Chapter 27

2149 Words
“That was hot, damn girl…you rock babes…I wish I would be this courageous as you,” said Akira as Sonata smiled and Snow walked on with an inscrutable expression on her face. “You are a vampire Akira. You are already a species which knows how to survive and how to fight and do everything else and still you say that you are not courageous like her…say that she has got a desire to die untimely death at the hands of a bastard so she behaves in that way,” said Sonata, as she grimaced and they reached their rooms in the matter of seconds. Snow opened the door to her room and then she turned towards Sonata and said,” I have a death wish!!!! You, my friend are telling that I have a death wish when that bastard and his sister are the ones who started it? They are going to pay the price for that….the very fact that I was very calm enough to do the talking means that he is surely going to die at my hands. He had the gall to issue and challenge behind my back and not to my face, he is most definitely going to suffer for that purpose…” “But that is not the reason why Headmaster King allowed you to accept the challenge Snow…why are you doing this? To antagonize the only one person who has been supportive of you all these years?” asked Sonata and she was speaking calmly than earlier. “I don’t understand what you are saying Sonata,” said Snow, with a perplexed look on her face. Akira sighed and said,” I shall tell you what…Snow White, you are the only living descendant of Elizabeth White, the most powerful family in the entire world of whom even the Vampire Council is scared shitless. So you are definitely a character who will be most hated but luckily somehow that did not happen in the last three years, but what happened was you were able to hold on your own and you knew that you were powerful enough to scare others. What has been happening from the past few days is only changing the fact and showing to others that you are powerful, as obviously stated but you are also not the one to be hated or feared and you have been always bullied by the Patricks. But then again you are also the only one who has been able to fight them off and hold on their own without breaking a sweat. Noww that the Hunt is coming he is trying to make you understand that you need to change the perception of the people about you and rise in the eyes of the people or rather the students so that you can take your place, the rightful one in the family and as the Head after your Grandmother names you Heir Princess of the White Dynasty.. It is not as easy as you think…you consider that everything is black and white Snow but that is natural since your communication to others has been limited to the amount that you have allowed…” Snow looked at Akira and then sighed out loudly. “Is that what you guys think of me?” she asked softly. “No Snow, we do not think of you as that way but others do and that is what needs to be changed. You are the one who is supposed to be winning the hunt and you are the one who is supposed to be loved by all. But instead you are choosing to stay back and be misunderstood by others and that is precisely the thing that we are supposed to change. Your transformation is supposed to happen at the Hunt, Snow but you know better than that,” said Sonata and Snow nodded. “You are supposed to be better. You are supposed to be the Queen. You are supposed to be magnanimous and powerful and as you know, with power comes great responsibility. And now you have to decide what do you want along with power…is it love of the people or fear?” asked Akira as she smiled meaningfully and her fangs showed up peeking underneath her lips. “Have you been watching Game of Thrones lately Akira?” asked Sonata with a scowl and Akira blushed at her insinuation. “Yeah, some of that and some of Machiavelli as well,” said Akira as she sheepishly smiled and Snow burst out laughing. Both of them looked at her laughing for a moment and then they also burst out laughing. After sometime when they finally stopped Snow said,” This feels good…really you know…laughing is good…I can feel the dopamines and oxytocin filling in and rushing in my brain…wow…this rush is nice…” “Ahhaahh!! There it is!! I was thinking why is she not making any kind of snarky comment until now and there it is…people feel the adrenaline rushing in their blood stream and she feels the dopamine and oxytocin…Boy!! This is the reason people call you cuckoo crazy.” “What do they say???” asked Snow still smiling. “Well they have said a lot of things these past three years but it is not the time to look at the past Snow. Vampires live long lives and have longer memories of the past but they also have an eternity to live so we need to think about the future as well. So now all we are going to do is focus on your transformation…and you have already taken a step towards it…” said Akira but Sonata stopped her midway and interrupted her saying. “How can you say one step Akira? She has taken two steps towards the transformation that she was looking for and we are aiming at…one…come on girl…look at her from top to bottom she looks ready to kick ass and she has for the first time made a very public statement without even making a statement just by breaking seven small bones of that cad…this is marvelous…trust me..this needs some serious gossiping