Chapter Three-3

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I hesitated and I must admit my male ego was digging in its feet. She looked at me and tilted her head with a little smirk on her face. “James, what’s wrong?” “Nothing,” I pouted. “Oh, sweetie don’t be that way. I expect you will adapt and look forward to cooking my meals. We both know you are the superior cook so quit pouting and get cooking!” “Ok.” I said half-heartedly. “Did you forget I promised a sweet reward!” She cupped my chin with her hand. Turned my face gently towards hers. Her smile was infectious, and my face had no choice but to smile back. “I shouldn’t tell you this in case breakfast sucks, but I think you need a nice BJ after your OJ!” She really knew how to break the ice. I nearly ran to get my apron and start cooking. “Breakfast will come right up my dear!” “That’s the spirit, I admire your energy darling. Can you grab me a tea in the meantime?” “Yes, my love!” We had breakfast and after I cleaned up the dishes; I walked sheepishly back to Alexa at her loveseat. I was hoping she intended to make good on her promised reward. I stood before her my hands folded over the growing bulge in my panties. I moved my hips slightly side to side to get her attention. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity she looked up from her laptop and chuckled. Her eyes moved down my body to a growing wet spot in my panties. She giggled and put her hand to her mouth in mock modesty. “I think someone is looking for a reward!” I was fidgeting before her and my smile was huge. She reached out and tickled my wet spot with her fingernail. My bulge jumped at her touch and she giggled. Standing up, she took me into her arms and gave me a sweet kiss. “I think we both need to freshen up a bit. Don’t you?” She asked taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom. I figured she intended a shower, but she had other plans. It was so hard walking with my huge bulge, but Alexa seemed in no hurry to ease my swelling. She led me to the bathroom and pointed out my toothbrush at my sink. “James, it is such a nice day let’s forget the shower and have a refreshing dip in the pool. What do you say?” “I didn’t bring my trunks, sweetie.” Damn that sounded great. I got a look at her pool when I was cooking breakfast and it was inviting. “That is not a problem come with me to the pool house.” Alexa took my hand and led me to the French doors at the back of the living room. On either side were large picture windows, and the day was sunny and glorious. When I stepped outside, I got my first look at her patio in the daylight. To my left was the outdoor kitchen. A beautiful structure provided shade it had a grill, sink, refrigerator and plenty of counter-space finished in granite. The pool was the crown jewel straight ahead and crowned with a hot tub at the far side. The home wrapped around most of the pool forming a very cozy courtyard. The pool house was part of the structure of the home to the right. Alexa was leading to the doors of the pool house. Behind the pool was plenty of grass and trees. As I looked back, I couldn’t see any other homes. A very full hedge grew at the tall wooden fence surrounding the spacious backyard. This backyard was private and extremely well designed for leisure and entertaining. Entering the pool house, I immediately felt the air conditioning. There were comfortable chairs and tables for many people. If the weather turned rainy, this house was a quick refuge. It had refrigerators for drinks. Towels were evident on well-stocked shelves. Cabinetry and storage were in abundance, and it had two bathrooms one on either side. Alexa led me into the closet bathroom. A nicely appointed bathroom with terrazzo floors like the pool house. It had a sink, a private powder room and a semiprivate shower stall. It also had some cabinets that looked more like dressers. Alexa opened a drawer and extracted a sky-blue bikini. “This is where I keep my bikinis and cover-ups. The drawer directly below has your pool wear. I hope you don’t object to me choosing for your today.” She opened the draw and pulled out a shiny light pink polka dot bikini and looked at it quickly. Then she held the bottoms up to my waist. “I believe this will be a perfect fit. You can toss your robe and panties into the bin.” She pointed at a stainless-steel bin that must have been a chute to a laundry facility because I did not see a bottom. She handed me the delicate little bathing suit bottoms and the top. Then she stripped her panties and robe depositing them into the bin. I stood there with the shiny pink polka dot bikini in my outstretched hand. Surely, she is kidding. Alexa finished putting on her bikini and looked at me. “James, you look like you are holding a venomous snake. The suit won’t bite. Why don’t you see if it fits?” “Alexa It was one thing wearing these panties but now we are outside. Imagine if someone sees me wearing this.” “I am not expecting company and I don’t know if you noticed but this is a very private estate. Besides, if someone saw you, I expect they would admire your great legs and ass!” “I don’t know I don’t think I am secure enough with my masculinity.” “Oh bother, masculinity is such a pain in the ass. Why does it matter what you wear in the privacy of your own home? Do you think I will view you differently