You Are My Addiction

2282 Words

Rose   I stood frozen to the spot, seeing Marco for the first time since my escape was bringing all the horrible memories to the surface. He had been my captor; I was his prisoner…but somewhere in between we had become lovers. As much as I hated it, he caused a tidal wave of feelings to come crashing down on me like a concrete block. I loathed him, feared him, despised him with every fibre of my being, yet he still had some sort of hold over me that I could not comprehend. Right now, all I felt was terror. Not for myself, but for Dylan and Zac. I knew Marco was going to kill them and I could never live with myself if either of them got hurt or worse. I lay my hand on the bottom of Dylan and Zac’s back, it grounded me like nothing else ever had. It also gave me the courage to do what I wa

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