ad then the information should be spread like wildfire and once that happens the Patricks are going down even for the war has begun,” said Sonata as she winked at Akira and Snow. Both of them nodded at what she said. Then suddenly Snow looked at the watch on her wrist and gasped out in horror. “Oh dear!! I was supposed to report to the new teacher for my next detention and I am already late by five minutes…Girls, I am gonna meet you later after I am done…and Sonata you do act on the thing you just said, but make sure that you are careful about it,” said Snow and then she rushed out of the room in her vampiric speed to the office of the sorceress who had arrived the day before. Snow knew that there was something wrong with her and there was something which was happening inside her body but that could not make her scared or weak. She needed to understand what was happening to her and Snow suspected that this was something to work with the witch only. Snow reached the office of Rebecca and knocked the door. “It is open Ms. White. Please come inside.” Snow opened the door and found standing at the doorway to what looked like a huge field and she carefully stepped inside. “Leave the door handle. It will only affect your transition and make it slower. You are entering in a portal and you have to leave the bearings of the outer world before you would be able to do that. Now tell me something, do you trust me?” asked the sorceress as she came in sight in the middle of the field. Snow did not even think before replying,” No.” “Good. Since you don’t trust me, I am pretty sure you trust yourself, so come inside, and trust yourself,” said Rebecca and smiled at her. Snow felt her ire rising and her fangs descended but she knew that this was a test and she would have to cross it before she could even have an inkling about what was happening with her and why was it happening in the presence of this sorceress. She forced her fangs to retract in her gums as she let go of the doorknob and entered the field. As soon as she had let go she found that she was in an office room with a desk and floors of stone just like it was a part of the castle. Snow raised her brows at Rebecca who was sitting behind the table and then gestured towards the chair kept in front of the table. “That was a neat trick,” said Snow as she sat down on the chair and looked straight at the sorceress. “Well that was not a trick but if you look at it that way then I can say that you should be able to do that as well Snow White,” said Rebecca as she looked at the teenager meaningfully. “You must be joking right? You do know that I am a vampire and I can’t do magic!!” said Snow, gingerly as she was starting to doubt the sanity of this woman. “You are a Nosferatu Snow. It is true but I am doubting that you are not the one by birth,” said Rebecca as Snow immediately hissed at her with her fangs out and she rushed so fast that the teacher could not even react. Snow was at her throat and her fangs were poised above the vein at her neck. “You might be a teacher but it would not take me even six seconds to drain the blood from your body and after that magic is truly going to run in my veins…do you want that happening?” asked Snow, in a whisper but that was more than enough to let the heart of the witch go cold. “You do understand the consequences of threatening a sorceress under the protection of your Headmaster, don’t you? So why don’t we talk this out like mature people rather than threatening and speaking of bleeding each other and doing such barbaric things?” prompted Rebecca as Snow smiled and she could hear in her ear. “You are scared of me. There must be some reason apart from the fact that I am a vampire and you are a witch but you are still scared of me, when it should be the other way round. The reason you are not telling me and the reason which is why you have come here in the first place is something else and I want to know that. But, witch, you ought to think before you drop a bomb on me like that,” said Snow as she was back in her seat in the blink of an eye. “I cannot tell you anything Snow White. I am not allowed to speak anything at all but I can say this that Snow White, you are the only one of your kind who has been born or created in this earth. And you are destined for great things. My powers allow me to do simple things like glamour spells, powerful ones but simple but you have the power inside which can change our entire world and the way we live now. You, are the Princess whose destiny will take you to the corners of earth just to make your journey worth it. The transformation you will undergo is going to make you ready to become a queen,” said Rebecca as Snow listened to her words carefully. “It seems that you are not speaking in riddles but still it seems like a riddle,” said Snow as she spoke after careful consideration. “Might be it is a riddle for you to solve and remember as you embark on this journey but mark my words Ms. White. Your journey is going to be a long and difficult one. The road ahead you is dark since no one has taken this road before but remember the light ahead is going to be brighter than the sun,” said Rebecca as the door to her room opened and Raphael was standing there.                                            
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