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There was no name attached to the note neither was there a sign that showed how the i***t could be traced. Me: isn't this guy the same one that you told me about?. Vjay: I thought it was the guy at the airport but I came to learn there is another guy involved and he could be the reason why the pressure is too much on me. Me: the shipments, I thought guns are supposed to be cleared at the Port and not the airport. Vjay: yes, but this was a special arrangement. The guy has a few people he knows and they know how they Manipulate these things. Anyway, the bottom line is they need the money or my business will be on the line. Me: yeah. you told me that last time,so this s**t scares you? Vjay: doesn't it scare you, Rahim I need your help to slow down these guys, as I get this place cleared off all these things. Me: then head where after clearing out? Vjay: I don't know but I will figure it out. Vjay wasn't the type to give up and since I knew him he had been one of the very successful business men. He knew alot of guys and most of them were big names with agendas. I knew Vjay through Toffy and he was one of the guys we supplied with cocaine and other susbstances as he had a connection with alot of students and celebrities who visited his shop and made recommendations while he supplied us with guns and grenades..all those dangerous weapons. Me: I have an idea. I said as I sat on a chair across his desk and his face lit up in excitement. i could tell that whoever these guys, they had really sent cold shivers down his spine. Vjay: spit it. I'm listening, i know you are a genius when it comes to solving these type of issues.. Me: what if we don't slow them down but take them out completely? Vjay: then unleash all the loose dogs on us, do you know what that will do, like I said. It's no longer one person its like a gang of people after me. Me: so, we've got guns and you've got guys. That guy Clark, I saw him get in here the other day, what business do you have with him? Vjay: Clark and I go way back. We have done business occasionally and he is also so good at what he does. i dont know who he works for but i always see him solo.. Me: what kind of business does he run?. Vjay: cocaine, guns. He has purchased several. Why do you ask? Me: I have seen him handle a gun before and I thought maybe he could join us in this mission. Vjay: that is a good idea. I could ask him if he is up for this kind of business. Me: or maybe not, what if he can't be trusted. He works for someone I know and there is bad blood between us. Vjay: leave that to me. I will talk to him personally. i have done him favours before so i don't think he will say no to me. i don't know about trust but he does not seem like a bad guy.. Vjay and I finished our conversation and after that i left to join Renee and his mother at the hospital. she had texted me the address as we had agreed earlier but she told me she had everything under control and that is why I didn't bother to run there immediately. I told her I would be there soon and half an hour later I was pulling over at the parking of the hospital. I took my phone, tucked my gun behind and went in where i met Renee at the entrance talking to one of the nurses. Me: hey, how is she doing now? Renee: not okay. The doctor is running some tests on her, they have been on it for a minute. they can't start treating her before they know what it is. I walked to the reception and found a lady there, her name tag read Tina. She looked at me and smiled. "Sir, can I help you?" She asked typing on the computer then looking at me again. Me: my mother is here. She was brought in earlier and am told she is in with the doctor. Tina: what's her name? Me: Rosemary Sarah Doli Tina: yeah, she is with the doctor but kindly speak to that nurse over there, she was the one who received her. Me: thanks. I walked over to the nurse and spoke to her for a while before shifting my gaze to Renee who was standing by and she seemed nervous and so restless. Me: how bad is her condition? Nurse: I can't say but we are doing our best. The nurse excused herself and left so I walked back to where Renee was and even before she could ask me what the nurse had said, faruk walked in with two of his guys and came straight to where we were and i was quite surprised because he was the last person i had expected to see.. Faruk: where is she? He asked hugging Renee, something I found rather awkward as even the receiver of the hug acted like she wasn't into it but did it anyway. how did they become so familiar to each other that they even started sharing hugs? suspicious so I decided not talk about Duke's mum until I got a clear glimpse of what was going on. Why was he there? Renee: she is with the doctor. Faruk: what happened to her? Me: what exactly are you doing here? Renee: I told him about mum. Me: so what are you to him now, a reporter? Faruk: calm down man, am not here to fight. I'm here to help because Duke was a brother to both of us and we both care about him.. I looked at him then back at her then walked away from them and sat on the chairs at the waiting area because had i stood there a few more minutes i would have dismantled his jaw.. I watched them occasionally as I pretended to be busy on my phone until waridi texted asking me if I was free so that she could treat me to a cup of coffee. I told her I was at the hospital and when she heard that she called instead. Waridi: why are you at the hospital, are you okay? Me: am here for a friends mum. Waridi: can I come over, am not reporting to work today? Me: I don't think that's a good idea. Your boss is here. I whispered looking at Faruk pace across the room. Waridi: am not afraid of him. What's the hospitals name? Me: if you show up here things might turn out ugly for you and I don't want that. Waridi: okay, let me know when you are done. Me: how about I cook for you instead of coffee? Waridi: I would love that. Waridi and i agreed that I would pick her up at some junction. I wanted to figure her out or better still use her to get to Faruk. The idea was to befriend her and make her my spy on Faruk and all his sheddy businesses. I didn't trust her especially after I saw her with one of faruk's men whom She mentioned being friends with. Clark had challenged me and not once so I needed to figure out where his loyalty was as well and I also needed