if you prefer cute and sexy over cotton and baggy?” “But this is a bikini!!” “Yes, and a super cute one. I for one can’t wait to see your ass and chest fill it out.” “Do you really want me to wear this bikini?” I said to my horror. “Yes, I really think it will look cute and I figured I would add a special element to your reward before we go swimming to ease your macho mind.” She didn’t wait for my next objection. She slowly peeled my robe off and deposited it in the bin. Then she slid my panties down my legs and tossed them in the bin. She took the top from my hand and held it up so I could slide my arms through. I hesitated, and she clucked. Reluctantly I put my arms out to her, and she smiled. She turned me to secure my bra. Then she took my bottoms and held them open, so I stepped into my rather skimpy pink polka dot bikini. She stepped back and her hands went to her cheeks. She danced a little shuffling dance and almost squealed, “James that is so cute. Turn around let me see your bottom!” “Alexa,” I whined. As I turned around to complete my shame, I said. “If Jeff hears of this, I will absolutely lose my man card!” “Who’s Jeff?” “My co-worker and my only male friend in Dallas.” “Oh, yes him. Man card what a farce. You will be better without it! Oh, I think I owe you your reward!” Alexa changed the subject and led me to a chase lounge. Walking in a bikini was a brand-new experience. I felt so vulnerable. A stray thought ran through my head. What would I do if wearing a bikini, I had to fight? I chuckled out load. Alexa titled her head and her expression told me she was curious about my chuckle. “I had a stray thought. What would I do if I had to fight dressed like this?” “lay back tough guy I will make you fight right now. Fight to keep your head from blowing off with pleasure!” She helped me sit in the lounge and laid me back. Gently she shimmied my bikini bottom down to one ankle where she left it. “You should close your eyes and just enjoy the ride. This is your reward for being so good.” Alexa picked up a towel near the lounge. Rolled up and inside was a bottle of lube. My eyes were closed as instructed. She squeezed the bottle of lube and rubbed the cold gel on my ass. I opened my eyes with a start and saw what she was doing. “Alexa, stop that it’s exit only!” I told her. “Oh, it may have been before, but I guarantee that’s about to change in a big way!” She giggled a very innocent giggle. “Trust me James I will not hurt you.” I was about to repeat my demand that she not do this then she slipped a finger in my ass. Well-lubed it really didn’t hurt but my mouth went into a perfect “O” and I cut my demand short by the surprise. Then I felt her finger moving a short distance inside my body. It was awakening a part of my body that slumbered for my whole life. Her finger brought it to life in a way I never expected to be so intense. She was flicking my hidden spot and the waves of pleasure moved across every fiber of my body. My head laid back, and I heard someone moaning gently. I realized I was moaning. I cracked my eyes to see if Alexa noticed I was moaning like a teenage girl. She was watching me like a hawk. She started moving her finger faster, and I was nearly squealing my delight. “Do you still want me to stop?” she asked innocently. “No, please don’t stop. Please don’t stop Alexa. Please keep going this is sooooooo awwwwwwesome.” She smiled a knowing smile and kept driving me to a mind-blowing orgasm. When I was close to the point of no return, she covered my stiffness with her mouth. Slowly moving her mouth to take me in completely. The waves of pleasure intensified, and her mouth moved up and down on my pride and joy. And I heard myself screaming in pleasure. Then I started shooting wads of thick sticky c*m into Alexa’s warm waiting mouth. I kept throbbing and squirting, and it almost hurt it felt so intense. Finally, this mind-blowing orgasm subsided, and her finger left my hole. Oddly it felt a little empty. She moved around to my side and I could see she would kiss me. My eyes rolled back a little as I pursed my lips waiting for her sweet kiss. Our lips met and her warm tongue entered my mouth and something else. Oh, my god I tried to squirm, but it was too late, so I closed my eyes and swallowed. It was a flavor that I assume must be acquired. She pulled back with a wicked grin and left a big white gooey smudge on my mouth. “How did that feel James?” “Oh my God I never knew I could fly so high!” “Oh, I am so glad you liked your reward. Good Girls get lots of rewards! Pull up your bikini dear, the pool calls, and I must go to her.” I started to adjust my bikini as she got to the door. “Oh, Sweetie you will find a cold tea in that refrigerator.” She pointed. “I’m sure you would like to rinse the taste out of your mouth. Grab me one as well dear and hurry it’s time to swim!” She laughed and bolted towards the pool. I heard her splash and ran after her. I didn’t even worry about my new bikini my mind was on Alexa! We spent the entire weekend playing at the pool and enjoying each other’s company. Finally, Sunday evening came, and I knew it was time for me to go home. After dinner, I started attempting to leave from my dreamworld back to my reality. “Alexa, I think I need to head home soon.” I said as we sat holding hands on her loveseat. “Oh James, this has been