Algus - In the Beginning

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Chapter 1 Three girls all in white were giggling at the edge of the forest, close to the Golden Sea. They were drinking nectar from the blooming flowers near the Silver Rock. It was no ordinary nectar. It is the nectar that is the source of the immortality of the beings living in Omnia. Omnia is a land between the bottom of the sea and the Edge of the Earth. Before the God of the Earth created humans, Omnia was part of the World New. They can travel back and forth from the Mundane World to the Edge of the Earth without having to pay for the consequences. But then God created Man and the world was changed. Magical beings whom humans sought after for power, magic, treasures, and immortality were hunted. They left no respect for magic and wanted to extract it from the maiden Vit and Mulier of the Earth. Humans began to hunt down elves, dwarves, fairies, trolls and magical creatures to extract their magic. Ears of elves were torn by pirates, cooked like stew, and were drunk like elixirs. Trolls were killed and their bones were turned into magical totems. Dwarves were enslaved to mine gold and diamonds for Kings and Queens. Fairies were taken as concubines and other magical creatures were imprisoned, treated as pets, like animals. King Adamaris feared for the lives of these magical beings. Together with the Queen of Omnia, Queen Belvedere, they created a magical enchantment that hid Omnia from the mundane world. All the magical beings on Earth traveled and sought sanctuary in Omnia. As the last of the magical beings entered the kingdom, King Adamaris and Queen Belvedere held hands and chanted. “Fiat magicae celatur ex monstris Terra” “Fiat magicae celatur ex monstris Terra” “Fiat magicae celatur ex monstris Terra” The King and Queen created a massive force field, a magical dome that separated Omnia from the Mundane World. As the dome quickly grew, enclosing and completely hiding Omnia from the Human World, the gates that protected Omnia from the monsters of the Old World broke, releasing several monsters to the land. The King and Queen had to continue their magic chant to completely protect Omnia. They were left defenseless against the monsters. The magical beings that sought sanctuary to Omnia gathered to help the King and Queen protect the land. It was the land of everything and it was their only hope for survival. The magical beings working together managed to draw the monsters back to their prison cells. They were put into a magical sleep by the fairies. The dwarves sacrificed their enchanted gold to cast a protective shield on the gates that kept the monsters away from Omnia. The battle was written down in the history of Omnia as the Battle of Magia. With the help of the magical beings, King Adamaris and Queen Belvedere completed the magical dome. Omnia was finally separated from Earth. Only those with great magic and power can open the gates to get out and enter the Mundane World. As thousands and thousands of magical beings gathered inside Omnia, the King and Queen decided to divide their lands and give them to the different magical beings gathered there. The forest was given to the Fairies. They promised to give the gift of life. They planted the seed of the Immortalitatis near the Golden Sea and the Silver Rock. It will bloom and provide life and magic to all the beings living in Omnia. To keep their immortality, each magical being should drink the elixir from the Immortalitatis once every decade. This allows them to age, one year after every 10 years in a human’s life. The mines were given to the Dwarves. They promised to give gold and other treasures to the King and Queen, once a year, to be melted and drizzled on the Immortalitatis to maintain and protect its powers. The Trolls were given the mountains. They served as the guards to the gates of the Te Deum Terram, the land of Monsters. The Elves and the other magical beings lived close to the mainlands. However, despite the territories, each magical being is allowed to visit the different lands that were given to the larger magical families. They were free to come and go, only with the promise of respecting the people and the gifts of nature that were present in each area. It has been two thousand years since the Battle of Magia. Omnia remained to be a peaceful home for all the magical beings on Earth. They remained hidden, far from the dangers of mankind. However, as the Mundane world began to forget about these magical beings, some of the people in Omnia desired to go back on Earth to experience the life that they had before. They wanted to gather the remains of their Elders, pay respect to their tombs and visit the lands that were once their home. King Adamaris and Queen Belvedere allowed this, but with certain limitations. Opening the gates required immense power. And with that power comes the threat of releasing the monsters in Te Deum Terram once again. Humans were not a threat to magical beings anymore. No one remembers them, except for the stories that were told from one generation to the next. As humanity entered the modern world, they forgot about magic and treated magical beings as stories for entertainment, fiction, and no close to being true. Of course, they were wrong. Neonella, Olethea, and Milos were three daughters of the Elvin clan. They grew up together. They were already 80 years old in human age but were just young children in Omnia. Neonella and Milos grew up as rivals. Milos always wanted to have what Neonella has. Milos belonged to a lower class of the  Elvin clans in Omnia. Her father Cassius was a blacksmith and her mother Estelle took care of their home and family. Neonella was among the royal Elvin clans. Her mother Plena was the first cousin of the Queen while his father Kato was commander of the Elvin army. However, they became friends because of Olethea. She had the natural power of calming anyone near her. Although Milos always had issues with Neonella, being close to Olethea somehow diminished all her ill feelings towards her, making them friends. The three Elvin daughters also shared a birthday. They were all born during the Green Moon, an event that only happens once every century. Every year or 10 years in human life their parents would bring them to the tree of Immortalitatis where they drink the elixir of life. This is where they saw each other. As they grow, they begin to become friends. This year, on their 8th birthday was the very first time that their parents allowed them to go to the sacred tree on their own. They went together and enjoyed a cup of elixir that dripped from the leaves of the Immortalitatis. “Now that I am older, I would like to go on adventures like my brother,” Neonella said to the two. His brother was a part of the Elvin army and would visit different lands in Omnia to bring gifts to the magical beings that were protected under the power of King Adamaris and Queen Belvedere. “I know something better than visiting the magical lands,” Olethea replied. “Visiting the Mundane world,” she whispered. “But we are not supposed to go there, it isn’t safe.’ Neonella disagreed. She was already done with her cup and was brushing her dark green hair with her hands. “No, it's safe there,” Milos blurted out. “Father’s Grandfather went to the Mundane world 5 years ago. The humans have already forgotten about us. They only remember us in fantasy stories. They do not know anything about our existence.” She narrated. “But how could they forget about us? We were once a powerful clan that walked the Earth.” Noenella said. “Well, I guess time helped did cause them to forget,” Olethea said. “But yes I would like to see what the Mundane world looks like.” She said with dreamy eyes. Her ears were less pointed than that of Milos and Neonella and her hair was dark brown. Milos had white hair, just like her Mother. “I have seen the mundane world, it is just the same as ours. There are plenty of scrolls in the castle library. I can get one for you two to see.” Neonella suggested. She was not very fond of the idea of visiting the Mundane world. “You are just afraid,” Milos told Neonella. “I am because it is against the rules,” Neonella tried to keep her calm. She is used to the fact that Milos always contradicts her ideas, almost everything she says and does. “Enough of that you two,” Olethea told them. “It is our birthday so no arguing please.” She took one of each of Neonella and Milos’ hands and held them together. “Let’s just enjoy the day.” She added. Both Milos and Neonella sighed but smiled at Olethea. “So are you ready to take a peek inside the mundane world?” Olethea asked the two. Neonella and Milos looked at each other. Then they looked at Olethea. “Are you sure?” They asked Olethea in unison. “Yes. If our powers are not enough to open the gate, then we go back and do something else in town.” She said. “But if we manage to open the gate and enter the mundane world, we can all get a nice souvenir for our birthdays,” She said. Neonella thought hard. It was their birthday after all. And if they fail to open the gate, which seems to be a fact given their age and lack of experience, Olethea would give up with the idea of visiting the mundane world. “Ok then, I agree,” Milos said while Neonella was still weighing her decision. “It’s two against one Neonella,” Olethea told her. “We go and try to enter the mundane world today.” “Ok then.” Neonella had no choice. The three girls went to the door of the Edge of the Earth. It was a golden door, decorated with diamond forged in the mixture of the blood of the magic people. It was 12 feet wide and 30 feet tall. The three of them held hands and stood by the door. “What now?” Neonella asked. “Now we chant,” Olethea answered. “Chant what? Do any of you know the words?” Milos asked. “Neonella does,” Olethea announced. “Why me?” Neonella asked. “Please don’t deny it Neo,” Olethea smiled at her. “We all know how much time you spend inside the castle library. You know the chant. I am sure of it.” She paused. “I swear it by my life that you know the chant. “Don’t go swearing your life over a chant,” Neonella told Olethea. “Will asking nicely work?” Milos said. “Of course it will,” Neonella answered back. “Ok then, repeat after me.” “Quam fortiter patens clausus magicis” “Quam fortiter patens clausus magicis” Milos repeated “Quam fortiter patens...what magicis” Olethea asked? “Quam fortiter patens clausus magicis” Neonella repeated. “Quam fortiter patens clausus magicis” They said in unison. “Ok then, what’s next?” Milos said. “We need to offer blood and repeat the chant up until the door opens,” Neonella said. “How much blood,” Milos took a knife out of her small leather pouch. “Milos, why do you carry around a knife?” Neonella asked, surprised. “I took it from Father’s shop. I’ll return it later.” She replied. “So how much blood do we need?” Olethea asked. “Just a drop of our blood,” Neonella said. “We need to offer the blood to the door.” She added. “Ok then, here’s mine.” Milos touched the tip of the blade of the knife with her fingers. When the blood came out, she placed it by the door. She handed out the knife to Olethea who did the same. “It’s your turn,” Olethea told Neonella. She took a knife and pricked her finger. Her heart pounded as she held her bleeding finger to the door. “What now?” Olethea asked. “Now we hold hands and chant. We direct our powers to the door to open it. We need to completely open it to be able to push through. She said. “Remember, when the Earth begins the shake, it means that the door is opening for us.” She told the girls. “But if we start to feel being drained of our powers, we stop.” She warned them. The three girls looked at each other. They reached out for each other’s hands and formed a circle. They began chanting. “Quam fortiter patens clausus magicis” “Quam fortiter patens clausus magicis” “Quam fortiter patens clausus magicis” “Quam fortiter patens clausus magicis” “Quam fortiter patens clausus magicis” “Quam fortiter patens clausus magicis” The ground beneath them began to shake. They started to panic but Neonella looked at them, encouraging them to continue. The Golden Door began to open. Milos was starting to look pale, weakened by the enchantment. Neonella saw this, closed her eyes, and focused. She continued chanting. After a few seconds, the Golden Door was finally wide open. The three had to catch each other’s breath, tired and exhausted with the ordeal. After a few moments, they suddenly realized the fact that they managed to open the door. “What now?” Neonella asked the two. Olethea took their hands and pulled them to enter the door.
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