Chapter Four-2

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Jaqueline came in and served the executives their coffee and biscuits with a practiced ease that would impress any waitress. She moved with grace on her very high heels serving the ladies from behind and taking care not to interrupt their important business. Jaqueline surveyed the conference room and determined it was ready for the important meeting and was about to gracefully exit when Tiffany erupted with a shriek, clicking her heels a huge smile broke on her face. She threw down the photocopy and said, “Jaqueline bring Alexa her paddle we are going to, spank Bert’s macho, egotistical, bastard ass!” “What is all the fuss?” Asked Jaqueline with a demure smile on her face. “You know well that Mrs. Strong wanted to build the New Center for Women on Accalia Reserve but because of an outdated county law that we cannot develop that property. Well, Ms. Alexa Fiera found the solution.” Stated Tiffany proudly. “Ms. Fiera did you find a better location?” “Oh, no, my sweet Jaqueline there is no better location. This is the only location for our center.” Stated Alexa with great resolve. “If you can’t develop Accalia Reserve, then what is the solution?” asked Jaqueline innocently. “First a question for you, my dears. Do either of you hot bitches know what Accalia means in Latin?” Both ladies looked at one another and back at Alexa and responded in stereo. “No!” “Well, that was the key so you soon shall. I was racking my brain over the weekend because I knew I was missing a key point. The name of the reserve kept sticking in my mind. Finally, I looked up Accalia, and it all came clear.” “Alexa, you are killing me. Get to the point!” Demanded Tiffany. “Tiffany, you know the answer but allow me to explain the question to Jackie.” “Thank you, Ms. Fiera it piques my curiosity.” “Mrs. Strong was adamant that we build the new center on Accalia Reserve because her mother’s family-operated farms for centuries in that general area. She grew up there and wanted to share the beauty with the ladies that will enroll in our program. She feels the land helped shape her character in a rugged, determined way as she sees the land to be. When we went to inquire about the land to lease or purchase, we met with county officials who informed us we can purchase that plot of land but not develop it because of an old county law.” “Is it possible to approach the county legislature to have that law removed?” Asked Jaqueline. “We considered that but since this is so competitive, we determined the time necessary to do that was not in our interest.” Provided Tiffany. “I also got the impression that Mrs. Strong was not inclined to try changing the law. This was confusing until Friday night when I got the answer.” Jacqueline and Tiffany were watching Alexa like a hawk because they knew she was about to spill the beans. “I told you the areas around Accalia Reserve were all farming communities.” Tiffany and Jaqueline acknowledged with a nod they recalled her saying so. “In Texas farming communities have livestock, cows, horses, etc. What is the natural enemy to farmers and livestock?” “Wolves.” Provided Tiffany. “Tiffany enlighten Jaqueline what Accalia means.” Allowed Alexa. “I didn’t know until I saw the photocopy of that old microfiche but Accalia means She-Wolf in Latin.” Jaqueline looked confused and put her hands up in resignation. “Can someone please put this into plain English for me?” Plead Jaqueline. “Pick up the paper and I think it will all make sense. But I will remind you Mrs. Strong wears a wolf’s pendant. Did you ever notice the wolf pups on that necklace?” Began Alexa. Jaqueline picked up the paper and started to read it as Tiffany just beamed with pride. “I think I understand. There is an area on the Accalia Reserve that cannot be improved. It looks like about an acre or more with a creek running through it. Is that the answer?” Asked a confused Jaqueline. “Yes, that is exactly the answer my sweet Jaqueline.” Cried Alexa. “But let me fill in the gaps. The county clerk did not research our question but only delivered his recollection regarding improving Accalia Reserve. It is true we cannot develop it and that is what he heard all of his life.” “We even looked at the plot and came back with the same understanding.” Chimed in Tiffany. “Yes, but unlike our male competition we dug further. When I pulled the statute from the 1800s, I realized that this land is a preserve for a dwindling wolf population. One of Mrs. Strong’s relatives named Robert Prescott created a preserve right here.” Alexa pointed to the small area bordered by the creek. “The local paper quoted Mr. Prescott to say that he saw wolf pups in abundance in this area and named his property Accalia Reserve. He knew the wolves were a menace to farming, but he found them beautiful. He especially loved the she-wolf for her protective and ferocious nature when threatened. I found some newspaper articles where he defended, his desire to protect the dreaded wolf.” “I follow your thoughts, Ms. Fiera. Perhaps Mrs. Strong is familiar with the history you describe. Do you think she was hoping someone would uncover this obstacle as an opportunity?” Asked Jaqueline. “Alexa, we could leave that area natural as we must and provide a safe path to observe the wolves. I think we may learn much from them as our wards may. We could call the area Accalia Retreat.” Pipped up Tiffany. “Ms. Fiera, I have a question.” “Yes, Jaqueline what is it dear?” “You have a long relationship with Mrs. Strong. She is a key person in the Female Leadership Movement. Why didn’t she share this information with you?” Asked Jaqueline confused. “I too wondered why she made us compete for this project after we were so successful with the original Center for Women. Now I think I understand. I believe she wants us to be successful in every arena. She knows her support and the support of the FLA has helped us build Double D. However, she