Was This After Coital Endeavours Or Before?

1927 Words

I had so many mixed emotions going on inside of me, on one hand I was so happy to see our mom again. She was safe, still the Luna of the pack, still the strong, amazing woman she always was, but part of me felt sad that she would soon realise we only returned out of necessity and not to see her. I know she will be crushed and probably hurt, that we would never have come back here unless we needed help and protection for Rose.   As Zac and I followed our mom, who had Rose walking obediently by her side, I felt nauseous at what might happen if we couldn’t get Rose to shift back. There had been a few cases where wolves had taken over completely and stopped the shift, in those cases the wolf had disappeared into the wild as rogues and for the few that had managed to shift back, their wolves

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