I Was His Pet

1956 Words
Rose I looked at both brothers, awaiting their reaction. Dylan looked stunned and slightly disappointed. The other brother, who I could only assume was Zac, looked pissed. You could tell in an instant that they were brothers, the similarities were obvious. Both were well over six feet tall, both were ripped with muscles, both had dark hair and jawlines that could cut diamonds. As much as they both looked like they belonged on the cover of GQ Magazine, they had different styles. Dylan had that ‘I just rolled out of bed looking this sexy’ look working in his favour. His hair was slightly longer on top than his brother’s and when he ran his hand through it, it seemed to sit perfectly in place. Zac had shorter hair; I could tell by looking at him that he preferred to be more groomed in his appearance. Either way, both were insanely hot, but I tried not to focus on that part, knowing that I was about to face an inquisition after my declaration. Zac was the first to respond. “Wait a god damn minute lady, so you have put my brother…and now me….in mortal danger over a f*****g lover’s tiff?” Zac was storming towards me like he was about to strangle me. Dylan jumped ion front of him, to keep him from getting too close to me. “Hold on Zac, don’t get mad till we know the full story”. Zac just glared at me over his brother’s shoulder. “We don’t need the full story. She can get out and go into hiding away from her blood thirsty ex, we aren’t getting involved”. Dylan sighed before saying in a calm voice. “Too late, we are already involved,” he looked round at me, “Rose, tell us the truth. We need to know every detail if you want our help. If you were this vamp’s lover, why is he trying to have you kidnapped and brought back to him? And why not just come get you himself?” Zac snorted. “I would not believe a word that comes out her mouth Dylan, she waited till now to tell us that this vampire is her lover”. He angrily spun away from Dylan and marched over to where he sat back down at the counter. “So, talk, let’s hear your lies”. He raised an eyebrow and folded his arms across his broad chest. Dylan turned to me and rested his hands on my shoulders, “Rose, I need you to tell us why Marco is trying to have you kidnapped? We need the truth, if you keep things from us, it could cause harm to you or us. Why are you so scared of him if you and he were lovers at one point?” I looked down at the ground, mostly because I was ashamed about what I was about to confess. There was no getting round it though, I had to tell them the truth, even though it hurt to even recall the situation I had found myself in. Shivers went up my spine at the mere thought of having to talk about Marco. I looked up into Dylan’s eyes. He was staring at me so intently, just waiting for my response. I nodded. “I will tell you everything, it really isn’t what you think”. Fear suddenly gripped me; my legs buckled slightly as Dylan tried to steady me. I really hadn’t expected to have to talk about my past, I knew it would always haunt me, but talking about it meant reliving it. There was also the problem of me not even knowing my own name, a fact I was not ready to share with the brothers yet. “I’m okay,” I whispered to Dylan. Dylan stepped aside to let me sit down on the black leather sofa. “Okay, let’s hear it. Do not leave anything out Rose. We can only help if you are honest with us”. From behind Dylan, I could hear Zac snort as if he was not in agreement about helping me, which clearly, he wasn’t. I sat down on the sofa and knitted my fingers together, preparing myself for what I was about to say. “I wasn’t his lover by choice, it was a means to an end. It was my only way to escape him”. Dylan was now sitting on the chair across from me. “What do you mean? A means to an end?” I took a deep breath before continuing. “I was his…pet…. his prisoner. I wore a collar and was chained to his bed, his wrist, the leg of his chair. Anywhere he was, I was always tethered to him, always by his side. He...…”. I struggled to put it into words, it was a part of my life I tried to forget. Which was ironic as I could not recall any other part of my life. It was all a blank canvas, my only memories are pain, blood and torture. Zac sat forward on his stool now, as if I had suddenly got his attention. “He did what? Feed on you?” I nodded, knitting my fingers together so tightly that the tips were turning white. “Yes, amongst other things.' Dylan and Zac both looked at each other, a knowing look passed between them. I looked up at Dylan’s face, it was creased both with concern and sympathy. “That was my only purpose, to be his s*x slave and constant food supply. I fought him every time, but it was no use. I eventually became so weak and dejected that I willingly gave myself to him. Surrendering to my fate. That was when things