C005 Robyn Hode Becomes A Gold Digger ?!?

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A total of 8 armour and 9 weapons of Unknown and Enchanted Class Types and Level were created by the Fusion Chamber and only someone with the skill of IDENTIFY would be able to access these newly fused items. The best person would be me. I soon logged off and went back to the real world and had those newly fused items inside my storage bag. I excused myself from the guys and went to Scarthingwell and met a Peddler to get a tome on IDENTIFY. Words of praises and compliments soon reached me as soon as they recognised the coat of arms badge that was pinned on my studded leather body armour. I sat at the tavern and were served a cold mug of ginger ale, compliments of Scarthingwell village. I sat down, read and learned IDENTIFY from the tome I had just bought. I drank up the ale, thanked the tavern manager and went back to Camp Salvation. "Sorry guys, I was fusing these Orc weapons and armour and cane up with UNKNOWN and ENCHANTED so I had to get a tome to learn IDENTIFY to see what's all these meant." "It's alright, silly boy. We understand with the amount of armour and weapons, you would be busy these 3 days. Furthermore, its lull period now and left only to grind, gain experience, mine and sell those stuff to the NPC." "Yes, Boss...we had eliminated the thorn at the sides of Barkston Ash and Scarthingwell so it seems we had nothing much to do except those mentioned by Matilda." "Yes, Robyn, I agree with you since we would be bored to death if we don't find something else to do." "What if we all go to York after this? Matilda could meet her Granny, I could meet the Elder and you two could go shopping or do some sightseeing there. It's only 1 hour on Cruising Along from here." "At the meantime, let us plan a 3-day excursion for the guys, at least they won't feel bored staying around here and basically don the same things over and over again," I recommended and asked the guys for the opinion on what the 80 adventurers could go next. In the end, we allow the 80 adventurers to join other bands to gain experience in small party raids and so on. By not disbanding with us, they still could achieve experience points when they joined other bands as long as they don't end up as a casualty. Surely there are some small party raids our adventurers would be able to fit in or they themselves could form their own party raids without us. As usual, all 80 adventurers were told to HIDE their stats whilst in the city, revealing their names and class and without revealing anything else. They understood and all went off for their little adventures in Leeds and were told to return after 3 days. Atop of that, each adventurer received 5 gold coins as a reward and compensation for them for these lull period of 5 days and they were more than delighted to receive such rewards from us. Of course, those 400 gold coons came out from my own pocket. Huu Huu Hu. Will.I.Am, Alleicea and Aventina stayed back to tend to the fruit and vegetable gardens as well as pack the camp tidy. They asked permission to leave camp and head to either Barkston Ash or Scarthingwell to do some sightseeing as the villages are revelling for the first time in the months of the demons attack. They bade us adieu as we pack our things on the way back to York where Matilda's Granny was staying. "Robyn, what did you find out about the Orcs weapons and armour that you had fused together?" asked Stef as she was curious what's being hidden with those Orc weapons and armour. "I had identified all the weapons and armour and what came back was 'ORC CLASS 3'. Nothing more was revealed and that's it. Furthermore, it is labelled as ENCHANTED and it would either GOOD or BAD and the wielder would DEAL the enemies with it, or the enemies would be AFFECTED by it." "In that's the case, might as well you expunge all of them since we have no intention of it Robyn. It would be bound by the user or it would simply have a reverse effect on the wielder. We have no use of those and if you would like to fuse them for levelling, then it is up to you but to us, its scrap, Robyn." "Yeah Boss, when I heard its enchanted, I don't think I would have a part with it. Furthermore, if it attaches to us, there is no way for us to discard it unless an Orc is able to take it off from us." "Silly boy, don't do silly things to silly other silly people. Performing silly things would give rise to silly unfavourable consequences to make those people sillier. Might as well, silly boy, get rid of that silly stuff before I wallop you silly. Hii Hii Hii..." =*= "Lieutenant, who had just entered in town? They looked pretty ordinary, don't they? Attempt to find out if they are in a band or something since they all wore the identical studded leather armour and bears a similar coat of arms which I had not recognized before." the leader of the Flaming Arrows was eyeing the group of adventurers that had just reached the city gates. "Aye Boss, let me compile some information from them. The only visible thing was their Names and Class and there seemed to be no other information that we could scoop from. They looked pretty mysterious." answered the lieutenant as he approaches the group of I'm coming adventurers that were heading towards the merchant's district. .... "Excuse me, adventurers, I am the lieutenant from the Flaming Arrows and would like to understand if you'd like to have some tea with us. You looked like you are relatively battle-hardened despite the battle gear that you were donning right now." the lieutenant glances each of the incoming adventurers and finds that there are more than 50 of them since they were wearing the same type of gear. "Oh...hello there. I'm one of the sergeants in my Class. Sure, we could