Chapter 16

1994 Words
It was almost afternoon when finally Lukas was able to understand any of the writings which was in the diary. Those were no spells or anything of the sort but they were actual writings of their mother which ha been bewitched to look that way. Now all he needed to do was to reverse the spell on the diary so that he could actually read something from the book in order to know about the history of his mother. And how come even his father found about her in the first place and turned her into a wolf because that was not supposed to be possible. Turning into wolves was not something that happened every day, rather it required, as far as he knew, wolves to be born naturally from the womb of a woman or any female creature for that purpose if Rhea was to be considered to be an exception. “Rhea, I just want to tell you something,” said Lukas as he still turned over the pages of the diary and could not find anything at all to do. Rhea looked up from another book she was looking at which had printed letters and she was reading the stuff quite carefully. There was a painting of a woman in the page as well and Lukas looked at the painting which he thought was familiar but he could not place it where he had seen it earlier. “Yeah, tell me,” said Rhea as she closed the page she was reading but Lukas was still looking at the book thinking and he did not hear what his sister said. “Yo Brother, where are you lost?” asked Rhea as she snapped her fingers before his face and he came back to his senses. “No no nothing of that sort, I was looking at the picture that you were reading that page on then it felt like that I know that from somewhere but from where exactly that I can’t remember. But I was trying to tell you something else at the moment. Rhea I just wanted to tell you that at this moment we both are the only known creatures who are absolutely different from anyone and everyone place which might give us a bit of strength but it also puts us at a lot of risk which we don’t know how it might pose for us yet. SO you are not supposed to share any of this information with anyone and not even write it down and keep it at a place where it might be of access to someone else,” said Lukas as he closed the diary that he had been trying to decipher for so long. “I get that part but who do you think was I going to tell at all?” asked Rhea, as she raised her brows in question. “I did not think that you were going to tell anyone at all just this that you should be more careful about whatever you are saying to anyone from now on because we are already fraught with so many problems and I still don’t know if you are going to turn into a tree tomorrow or not so it is better to keep things to ourselves,” said Lukas as he took the book from Rhea’s hand and then opened the page which she was reading. It was chapter or a part which was written about Sirens. “We have read all this stuff about these creatures in the myths but they also exist in a world which we are not aware of, that is what I am trying to say to you. These Sirens are said to be incredibly powerful women with only one capability that is to attract men into protecting them and loving them the way they want them to and then they can make men do things for them. The truly and naturally powerful ones can cause wars over their capture and presence in the vicinity of male dominated societies. Many of the feminists and those who tried bringing about change in the societies were actually Sirens. Now why they are considered to be dark I don’t understand at all. It almost feels like that they have been portrayed to be dark only because men could not fathom their powers or capabilities or could even think that there could be far more superior or powerful creatures than them in this world,” said Rhea as Lukas finally understood where he had seen a Siren and what was the reason that he had gone into a stupor today morning without any cause. Now there was cause but he just could not see one yet. “Rhea, did you read anything about channeling their powers in a positive way so that it would not affect men in such a deep or powerful manner because if that is what it takes then it would become very difficult to protect them at all. You have to understand Rhea it might be the way they are born but whatever powers they do have cannot be negative from the beginning. I do not understand how something so neutral in its concept can be deemed as positive or negative!!” said Lukas, his voice now quite high and Rhea looked at him with understanding dawning upon her. “Might be they are categorized by the use of the power and the strength that they are born with. I mean if we consider that there are some dark powered sorceresses like our mother then there are supposed to be witches who are Light as well, I mean to say that there are bound to be witches who use their powers for good instead of evil. I mean that is how this entire thing works is it not?” she questioned and her brother nodded vigorously. “You are right Rhea. You are absolutely correct. This cannot be possible that we will form opinions without looking at both the sides of the coin…absolutely correct you are Rhea…You are a genius..are you hungry?” asked Lukas suddenly feeling ravenous. “Yeah that I am…hungry for sure but why are so suddenly interested in Sirens Lukas? This does not make any sense. I shall put the steaks on the grill and make some sandwiches the way we like it with mustard sauce and everything but you better have a good explanation for my question if you want some really palatable food today,” said Rhea as she got up from the hardwood floor and walked towards the kitchen. “I don’t need time for that Rhea, I am sure about what I am thinking and I know the reason why I am even talking about this but what if I am wrong? What if we are wrong and there is no way to help her at all and this is the doom that we were talking about and I have brought her into our home?” asked Lukas with his face contorted with fear and anxiety. “Lukas, there is really no point talking in riddles. I might be a genius but even I am not that intelligent to become really knowledgeable about what you are talking in a few hours. You need to be more specific about everything you said in your last statement,” said Rhea as she took out the chicken thighs from the refrigerator and started beating them up with the rolling pin flattening them out. “Yeah true. Even I did not know what to do if this comes to be true that is what I am thinking. Now I know one thing for sure Rhea that the child we brought back home from the abandoned church steps is not a normal babe and as far as I can understand till now is that she is a Siren. She is quite a powerful creature this babe Aurora,” said Lukas as Rhea looked at him carefully hearing his words. Then she nodded at him and said,” This was the altercation that you were having with the Beta? You punched Charlie over this or what?” Lukas did not think that it was really necessary to reply at all. He just nodded at her and Rhea nodded back at him. He was surprised ta her reaction. “You are not mad at me because I punched him in the face?” asked Lukas as Rhea sliced the breasts of the chicken and then placed them on the grill after seasoning them. “Why would I be mad at you for punching him in the face? If I were in your position I would have torn his throat out with my bare hands, you are much more better and calmer wolf than me why has a better control over himself with his subordinates and in any case I know that what you said and he said both were true and correct in their own places. So there is literally no point in working against you when you are my i***t brother and you need me at all times,” said Rhea as she sliced the pieces of bread and then started cutting the salad pieces. “You would be much better Alpha than me Rhea, just you need a bit more patience but still you are going to have much better control over your pack than me. And I would love to have a few more slices of cherry tomatoes in my sandwich,” said Lukas as Rhea nodded and chopped off a few more slices while the meat was giving out a beautiful smell from the griller. “Great!! Lukas please turn over the slices with the tongs kept at the side, they will get burnt and I am not really in mood for destroying even more food,” said Rhea as she kept on slicing the cucumbers. Lukas smiled at her and then turned over the meat slices in the griller. His nose was really not working from that sneezing fit he had in the morning but still then he could feel his mouth watering looking at the state of the juicy, succulent and tender meat. “I want to eat this one immediately, it smells so good Rhea….how did you become such a pro at cooking?” asked Lukas as he smelled even more deeply. “I am not a pro at cooking Lukas. I just have seen Mom doing things in a certain way which other wolves don’t. Her techniques were different from others which is why I copied them when it became possible to and now I know why she did things differently. It was because she was different, she was unique. Just like baby Aurora is unique. You know what I feel Lukas?” asked Rhea as she waited for the chicken to be grilled on the other side. “What do you feel Rhea?” asked Lukas as he smiled at his sister not because she was amazing but because of the way she saw things differently. “I feel that there must have been something which had happened which made Mom o back to the life she had left when she gave birth to you. For my entire life I can never remember Mom being like that the way she was that morning Lukas. What if there is something out there which is turning things bad?” asked Rhea as Lukas looked at her and nodded. “What you are saying might be true Rhea but it will be too much risky to go out of the pack and find people or things related to Dark magic even if they ate somewhere out there,” said Lukas as the chicken was grilled finally.
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