to know if he was using waridi to spy on me so by asking Vjay to include him in the strike team, I wanted to know if he could bend the rules and take a job besides his boss's order. Between him and waridi, I couldn't tell who was playing who and who couldn't be trusted so I set a trap for both of them and by the end of it all I would know whose head I was putting a bullet in. While still in my thoughts, the doctor came out of the emergency room and I got up. He spoke to the nurse Briefly before she pointed to me and he came to where I was. When Faruk and Renee saw him approach they came to where I was. Faruk: doc how is she? Doctor: I would like to talk to family only. Faruk: am his eldest son. I looked at Faruk like "what the hell?" why did he see the need yo really be here to an extent of lying?.. Renee: am their sister. How is our mother? Doctor: she died. Me: she what? Doctor: the poison she consumed killed her. We tried everything we could but sadly she didn't make it. I sat down in shock. What was the doctor saying, I mean "did he just say she is dead?" I mumered then got up again and looked at both Renee and Faruk. Me: was the poison in the food or a drink? Doctor: in the food. Someone put poison in her food. The doctor talked to us for a few minutes advising and encouraging us before he walked away. I was so angry that I couldn't stand the look on Faruk and Renee's faces so I walked away and got out of the hospital. Seconds later Renee and Faruk came out. I had already gotten in my car when Faruk came tapping on the widow so I lowered it to listen to whatever he had to say. Faruk: we need to talk about this. I didn't even respond but got out of the car and gave him a blow on his face and watched him stagger back before he regained his balance. One of his bodyguards tried coming at me but Faruk stopped him and it's a good thing because i thought i would blow his head right there. i was so mad i couldn't take it.. Me: you killed her! Faruk: those are some serious allegations Rahim, you can go to jail for that you know.. The dude was mocking me so I punched him and he landed on one of the cars and came back at me with another blow. We exchanged several blows as Renee tried to shout for help but no one came not even the guard that was supposed to be alert incase such issues arose.. Faruk kicked me In the stomach and pushed me to the ground then took his gun and pointed it at me. Faruk: stay down Rahim, don't make me turn you in for what you did. Renee: what did he do? Faruk: I will tell you when the right time comes. I got up from the ground and walked towards my car not having said another word to him.. Me: this is not over, Faruk. I got in my car and drove off. Renee: what was that about, what dud he do? Faruk: just some old unsettled beef between us, its nothing you should worry about. Renee: did you poison that food? Faruk: no. I did not, what the hell do you take me for? I called waridi to let her know what had happened and also to let her know I was picking her up in a few minutes and after the conversation I hanged up. "Damn it! Damn it! damn it!" I shouted hitting the steering wheel. "She wasn't supposed to die" Why would they poison her? Alot of things were happening so fast and I didn't know how best to handle it. Renee was hanging out with Faruk and he was a bad influence on her. I didn't know how deep the connection had gone but I had to find a way of cutting it before it got far and she ended up peddling drugs or working as a stripper in his club. i knew Faruk and i knew that's where he was headed with her.. A few minutes into my driving I saw Waridi at the junction and stopped the car for her to get in then after she did I drove off. We talked about the day and alot of stuff on our way and soon enough I was driving into my compound which had no watchman so I had to get out of the car, open the gate as waridi drove in to the parking. We got inside the house, switched on the tv and had waridi sat as she had some wine while she waited for me to freshen up before getting dinner started. ELSEWHERE Faruk and Renee were being driven back home and while in the car, a conversation rose between them. Renee: what is really going on between you and Rahim, you told me you were friends. Faruk: yes we are friends and we have been for a while. Renee: that was not what it seemed like minutes ago when he gave you a blow or when you pointed your gun at him. Faruk: listen Renee, whatever happened between me and Rahim should not worry you. Like I said we have some unsettled stuff that is bringing all the bad blood between us but we will work it out on our own terms.. Renee: you know the police will come investigating my mother's death right? Faruk: just say you were out and when you came back she was lying on the floor unconscious. Renee looked at Faruk but didn't say another word to him. she didn't fully trust that he had nothing to do with that. I had changed into a short and a t-shirt before joining waridi in the living room. Me: you're good? Waridi: yeah thanks. Me: would you like to join me in the kitchen or you are comfortable there? Waridi: I will join you but sit there and watch you cook... She took her glass of wine and came with me to the kitchen. Waridi: what are we having for dinner? Me: there's chicken, there's fish, beef whatever you want. Waridi: we can do fish then. i love fish Me: fish it is. I set all the ingredients needed for the fish on the counter as I washed the tomatoes and onions while she sat on the other end of the counter sipping her wine. Me: why aren't you working today, you've got an off day? Waridi: no. I reported in sick. Me: are you sick? Waridi: no. I just needed the evening away from the club. It's crazy over there at times one just needs to rest.. I cut the onions which made me so teary by the way, then cut the tomatoes, coriander leaves and bell pepper before I started the cooking. i learned from my mum to always prepare everything before i started cooking. Me: do you like it wet or with a little stew? Waridi: just surprise me. today I'm doing it your way.. I smiled then got back to work. Me: can we continue the story of your life from where we left it last time, but only if you are okay talking about it. Waridi: sure, I don't mind talking to you about you as long as it won't distract you. Me: I can multitask. Waridi: the first guy I have heard say that but it's okay. So..... When