changed”. Dylan came over to kneel in front of me, he reached for my hand, the quick movement making me flinch at first, then I relaxed and let him hold it. “Rose, I know how hard this must be. What you went through sounds terrifying. We need to know what changed and why he would hire us to bring you back?” “After I stopped fighting him, he became less stringent with my confinement. To the point where he even trusted me not to be tethered to him anymore. I got my own room, he would come to me periodically or have me brought to him, but I was no longer chained up. I realised I had an opportunity, as weak and emotionally and physically drained as I was, I decided I could use this to my advantage. Then one evening there was loud alarms going off, I could hear a commotion going on outside. There was some sort of attack or a fight, I was not sure which. I opened my room door and started running through the endless maze of corridors, desperately searching for an exit. Then I found one. It was a large metal door that I kicked hard as I approached it. Under any normal circumstances an alarm would probably have sounded, but the alarms were already going off. I was only wearing a tiny negligée; it was a cold night, but I did not care. I kept running, so fast and so hard that my feet were bleeding. When I finally stopped to catch my breath, I was standing outside a grocery store. I wanted to go in and ask them to call the police, but then I thought they would consider me insane if I told them I had been a vampire’s prisoner for months”. When I looked up again, both Dylan and Zac were silently looking at me, neither of them speaking, it was unnerving to say the least. Finally, Zac spoke. “So, then what happened?” “I ended up going into the store. The woman was very kind to me. She gave me a coat and a scarf and called the local women’s shelter. She must have saw the scars and bruises on my body and assumed I had escaped a violent relationship. I did not tell her otherwise. She paid a cab for me to be dropped at the shelter and they helped me get back on my feet. I stayed there for three weeks, luckily no one asked me any questions, they just supported me and helped me find a job. And that’s the truth”. I looked over at Zac now, he had lost some of the anger that had previously been evident on his face. “I did not choose to be Marco’s lover, nor did I choose to end up here with you two reliving the nightmare all over again, but here we are”. Dylan let go of my hand and stood up, rubbing the back of his neck. “I believe you Rose, but what I can’t get my head around is why he hired us? Why didn’t he come for you himself? He obviously knew where you worked and I am assuming he kidnapped you before, I mean how did he imprison you in the first place?” I shook my head, swallowing the sobs that were desperate to come out. How could I tell them that I had barely any recollection of how I came to be a prisoner of Marco’s or that I did not even remember my own name. “That much is hazy, I think he kidnapped me, I am not entirely sure. Maybe I have blocked it out for a reason. You know like compartmentalising all the bad stuff?” I shrugged, I hoped they did not push me further, because I knew they would think I was deliberately hiding stuff from them, which I kind of was. Zac shook his head. “Not buying it. If that were the case, you would surely not remember all the horrific stuff that bloodsucking douchebag had done to you. There’s more Rose, why did Marco have you in the first place and why did he hire us?” “I swear I don’t know.” That much was true. “I am wondering if I was drugged with something, that is the only explanation I can find. As for why he did not come for me himself, I overheard him talking about a rival gang, they were enemies. Maybe that is why he didn’t want to leave his compound? He rarely left; I can only assume he has a target on him. That’s all I know”. I turned and looked up at Dylan who was still standing. “I am telling you the truth, you believe me, don’t you?” Dylan sighed and sat down on the sofa next to me. He took my hand again, this time I didn’t flinch. I even found it kind of…. comforting. “I do, I am just trying to figure out our next move here. Is there anything else, no matter how small, that you can remember?” I looked away from Dylan and tried hard to think about something else that may be useful. My thoughts were interrupted by a message alert from someone’s phone. It was Zac’s, He pulled it from his jacket pocket and frowned when he looked at the screen. Dylan looked over at him. “Problem?” Zac’s gaze fell on me then to his brother. “You could say that. Look for yourselves”. He walked over and held the screen in front of me and Dylan’s face. There was a text message on the screen. I want what’s mine. You’re both dead men walking
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