My Sweet Red, I have Missed You

2637 Words

Well, this was an unexpected development, I felt like we were stuck in a Quentin Tarantino movie. Dylan had just been round housed in the face by a nun, he was now trying to wrestle a switchblade from her grasp. I had my own problems, one of the nuns had just punched me in the f*****g throat and was about to zap me with a taser gun. Worst nuns ever!   I was trying to regain the upper hand, but this crazy nun was quicker than a ferret up a waste pipe. She elbowed my ribs then kneed me in the groin. I went down like a house of cards. She leapt on top of me, I saw the sparks coming from the taser as it got closer to my face. The nun stopped and looked up, when I followed her line of sight, I saw Rose. She had gripped the nun’s wrist that was holding the taser. Judging by the sound of crack

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