew her mind. “Headmaster King,” called out Snow as Raphael immediately came out of the room where Rebecca had made her make-shift kitchen. He had gotten a whiff of the thing that was still in the cauldron and he felt like he would gag. They were the dredges of the love potion that he had been offered so that it would be easier to seduce him and then to get out the secrets once he had slept with the witch. “Yes Snow, tell me what did you find?” asked Raphael as he came and stood behind her. “Things are definitely not looking good at all Headmaster King. The spell that is given here is very complex and not at all easy and the drawings of the runes which are given here I don’t think it is possible to finish it at any point of time anytime soon. Moreover we would require to have a sacrifice for this purpose. Sacrifice of a half-blood creature under the light of the moon as a peace-offering to the Goddess of Moon and ask for her blessings. And as I find, the only half-blood that I can see here is me. What else do you think can be done?” asked Snow as Raphael itched to tell her that she was not a half-blood or a freak. Rather she was the embodiment of three different forces, albeit all of them had not come to the fore-front yet. Raphael looked in her eyes and said,” If you are even thinking about thinking something about self-sacrifice then trust me I shall pull you back when you are suspended in the Gloaming and then kill you by my hands myself. I shall walk the dawn tomorrow might be but trust me I am not going to allow you to sacrifice anything at all just for the sake of the magic. Either find anything else or we don’t have to go through this entire process at all!!” His eyes were blazing red and Snow knew that he was damn serious about every single word he had said. And to be honest, she was thinking about something like that. Snow closed her took in a deep breath and then started ruffling the pages again to find if something else could be done at all so that she could finish this within the time when the moon was up in the sky. And just within a few minutes she found something that she had been looking for. But before she could even do something her entire body went absolutely rigid with shock and she started having this seizures which she never had before. The book fell down from her hand with a thud and Raphael screamed out her name but Snow could not say anything. She did not want Rebecca to take possession of her body at all or doing things which she did not want to do but since she had the witch’s powers in her blood it was only natural that she would be used like a medium to convey whatever Rebecca had left unfinished. Snow forced to calm herself as Rebecca started taking control of her movements and then once the witch’s soul thought that her body was under her control Snow kicked and pushed her out for a moment before she could come back again. “Raphael, listen to me, please,” croaked out Snow as she could see the murderous rage in his eyes. Raphael nodded at her as his eyes went back to his normal colour. “Rebecca wants to show me something. And I cannot help it at all, but shackle my hands and feet and gag me so that I cannot do anything to my own body, that is the first place she will try and attack. I am not going to be able to find the strength to repel her the next time. She is close and she is strong. And read the page that is still open in the book, you will know what you need to do. Get Sonata and Akira and ask them to stay beside me while you take care of the preparations. I am going to be able to perform the ceremony and the ritual only after she leaves me alone,” said Snow as she lost her consciousness.                            
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