I got to the woman's place, she ushered me in and took the paper bag I was carrying then asked me to hit the shower before touching anything inside her house. Me: are you kidding me? Waridi: no am not. I took the shower and changed into another set of clothes that the kind lady had given me since I had nothing of my own. The house was so clean and so beautiful. The interior was done perfectly and I thought for a moment I would like to live in such a house someday not as a house help but as the owner. The lady gave me an orientation, showed me everything I needed to know then told me about her crazy work schedule. She had a one year old little girl but her husband worked out of the country and came back from time to time. From the way she was talking to me, I knew the woman was trouble but I could endure all that just as long as I had a roof over my head and something for my stomach. I was still in pain physically and emotionally as I had just lost my baby whom I had intended to love despite it being result of a r**e case. The lady left the house at 5:30 am for the office so that meant I had to wake up at 4:00 am and prepare here breakfast. After that I would work on cleaning the house, washing and preparing the baby's food before she woke up. The days went by and I eventually settled in. I got used to the shouting most of the time but I did my work perfectly. The woman was called Pam and her little daughter Aliana. Aliana and I bonded within a short time as I have never had a problem with babies. When I got my first salary, I asked for an off one Sunday afternoon to go shop for some clothes and do a little shopping for some of the things I needed that she wouldn't give and her husband having come back and they needed some family time so she agreed. Me: taste for the salt. I can't tell if it's enough because I eat alot of salt. She did and assured me it was okay then got back to her story as I leaned on the counter and listened. I got decent but very nice clothes and with time, I started doing my makeup just like I used to before. Pam had very classy friends and I felt the need to present myself well before them and they liked the fact that I was clean and some even remarked how beautiful I was and that got Pam a bit jealous. My intention was not to outshine her in her own house but I had a certain standard of life before I went working for her and I wanted to maintain it. A lot of people tend to see house helps as people who should look like someone who was just picked off the street but I was different. Three months down the line Pam and I started having issues especially when her husband stayed a bit longer. Most of the times he would have alot to do in Nairobi so the traveling was reduced. Pam felt threatened with her husband around and most of the time she would keep a close eye on me and him as well. She started going to work a bit late just to make sure she left with her husband and in the evening they would come back together. After finishing my chores, I stayed locked up in my room with Aliana and the only time I would see her husband is when he came to the kitchen to get something and the only thing we said to each other was hello. Pam's husband was very disciplined and not once did he show a sign of misbehaviour, at times he would get home earlier than Pam but after saying hi he would take Aliana and spend time with her in the living room as I did my duties. One night Pam and her husband came home late at around 2am in the morning. They were drunk and after opening the door for them I rushed back to my room and before I settled in bed there was a fight. Me: what were they fighting about? Waridi: me.The woman claimed that the husband and I were having a thing and that's why he used to come home earlier than usual. She told him nasty stuff and it got to a point that the man couldn't take it anymore so he hit her and she rolled down the stairs. I was listening from my room but couldn't do anything. I did not want to get in the middle of it. The following morning I went to the guest room to see if Pam needed anything. she tried to hide her face from me because she had a black eye from the beating she had gotten the previous night. her face had been swollen from what I assumed was from crying overnight. she seemed to be in so much pain and when I asked how I could be of help to her, she started insulting me telling me stuff like she had given me a good life but I was paying her back by sleeping with her husband and that is the reason why he had no interest in her anymore. i was shocked beyond words. i didn't understand why she was saying all that yet she never caught us in any compromising situation.. She asked me to pack my stuff then tell her husband to give me money for the day's I had worked but I couldn't. She was the one who employed me so if I was to get money from anyone it had to be her. I left the guest room, went to mine, showered dressed up and went collecting my money on my way out with no regrets for I knew deep inside I was not guilty of what I was being accused of. Pam's husband had left just a few minutes a head of me so I took my money and left. I got a motorbike by the gate and even though I didn't know where I was going, it was a relief to leave her house. We rode for a while then Pam's husband flagged down the bike guy and he stopped. Apparently he had been waiting for me to drop me off wherever I was going, I'm not sure how he knew i was going to leave but he had been waiting the entire time. Having been so angry at all the stuff the woman accused me of, I got off the bike and got in the car with her husband and to cut the long story short, that was the first time I slept with a married man not for money or anything but for revenge. The guy rented me a bed sitter and took care of my upkeep without the woman's knowledge. I knew I was doing something wrong but the guy liked me and I took advantage of that. I needed to find a way to survive and I felt like Pam's husband was God sent and somehow he was the ticket i needed to accomplish one or two things. Our food was ready so she helped me carry the food to the table, set it up and just as we were about sit and have dinner, there was a loud knock on the door and we were left staring at each other for I was not expecting anyone and no one except waridi knew where I lived......
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