Chapter 2

875 Words
Together Bree and I get out of the taxi we called ourselves. I pay the driver and then look at the building in front of me. This is a bar with a green blinking neon sign labeled 'Club Fifteen' hanging over the door. As I look at it, I feel my heart beat faster. The day before yesterday was my last working day is still difficult to realize. After all, this was my first job here, which I accepted when I moved to the City of Dreams, New York City. Here I met my first friends and also Bree, with whom I moved together only a little later. Saying goodbye to this place makes me sadder than expected. "Are you already becoming sentimental?" Bree asks with a grin, but I notice that she, too, finds it funny to not find me here uninterruptedly. I bite my lip lightly and then honestly nod: "It's a bit, that's always been our place." "And he will always be," she tries to tell me well. I nod, looking, that she is right. This place can continue to be our place where we meet. Even if I do not work here anymore. "Thanks," I reach for her hand and interlock my fingers with hers. "Always happy", together we make our way to the entrance and enter the building. Once inside I let my eyes wander around the room looking for Rick. However, this far and wide is not to find, so I an employee, with whom I had not much to do in the past, to me: "Sorry, can you tell me where the boss is?" "Rick is just behind," he points to a door behind the bar. "But he said you could sit down." The man points to the sitting area, which has meanwhile literally become our regular place. Thankfully nodding, I go with the blonde on the way to said seat. "The first round is on me," announces Bree as we have dropped across from each other on two of the three black leather sofas. "No, to me", a blond man stops in front of our table. "Rick," I smile happily, "That was fast." Although the somewhat old man is my former boss, but we have always understood each other well. He is just nice and you can not help but like him. "For you always," he winks, grinning, and then puts down a tray on the deep, white table. "Thank you," I reach for one of the two glasses and then lean back. "Have you heard of the others?" I sip my drink and after a few seconds I identify the red liquid as Cosmopolitan. "Noah has written that he's going to get in the car right now", he pauses for a moment before adding anything: "He asked if he could bring an old friend, she's only in town for two days." Before answering this question, I look over at Bree. She nods, but her eyes show me that she is not sure what to think about it. The ominous visit does not seem to be quite as scary. Does she see the acquaintance as competition? For me, that looks different. Because even though Bree and our other friends do not know, she likes Noah better than his normal friends. Bree, who does not have a good sense for it, does not seem to notice that. Undecided, I shrug my shoulders: "I do not really care, we're finally an open round." "Great," he pulls out his hand: "I write it to him best directly and someone should then bring more drink." The blonde leaves again, looking at his display. When he's gone, I lean back: "Are you sure that's okay with you?" "Yeah, she's just an old acquaintance", her answer sounds more like a question. "I think so too", I speak to her courage and then bring the glass to my lips again. To my surprise, the drink tastes really good. "Then I trust you," without hesitating, she takes several small sips, as if she assumes that the whole thing will not endure without a few thousandths. "He will only have eyes for you," my words blush. "Do you really think so?" She looks down at the bottom of her glass to avoid my gaze. "Which man can please keep his eyes off you," I smile honestly. In fact, Bree is beautiful. Unfortunately she is not sure about love since her previous friend cheated on her. This is already a year ago, but her pride is still scratched. Noah would never do that to her. I know him well enough for that. The boy studied with me and first came to our little group. "Did you plan to clarify it to you tonight?", I give her a dirty look. The romances of my best friend make me honest, that's a lot of fun. Especially if she's in love with a guy I already know well. "Of course not," she c****d her head and looked at me reproachfully. But she does not really convince me: "Then let's get started with him, he would not mind." She rolls her eyes: "You are really incorrigible." "I know," I give her a charming grin and get the same reaction from her.
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