the best weekend of my life. You are just who I hoped you would be.” “Who were you expecting my dear?” “You know what I mean. At college we had such dreams and vision, but life can be so suffocating. I was afraid you might have lost the passion for life!” She said with a misty expression. “Alexa, even with such obvious success you never lost the little girl I fell in love with years ago.” “Ok, so I suppose you want to change back into your clothes before heading back to your place.” She took my hand and led me to her bedroom. “I had Troy wash your clothes and lay them out for you on the bed. The little bag is also for you.” I walked towards the bed and saw it was as she said. “Who is Troy?” I asked because I never saw another soul in the home. “Troy is my housekeeper and maid.” “I never saw Troy. When did Troy stop by?” “He’s here but since you took care of most of his duties he stayed out of sight. He’s good like that.” “Alexa, did he see me in my special clothes?” I asked very self-conscious that another man may have seen my decidedly non-masculine clothes. “I expect he did but don’t worry he is not here to judge. Troy is here to serve my domestic needs. He may have been jealous. He is coy about it, but I think he likes me.” My little green beast quickly replaced my self-conscious feelings. “Do you like him? Is he handsome?” I fired back a little too sharply. Alexa embraced me gently. “Oh James, yes is he very handsome and well built, but don’t give it a second thought. Troy is not my sweet Jamie.” She called me Jamie on rare occasions, and I melted into her arms reassured that she truly loved me. I grabbed my bag and clean, folded clothes heading into the bathroom. Dropping my cover-up and bikini, I noticed my new tan lines. I had the perfect Coppertone look. My bottom had a perfect bikini tan and to my horror my chest had an undeniable bra tan line. I heard a little snicker at the door. Looking I saw Alexa observing my reaction to my new tan lines. “Alexa,” I stammered in protest. “How am I going to explain this!” I exclaimed, pointing to my bra tan line. “Jamie, I don’t think you need to explain anything to anyone. Although think twice before removing your shirt in front of others.” She smiled big and stifled a little laugh at my discomfort. “Oh, no!” Was my defeated response. “It’s cute sweetie, don’t worry no one will ever know. Now why don’t you get dressed, we both need some sleep. Monday is racing our way!” I looked in the folded clothes for my BVD’s, but they were not there. “Jamie, if you are looking for your ugly underwear, you won’t find them. I had Troy dispose of them, and he got your new ones in the bag. I hope you like them.” I noticed they decorated the bag in black and pink with little handles. Tissue paper covered the items inside. I stood in her bathroom buck naked with a little boutique bag in my hand. Pulling the tissue paper aside, I found several pairs of extremely feminine panties inside. Removing the first pair gently as they slithered through my fingers, I looked in horror. The first pair was black with powder pink lace trim, a French-cut number with a cute bow in the front. I turned to Alexa in protest with a pouty look. I crossed my arms over my chest in dismay. Alexa still had the big smile as she moved toward me. “Jamie, they are so cute. Put them on. I want to see how your ass looks in them.” I stood like a statue, unmoving. “Jamie, what’s wrong?” She asked with a feigned innocence. “What’s wrong? What do you mean, what’s wrong? It’s one thing hanging out here in soft sexy clothes, but I need to go in public if I’m to get home to my bed!” “Are you telling me you don’t like the underwear? Look at the other pairs see if you like any of the other pairs better. If not, I will have Troy exchange them for something you like better.” She delivered this as if the style and color were my problem! “Alexa!” I stammered. She looked at me patiently waiting for my renewed protest. “These are women’s underwear!” “Jamie, you are very astute to notice that so quickly!” She said holding back a giggle. “Do you remember when I told you I wanted a wife?” “Well, yes, but I figured that was metaphoric in nature.” “I suppose I can understand your confusion. However, as we discussed roles are engrained in us by the culture, we grew up in. I do not want to be hemmed in by rules and traditions handed down to us. Jamie, I want you in my life. I want you to learn to cast aside the rules of society and truly accept a role as my wife.” “Yes, I understand but didn’t I cook for you and clean up all weekend?” “You really did a great job sweetie; I am very encouraged that we can make this work!” agreed Alexa. “So, what does my underwear have to do with our relationship?” Alexa moved very close to me. I could smell her perfume and feel her sweet breath on my neck. Pressing her pelvis to my butt and moving her hand to my inner thigh, her fingers gently scratched near my hardening manhood. Her whisper was warm in my ear and her finger toyed with my belly button and she said. “If you are to be my wife, we will need to blunt the years of macho training. Your new underwear will be a constant reminder that you desire a new life and the elevation of femininity. Now please quit resisting what we both want and slip those cute panties on!”
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