is committed to developing Female Leadership and we still have many hurdles to overcome. I also think she never wants her protégées to rely upon cronyism.” Alexa finished her explanation. “Jaqueline you may also appreciate that Mrs. Strong and the FLA are strong feminists, but they love and appreciate men. What they detest is toxic masculinity. Their goal is to affect changes in society through people and culture. Government can’t make a program to teach women they do not have to live by the rules men created!” finished Tiffany. “Ms. Modus, Ms. Fiera may I get back to my desk now that we solved this mystery?” Requested Jaqueline. “Yes, my beautiful mate, but bring your pretty ass over here and give me a kiss before you go!” Commanded Tiffany. Jaqueline nearly skipped out of the conference room as Tiffany was ultra-professional in the office and never allowed displays of affection. But Jaqueline really enjoyed the kiss! “Alex, before our guests arrive, I need to know more about your weekend. Did you and James hit it off or was it awkward?” Inquired Tiffany. “It was amazing Tiff. He is really a sweet guy. I think we will make it work.” “Did you do anything?” “Tiff you know I don’t kiss and tell, please have some decorum!” Alexa scolded Tiffany in a very exaggerated way. “Please forgive me, Ms. Stodgy Pants. However, you will tell me, or I will pester you until you do!” Stated Tiffany with a very confident air. “If you must know he did willingly share my bed…several times!” Replied Alexa shaking her shoulders emphasizing her point. Tiffanies face screwed up with concentration and she asked, “Did you have any trouble with the beginning steps of his culturing?” “Typical Tiffany, just can’t leave anything alone, can you? If you must know he resisted a bit when I gave him his first pair of panties. Then before we went swimming, he absolutely dug his heels in when I showed him his new bikini.” “Oh no, didn’t you tell him how cute it would look with his tan?” Taunted Tiffany. “He finally gave in and we swam both days without complaint.” “No s**t, you got him to wear a pink polka dotted bikini the first weekend out of the gate?” Asked a shocked Tiffany. “It was touch and go for a few minutes he really dug in his heels.” “What did you do to change his mind? Did you threaten him?” “Heavens no I won’t make him do anything. I gave him a special treat and his resistance evaporated. The funny part was Sunday night when James was preparing to go home, and he noticed his new tan lines.” Alexa broke out into laughter. “He wore the top too? Oh, my God you have a real live one there. I think I may be jealous before this is all over!” Alexa and Tiffany laughed together for a moment. Mrs. Strong arrival brought them back to the task at hand. Jaqueline led Mrs. Roberta Strong to the conference room. The ladies stood with big smiles on their faces to greet her. Mrs. Strong was an old school Texan the picture of Southern charm and grace. A true daughter of Texas. Her family once slaves now possessed large tracks of ranch lands which they worked since the late 1800s. Although she must approach her mid-seventies, she was still active and spry. Her cocoa skin was to die for in contrast to her khaki pantsuit. She had dark straight shoulder length hair shot with gray. Still pretty, her dark skin contrasted with her bright white smile. Her figure hinted at a bombshell she had been 20 years ago. Alexa rushed to meet her and embraced the stately woman her mentor. Tiffany was right behind and took a moment to hug this incredible woman. “Well, ladies, you sure know how to make a girl feel welcome.” Laughed Mrs. Strong. “Mrs. Strong may I suggest you take your seat here at the head of the table?” Picked up Jaqueline as the greetings began to flag. “Jaqueline you have really flourished in your role here! Why I recall you were not suited for much. But I see Tiffany has really helped you to become very attuned to your true calling. It is beautiful to see my butterflies spread their wings.” She moved close to Jaqueline’s ear and in a conspiratorial whisper loud enough for all to hear said, “I think you will find a new and more challenging position soon dear.” Jaqueline blushed and smiled at the prospect and pulled Mrs. Strong’s chair back, inviting her to sit at the head of the table. “Mrs. Strong if I may be excused, I need to welcome Mr. Spellman as I expect him any minute.” “By all means dear we all must do our jobs.” With a nod of her head, Jaqueline excused herself to return to the reception desk. Mrs. Strong looked over at Alexa with a coy smile. “May I speak with you off-the-record Alexa?” “Yes, Mrs. Strong, what would you care to discuss?” “Roberta please for the moment. My curiosity is getting the best of me. After I pulled strings to get your sweetheart transferred here, I am dying to know if you reconnected.” Alexa blushed and Tiffany giggled. “Well, it appears there is a story here that I am the only one present who has not heard!” “Roberta I am so indebted to you I reconnected with James this past weekend!” Loud voices erupted coming from the reception area and cut short this conversation. Mrs. Strong’s face became impassive as only a black lady can do and said in a deadpan voice, “It appears Mr. Spellman enters perhaps we can return to these matters later.” Bert Spellman blustered into the conference room Jaqueline and Angelina his wife and assistant in tow. Mr. Spellman was the star of commercial development a few short years ago. He built many beautiful properties and was quite the businessman. Bert pushing forty well connected in the ‘good ole boy network’. His hair was thinning, his frame growing, but he was not unattractive for his age. Steel-grey eyes and a square jaw betrayed his past football days in college. It was obvious he had been very athletic in his youth. Bert’s aggressiveness had served him well, but in this setting, it was quickly obvious.
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