have some tea with you. We are on RnR right now since we had just accomplished the 'War of The Scorching Lands'." acknowledged a young Barbarian as he scanned his eyes to look at his surroundings, assuring that the situation is safe. "Would you like to discuss with the rest of the Sergeants of our band to invite for tea? It wouldn't look good if you were to invite just us, right?" the young archer announced as he spreads his hands towards the rest of the 79 adventurers behind him. "Oh...please, do invite the rest of the sergeants. How many of you and the total number of Classes?" questioned the lieutenant of the Flaming Arrows. "There are 8 of us, and in every 8 classes, there are 10 adventurers each. We have the Amazonian Fighters, Barbarians, Necromancers, Swordsmen, Mages, Assassins, Druids and Archers." "Wow...you had quite a combo of ranged and melee combatants. It would be favourable if you could party one day with us. Alright, come this way, please..." the young lieutenant gestures with his open arms and lead the way for the 8 sergeants to follow him. "Hello...My name is Hugo and I am the leader for the Flaming Arrows, and I can't help to discover the attire that you wore that is almost indistinguishable to one of my friends before. I have not noticed that coat of arms before, what the motto underneath it?" inquired the leader of the Flaming Arrows. "Ah... it is Ready To Strike', just like us, kind Boss, Hugo Boss...hahahahaha..." chuckled the Sergeant Assassin from beneath his black coloured face mask that left only his eyes visible. If this Assassin was lurking in the shadows, only his white eyeballs would be visible. Hahahahaha. "Come and sit down, there are some questions that I need to ask. Firstly your demeanour, it is very mysterious since only your Name and Class is visible. Secondly, your battle gear. They all looked identical across the board." "Studded Leather Armor, 8 pieces of it. Common Armor, Light Class Level 4 or 5. The highest class in the most common armour around. Thirdly, you all have identical accessories as I do have right now." "Just give an account of to me which Band are you from, young adventurers. It costs a lot of gold coins just to have these stackable accessories and even your coat of arms have glittering diamonds on it. Confide with me, who is your leader." "Umphathi wethu nguRobyn futhi thina siyi-The Band of Vagabonds futhi siyaziqhenya ngokuholwa nguye." replied the Amazonian Fighter nonchalantly as she stood up and towered among the rest of adventurers and made everyone wondered WHAT THE HELL IS SHE TALKING ABOUT... "Yes, sir, Sir Robyn is our leader of The Band of Vagabonds, " replied a Necromancer who only caught the phrases that he is familiar with as the Amazonian Fighter spouted nonsense as her reply. "Robyn from The Vagabonds?!?! I thought he was done with adventuring and has gone into trading?!? And now he has a Band of Warriors under his charge?!?!" asked the leader of the Flaming Arrows in bewilderment. "No, sir, not the Band of Warriors, but The Band of Vagabonds. We do not belong to any clan but we are those unwanted adventurers whom nobody would take a second look. Yes, we may be wearing the highest level of armour in the lowest class and even wield the commonest weapons that you may see in your life that no one wanted, but we are the one that came out victories in 'The Battle of Vrod' and 'War of The Scorching Lands'." "We had emerged as victors and importantly, Sir Robyn lead us together in the frontline and never had lost a man in those 2 major battles." a young Druid answered and explained the most important battles that they had gone through. "Sir Robyn had told us many times before our battles, even on dry runs, 'Entering a battle is not to have a show of strength or compete who is the strongest, its the leadership and the union of everyone's effort and not based on numbers but the unity of one heart.' " said the Necromancer sergeant. "Sir Robyn also mentioned, 'A battle makes us stronger, makes us understands who we are and also understands one another.' " quipped another Mage sergeant. "USir Robyn uthe Uma ungakuqondi engikushilo vele vele ubambe umgodi bese Ulala ngaphakathi." said the Amazonian Fighter as she nodded her head towards everyone. "Sir Robyn also said to us 'In order to achieve success in battle, we always take care of our comrades and never leave anyone behind.' " added the sergeant swordsman. "Sir Robyn also advised us, 'If you are not sure of anything, ask...don't assume and keep quiet and make an ass out of u and me (assUme).'" added the sergeant Archer. "One last thing, Sir Robyn always said, 'Flush the toilet after use and put the lid down.' " added the sergeant Barbarian because not doing so seems barbaric and unethical. "Ah yeah, Sir Robyn always say to us, 'Please put your tray back and your seat upright and buckle your seatbelt. Our captain and co-pilot would begin the descent shortly after this message...*ting tong*..." said the Assassin on the closing speech. "Hahahahaha...Robyn the Firestarter is sure full of motivational speeches to make and what is he doing right now?" "Ah, he gave some gold coins as compensation for this few days of just do some sightseeing since he went to York with the rest of the captains to visit someone there." "Wow...he is that generous eh...how much did he give you all?" "5 gold coins, sir..." "Come and join my party and I would give you 10 gold coins...Hahahaha. For just 8 of you, 40 gold coins are nothing to us...." "Not just the 8 of us, sir. It's 80 of us and that makes it 400 gold coins and he never even batted an eyelid as he transferred them through our links." "400 GOLD COINS??? Just like that??? Is he a gold digger or what???"
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