I Like My Eggs With A Side of Redhead

2668 Words

As soon as Rose left the room I turned to Zac. “That is no ordinary pendant, when I touched it there was a weird sensation”.   Zac walked back over with the trash bag full of glass and my ex. “It is weird that she got it from a priest, do you think he’s legit?”   I considered his question. “If the pendant is some form of protection for Rose, maybe that’s why the vampires can’t get to her. It could be possible this priest is more useful than we think. It certainly is a bit unorthodox for a priest to provide a protection charm to someone against vampires though. Think we need to meet him to know for sure what his intentions are”. I filled my cup from the pot and took another long sip. Coffee was hitting the spot right now.   Zac filled his mug too and sat down in the seat where Rose h

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