Chapter 214

2504 Words

SCENE III. London. The palaceEnter three or four PETITIONERS, PETER, the Armourer's man, being one FIRST PETITIONER. My masters, let's stand close; my Lord Protector will come this way by and by, and then we may deliver our supplications in the quill. SECOND PETITIONER. Marry, the Lord protect him, for he's a good man, Jesu bless him! Enter SUFFOLK and QUEEN FIRST PETITIONER. Here 'a comes, methinks, and the Queen with him. I'll be the first, sure. SECOND PETITIONER. Come back, fool; this is the Duke of Suffolk and not my Lord Protector. SUFFOLK. How now, fellow! Wouldst anything with me? FIRST PETITIONER. I pray, my lord, pardon me; I took ye for my Lord Protector. QUEEN. [Reads] 'To my Lord Protector!' Are your supplications to his lordship? Let me see them. What is thine?

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